Remember it in one second

There was the roar of helicopters overhead, - - - Unmarked helicopters flew over the rift, and they left with T-illian. It's over. Rita said softly, she jumped out of the carriage, leaned her sickle against the carriage, smiled and said softly to Tililith, Miss, it's hard work. Dirty Tililith lowered her head, Like a child who did something wrong, she threw herself into Rita's arms. Rita, Tililith said softly: Tilili. Can't let go. I don't know why, just can't let go. It's alright, miss, you did a good job. Rita patted Tililith's head gently and said, You have grown up, miss, I believe Mr. will be very pleased... Depressed Tilily Si didn't speak, just gently rubbed against Rita. Get up, miss. Rita said softly, We still have to go to Mr., after all, we've wasted so much time here. Yes, we have to go Looking for Xingxing. Hearing Rita's words, Tililith cheered up and said, she left Rita's embrace, turned to Erwin who was watching the play and said, Why am I driving again? Erwin's eyes widened and he said with displeased: I'm not a driver! And I'm very tired, okay? My neck is like this! Actually. I can also drive. - Leon next to him Start weakly. I'm afraid it won't work, Mr. Lyon... Rita said apologetically, My husband once urged Gan Wan not to let Mr. Lyon touch the direction, although I don't know why, but I think it's better to listen to what Mr. Okay... Leon leaned on the front of the car with some disappointment. Just when Tililith was about to carry the El** into the cab, the roar of the helicopter was heard again above the rift, and I saw a The huge transport plane hovered slowly in the rift - above the crowd, and then slowly descended with wind pressure. - Everyone immediately became vigilant, Leon raised the gun, and Tililith and Rita turned their heads and stared at them. The helicopter landed slowly, and Erwin got into the cab without saying a word. As the helicopter landed, everyone was extremely nervous. The next second, the helicopter door opened, and then, holding Kanan's Li Yexing jumped out of the helicopter. Thank you! Li Yexing shouted into the helicopter. Then, the helicopter slowly ascended and left. He turned his head, and looked at Li Yexing, who was holding Kanan. Everyone, Wei Wei - - startled: Why do you look at me like this? Sir! Rita said in surprise, she was about to step forward, but saw Tililith rushing over, and she was about to crash into Li Yexing. But as soon as he looked up, he saw Kanan in Li Yexing's arms. Tililith frowned, her face bulging like a balloon. Why is Yexing holding a strange woman? Tililith said angrily, reaching out to pull Kanan out of Li Yexing's arms, 'That's where Tililith is!

Isn't it? Li Yexing took a step back and said with a smile, seeing Li Yexing getting off the helicopter, Leon breathed a sigh of relief, and Erwin got out of the driver's seat again. Put Kanan in the back of the truck, Li Yexing got out of the car, then hugged Tililith, buried her face in Tililith's neck, and took a deep breath: Come on. Add a wave of wife energy. !Sigh-- Tililith is so fragrant! Let go of Tililith, Li Yexing looked at Ruo Tililith's silly smiling face, and then his expression gradually became serious: Why do you have a bruised nose? Which bastard beat you?

It's Ti Lilith's younger sister. Ti Lilith whispered. Your... sister? Where did you come from? Li Yexing was stunned for a moment, then said coldly: Black Umbrella has come?!. They have come, sir.. -Rita next to him With a smile, he bowed slightly and said, But they were all repelled by me and the lady. It's 9.. Li Yexing frowned, looking at the broken corpses in the uniforms of the black security forces in the distance, and then looked at the covered body The bullet-hole Rita finally looked at the tired Leon and the bruised Tililith, and he said with guilt: I'm sorry for making you and me suffer. It doesn't matter, sir, it's not hard at all, it's better to have fun. Rita whispered: On the other hand, sir, there are wounds all over the body and blood all over the face, it must be a very hard fight, right? This is really my dereliction of duty as a maid. After that, Rita raised the scythe with a smile and said, 'Is that the woman in the carriage did it? It doesn't matter, sir, Rita will cut her into the shape that she likes immediately. , Sir, how many pieces do you want to cut her into? How much is more appropriate to fry her?

Don't talk nonsense. With a wave to interrupt Rita's words, Li Yexing said: If it wasn't for that guy, I would have died a long time ago. I'm not an avenger. Wait! What do you mean?! Wen rudely interrupted Li Yexing and Rita's conversation and said: 'Isn't that your mission goal? You did her instead! How can you not kill if you don't kill?! Yo! Mr. Erwin! Li Yexing only noticed Erwin, he stepped forward and patted Erwin on the shoulder in surprise: You're not dead?! This is really good! You Erwin just wanted to have a seizure , but found that Li Yexing's expression was very sincere, he really didn't want to die by himself. Don't... don't get off the topic! Erwin said: The above is looking for you for your reputation. She has done it, how can she still eat this 0 in the future? Well. Li Yexing took two steps with a smile, so Erwin also followed him and turned around. Looking at Erwin's appearance, Li Yexing always felt inexplicable disobedience, so he walked back again, and Erwin also turned around and faced him. Li Yehang finally knew what the problem was. Mr. Erwin, what's wrong with your neck? Li Yexing asked. It fell. Tililith on the side said expressionlessly. Oh. Looking at Erwin's expression, Li Yexing probably understood what was going on. something happened, so he patted El

Wen's shoulder said: It's so good that you are alive. It's all said! Don't start the topic! Erwin was furious. I have my own way to deal with Kanan Mafar. Irwin's question, Li Yexing explained: Anyway, what the contract says is to clear the threat of the Black Mamba organization to Sanlian Pharmaceutical's South African branch', that is to say, as long as she stops harassing Sanlian Pharmaceutical's South African branch, my task will be It's done, isn't it? You're taking a loop! Erwin snapped, so Li Yexing patted his head lightly, and Erwin immediately let out a piercing scream. Go drive, Mr. Erwin. Li Yexing smiled and said, Let's go back for business. Wait! Didn't you just get off in a helicopter? Erwin asked: You can't let the helicopter take us down. Take it back? That's not my helicopter, they have to go back to pick up other people. Li Yexing waved his hand and said. Erwin got into the driver's seat angrily. There was no one around Li Yexing, and Leon quickly stepped forward. He put his arms around Li Yexing's shoulder and gave Li Yexing a big slap. Thumb. What's wrong? Li Yexing asked inexplicably. It's nothing, I just think you are very unusual. Lion whispered: You were not there before, you didn't see that girl... Mr. Lyon! Just when Leon was about to introduce Li Yexing in detail - how Rita killed the Quartet, behind him With a smile, Rita interrupted Li 2's tongue and cut the notched sickle in a semicircle in the air. Rita said softly: Remember the cup of black tea in the stronghold? You said you like it very much? Leon thought. After thinking about it, he said to Li Yexing: That girl of yours... is awesome! He patted Li Yexing on the shoulder, and then slipped into the car, leaving Li Yexing confused. .

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