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Erwin? Hearing Li Yexing's answer, Leon Weiwei-- said: What does this have to do with Erwin? That's why I said you are stupid! CA is really a bum! Said: Do you remember what that guy did? He helped Sanlianli sell medicine? Leon asked uncertainly after thinking about it. That's right. Li Yexing nodded and continued to guide himself. Think about it, since Sanlian Pharmaceutical is secretly developing B0W, then this El

Wen, what kind of medicine is he selling? BOW! Leon suddenly exclaimed, as if something went wrong in his mind, but he couldn't catch it, he frowned and said, But even if he sells BoW on the black market. We have no evidence either.

CA still needs evidence?! Li Yexing said with wide eyes in surprise. I always feel that you have some prejudice against my work, Leon murmured with his head lowered, and according to what you said, our ZF. is clearly treated with triple medicine, and we can't move him. No, someone can move! Youxing guides Leon earnestly and perseveringly. Accurate? Leon asked. BSAA! Li Yexing clutched his forehead and said in despair: Why are you so stubborn! It shouldn't be. BAA. Leon thought After thinking about it, he didn't seem to understand the reason. Come on, think about it, think about it. - - Sitting on the butt next to Leon, Li Yexing explained in detail: Although Erwin is under the orders of Sanlian Pharmaceutical, he certainly does not He will go to BOW under the banner of Sanlian Pharmaceutical, otherwise he will fall into the limelight, right?” Leon nodded. Entering South Africa under the guise of catching illegal B0W transactions on the black market

No problem, right? Why do you stop BSAA to arrest a BOW dealer, right? I understand! Lyon suddenly said: You want BSAA to go into South Africa to catch Erwin, and then let him confess the triple Li medicine! But according to your logic, this will not work, - BSAA moves too much, triple medicine will definitely react

So ordinary BSAA troops can't do it. We have to find a group of irritable brothers with explosive mobility, so that Sanlian Pharmaceutical has no time to respond enough. Speaking of this, Li Yexing patted Leon's shoulder with a smile and said: You know me Who is talking about Chris Redfield! Hearing this, Leon had a candidate in his head immediately, and then he felt a little weird again: By the way. Lee. You know that guy? Well, four years ago We know each other, and we have been in touch recently. Li Yexing said with a smile: 'If that guy took the shot, it is estimated that the South African branch of Sanlian Pharmaceutical will be turned upside down before it can figure out the situation. Then I will immediately respond to the upper management when I return to China. Li Pin finally showed a smile on his face, and he took a sip of beer Zeng: This time should be completely over. Looking at Leon's relieved appearance, Li Yexing's There was an imperceptible sneer on the corner of his mouth. Hehe, Wesker, I hope you like this gift I gave you. Wait! - Kanan, who had been listening to the clouds for a long time, suddenly said with surprise: That is to say, you have planned everything from the beginning? Of course. Li Yexing nodded and said, From the first time I saw Erwin, his script has been written by me. It's written. So when you were in the rift, you said that you would handle Sanlian Pharmaceutical? Kanan's eyes widened and he said: 'You calculated your employer?! What about your work ethic?! I The first virtue of my profession is to collect money to do things. Now that the money is in hand, and the things are done, I have fulfilled my duties.” With a shrug, Li Yexing said indifferently: 'As for whether the person who came to the door after I left was IA or BSAA? It has nothing to do with me. You bastard. Kanan looked at Li Yexing with a helpless smile on his face and said: I really should say. You deserve to be. Obviously you don't need to be so annoying, hand me over for exchange / \\Million Dollars are good, it's really a loss that you can count such a big circle.

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·Zhan·Exchange you for money? How can this be done? Li Yexing shook his head and said: After shaking hands, he is a trustworthy partner. Speaking of this, Li Yexing raised his head and looked at Kanan: 'What do you think about what I said before? What is it? Didn't you promise me, as long as you get Sanlian Pharmaceutical, you will mess with me. Now I have arranged Sanlian Pharmaceutical clearly, should you keep your promise? When did I promise you? Asshole! Don't Talk to yourself! Kanan took a sip of beer and said, And you saw it too? You still say something like this when you see my appearance? Joke! Why don't I dare? Li Ye Xing said with a smile: Come on, give me a nice message, do you want to hang out with me? After hesitating for a long time, Kanan whispered: 'My commission is very expensive. It's okay! There is no low salary, isn't it, Leon? Said, Li Yexing patted Leon on the shoulder-

When the salary was raised, Leon was excited. He smiled and said: Yes, my salary is really high, too high. After saying that, his face suddenly became a little dejected, I just don't have time to spend. So you Look. Li Yexing waved at Kanan and said: 'The salary is not a problem at all, it must be enough. Okay. Kanan nodded with a smile: Since you strongly requested it, then I will reluctantly agree. So, are there any new sisters who want to join Mr.'s harem? Rita, who was silent in the back, suddenly covered her mouth and chuckled. What a harem group! Kanandu said across: 'I'm here for a meal, don't think of me as someone who would betray me for a raise x fleshly woman

Ah! Leon next to him looked at Kanan's arm with the tattoo that seemed to be slowly wriggling, turned his head to Li Yexing and said, As a friend, I still hope that you can stay with ordinary girls. When it fell, Tililith next to him was dissatisfied and said: 'Mr. Leon, do you want to die once?' Leon decisively shut up and didn't speak. Seeing Tililith looking away, he leaned over again and said, Also, don't. Forget the medical examination brother, aren't you familiar with Chris? If you have time, go to the BSAA for a medical examination, you are very dangerous now. I know it well. Li Yexing patted Leon's shoulder with a smile. road. Seeing Li Yexing's reaction, Leon knew that this guy didn't listen at all. Looking at the people in the yard, Li Yexing stood up with a beer, and said loudly with a smile: Today is a good day, the task has been successfully completed, and the trip to South Africa where the commission is received is about to end, and you can enjoy the long journey right away. Our office also welcomed a new friend. Do you need to be so formal? Kanan tilted his head and whispered in a low voice. This trip to Africa is really bumpy. Li Yexing laughed With a sigh, he held up the beer in his hand and said, Anyway! In order to celebrate the smooth arrival of all our staff, we have added new people to the office, gentlemen. Cheers! Cheers!

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