Remember it in one second

There was chaos in the white corridor. Along with the noise, a group of people dressed in White Street dragged stretchers and slammed open the corridor door. Let-Let, Let-Let! the man with the glasses at the head shouted and waved to the crowd. He looked serious, as if in a race against time. On the stretcher, lay a man in a black combat uniform. The bloodstained blond girl, at this time, her right eye is tightly closed, the left eye is open inward, and it is dripping outward. The girl has a respirator on her face. There is an infusion tube on her body, and the person who helps carry the stretcher beside her. People are holding five flowers / \\ doors of medicine and instruments on their hands.

Doctor, the heart rate is rising, the parasite may be reviving! the woman running behind and staring at the instrument shouted. Then inject another injection of inhibitory fluid! The middle-aged man wearing glasses replied. I can't do it anymore! The woman said, I have already injected too much inhibitory fluid today. If it goes on like this, illin's body will be The parasite may be deactivated! Then let it be deactivated! The man wearing glasses said loudly: It's just an experimental body, if it's dead, make another one! A trace of struggle flashed on the woman's face, She hesitated: 'If Lilin is gone, Director Casimir is afraid It's okay! If you die, you will die! I'll carry it! The man with glasses growled: What are you waiting for? Do you want to kill us all? ?! Gritting her teeth, the woman quickly took out a small needle from the bag hanging around her waist, and stuck it on JTillin's arm. Lllin's breathing slowed down, and his heart rate gradually dropped. Chaozhu is not dead yet, hurry up and send it back! the man at the head shouted to the people who were carrying the stretcher behind him: Even if it is dead, let it die on the experimental bench! We need to grasp the first-hand data! Said After all, there was a trace of anxiety on the man's face, and he rudely dispersed the people in front of him, shouting: Let me go! Let me go! In the spacious but dark office, Casimir drank coffee and slid on the tablet. There was a knock on the door. Come in. Casimir said, and the next second, the door of the office room was slowly pushed open, and a female secretary wearing black silk walked in. She stepped on high heels and stood by the desk, and said softly, Director, the little girl who went out. ilin is back. Oh, I see. Putting the tablet on the table, Casimir stood up, stretched his waist and said, Is there anything else? No more, supervisor. The secretary bowed slightly. Squeezing the female secretary's butt, Casimir said, Then let's go down. Okay, supervisor. The female secretary replied, turned and left. Casimir looked a little careless, he paced in the office, He seemed to be thinking about something, and after a while, his brain seemed to be suddenly hit by a spirit, and he raised his head suddenly. No way, he said to himself, as if he wanted to verify himself. Thinking, he hurried back to his desk, grabbed his tablet, and found the T-Lln battle video recorded by the observation team in South Africa. When he found the young girl, he immediately zoomed in and slowed down the video. Observing every movement of Female 1, Casimir's expression gradually changed from hesitation to consternation. It's Freeman's goddess of the night. He led to an absurd conclusion 2 but it was only a moment, he used his rationality as a scientific researcher to deny his crazy conclusion. If there is such an existence in this world, then we have worked hard What is the purpose of the hard research? As if to convince myself, Casimir whispered to himself. The blonde woman probably didn't tell me the truth, mercenary Li Yexing, please pay attention.

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South Africa, Malvia Cannibal Rift Valley, a somewhat embarrassed figure came out of the cave in the rift valley. He was shirtless, with burns on his face and body, looking up at the sky, the rising sun was Shine on this land full of fools. Wesker was breathing the fresh air after the rain, which effectively relieved his fatigue. Alexa. He muttered someone's name viciously, Wesker's eyes were full of hatred, recalling the anger of the battle on the tarmac, fear and humiliation instantly filled Wesker's heart.

That perfect Ronggu, that supreme power, seems to have no mutated features at all except for her eyes, Alec Lisa's existence seems to be slapping Wesker in the face, and after the slaughtering, he will pull his collar and shout loudly Did you see it? This is called a perfect human being! Wesker is planning a shocking conspiracy. He got the Uroboros virus developed by his sister Alex Wesker. That virus has the power to completely subvert human genes. Only those with excellent DNA can control it, and he will undoubtedly have the best DNA. Once the plan is successful, he will leap up and become the god of the new world.

However, the existence of Alexa gave him a slap in the face. Compared with himself, the Queen of Shadows seemed to be more suitable to be the god of the new world, and this made Wesk unacceptable. In addition, what puzzled Wesker the most was, why is that woman still alive? When he was working for H.C.F, he destroyed the entire Rockford Island and the Ashford family with only - -2 power. , but he never expected. Alexander actually prepared a third clone! He couldn't speculate on Alexander's thoughts, but the fact is that Alexia has the same wisdom as her sister Alexia, the inner Brera The special department, which was quickly separated from Umbrella's control after the 1998 Raccoon City incident, was renamed Black

Umbrella, they are self-proclaimed seekers, pursuing the principle of human evolution, and the leader of the organization - Alec Lisa Ashford chooses to follow her sister, will be frozen for fifteen years since 2, waiting for the day of her birth , leading all mankind to a new level. However, where there are people, there will be disputes. Maybe Alex Lisa is a real seeker, but obviously, her subordinates are not. In 2003, Alex Lisa's subordinates took advantage of Alex Lisa's still frozen , launched a rebellion to seize power, and in order to get a piece of Umbrella's body, many organizations participated in the operation, the H.C.F. Alliance, and even the triple drug!

They took it out, and with the help of a group of mercenaries, they successfully escaped the first chase that was jointly carried out by various organizations. This chase lasted for two weeks. Afterwards, malignant mutations will inevitably occur, so there is no need for eunuchs anymore. That woman, she is dead. As a result, the organizations died down. After all, killing the woman was never the goal. Their goal was to eat the body of Black Umbrella. However, the next development exceeded everyone's expectations. The new leader of Black Umbrella was more sinister and difficult than they thought. After many actions failed to take advantage, all parties had to admit that, I was tricked and acted as a thug from the beginning to the end, but the benefits were basically not obtained, and the black Umbrella also developed rapidly with the skills accumulated during the management of Alecrisa, and soon became a force all over the world. huge hidden organization.

No wonder Wesker was afraid. A woman who was supposed to turn into a green thing and then died tragically in a barren mountain turned out to be alive, and she was as strong as a ghost. Wesker couldn't figure out what happened. What, it doesn't make sense logically!

Leaning against the icy rock wall, a wicked smile suddenly appeared on Wesker's face, who was a little tearful. If the current leader of Black Umbrella knew that the woman was still alive, I really don't know what kind of expression would be on his face.

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