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Li Yexing followed Rita to the food pickup. On the other side of the food pickup was an old man who looked very energetic. He smiled and said a few words in Japanese with Li Yexing, while Rita responded with a smile. Li Yexing carefully lifted the tray, while Rita on the side seemed much calmer. The two returned to their seats together and put the tray on the table... Wow. Tililith looked at the ramen in the tray and exclaimed in a low voice , the soup base of this ramen looks very thick, - Tuan ramen sticks out of the rich soup base and is lined with seaweed, two pieces of beef that are quite thick, as well as chopped green onion and half an egg. So delicate. Li Ye Xing couldn't help but praised: It looks very appetizing.

Picking up the chopsticks, - Rita next to her put her hands together and said in Japanese, I'm going to start. Then she gracefully picked up the chopsticks and put the noodles into her mouth. Although not fierce, she eats it inexplicably quickly. Kanan is not good at using chopsticks. She can only stir the ramen into a ball in the thick soup and put it in her mouth. Li Yexing looked at the ramen in front of her, picked up the chopsticks, and held the He blew on his face, then put it into his mouth and savored it carefully.

It seems a little salty, Li Yexing commented: But it doesn't have a different taste. Speaking of which, it seems that I haven't eaten ramen for many years. Time flies so fast. Several people have finished the hot ramen and paid for it. Li Ye Xing and the girls stood up and were about to leave, Rita smiled and gave the old man a thumbs up on the other side of the dining opening. The old man smiled and looked very happy. He pushed open the door of the noodle shop and breathed in the exotic air. , Li Yexing suddenly had a very strange feeling, looking at the brightly lit commercial street, the endless stream of pedestrians, and the couple fighting, Li Yexing suddenly felt a sense of returning to the civilized world. It was like a lifetime. Why? Now, sir? Seeing Li Yexing standing blankly on the street without speaking, Rita asked softly. It's nothing, I just remembered the past. Li Yexing whispered. Shaking his head to dispel the distracting thoughts in his head, Li Ye Xing turned her head with a smile and asked Tililith, Are you full? Tililith didn't speak, just opened her mouth slightly, and after a while, she burped. That's good. Li Yexing turned his head and said, Hold a taxi, let's go back. Hey! Don't you ask me if I have enough to eat? Kanan next to him frowned and said: 'It's all How can a girl who lives under a hood treat his wife and employees so differently?

What kind of child are you? Li Yexing looked at Kanan Road: I've never seen a girl who rode a motorcycle on the African savannah while racing - shooting at the same time.

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Kanaan turned his head in annoyance and whispered: ' Don't you think I have no womanhood? Anyway, I'm not as cute as Tililith, and I'm not as feminine as Shire's maid, I'm a man, I'm not worthy of being a woman. Miss Kanan Hearing Kanan's broken thoughts, Rita turned her head and smiled at Kanan: The so-called femininity can be developed, R wants you and Mr. No no. Ha Nan hurriedly waved his hand and said with disgust on his face: It's too bad, I can't play. It's strange. Seeing Kanan's reaction, Rita laughed even more happily. She tilted her head and pretended to be puzzled: Obviously, Miss Kanan is the one who loves telling jokes in the office. When it comes to actual combat, she is very innocent. Is Miss Kanan trying to attract the attention of her husband by creating a sense of contrast? Who wants to attract the attention of the non-human figure Pay attention to the artillery?!

Who do you say is a self-propelled artillery? Li Yexing on the other side raised his eyebrows. Not caring about Kanan's rebuttal at all, Rita had a fox-like smile and said to herself, What a great strategy, to create such disgust in front of Mr. The useless maid who pleases Mr. Kanan will soon be left behind by Miss Kanan and become the tears of the times. Is that so? - Tillyris, who was holding Li Yexing's arm next to her, whispered, Then he gave Kanan a thumbs up and said, Kanan is amazing.

Even though I'm being praised, I'm not happy at all. Kanan covered his forehead in despair. Yes, this is a really powerful love strategy. Rita sighed with a smile and hypocritically: 'Me too I have to learn from Miss Kanan's strategy and be a dignified and elegant maid, and then inadvertently lift up my skirt to my husband, revealing my black silk hollow suspenders Stop talking! This topic is not getting worse and worse. Is it?! Kanan couldn't help but shouted, who would make such a strange strategy? If you like it, just shout it out and then press the other party on the bed, wouldn't it be good? Then Kanan Miss, will you call it out? Rita raised her head and asked abruptly.

Kanan was stunned, his lips squirming slightly, but he didn't say anything after all. Okay, it's almost done. Seeing that Kanan's expression was a little strange, Li Yexing waved his hand to Rita and said: 'You too, why do you like to tease Kanan so much? She is an honest person like me and can't play with you and Ti Li Si's. It's just a joke between sisters, sir, don't care about Rita smiling at Li Yexingdao. You're true. Li Yexing didn't know what to say, but in the end he just shook his head and said: 'Stop the car, let's go back. Stopped the taxi outside the commercial street, Rita sat in the co-pilot, while Li Yexing, Tililith and Kanan squeezed in the back seat, Tililith leaned gently against Li Yexing's arms and dawdled, Li Yexing smiled and reached out and stroked her little head, turned her head, and saw Kanan sitting beside her without saying a word, her elbows on the car door, and her chin expressionlessly looking at the lights outside the car window Lushan doesn't seem to be in a high mood, and she doesn't know what to think.

Li Yexing thought for a while, then leaned over and whispered: Angry? Wow! Seemingly frightened by Li Yexing, Kanan shivered suddenly, and she turned her head to Li Yexing a little displeased. BOSS, you are

Looking at Rita who was sitting in front of her, her attention didn't seem to be here, so Li Yexing whispered: 'Don't worry too much about Rita, like Tililith, sometimes a little black-bellied. Ti Lilith is not a black belly. Ti Lilith in her arms suddenly whispered: Ti Lilith is a natural dumb Okay, you are a natural dumb. Forcefully fucked Ti Li Li's little head, Li Nocturnal smiled. Kanan looked at Li Yexing and Tililith quietly, and there was an inexplicable color in his eyes. After fucking Tilly Jingsi, Li Yexing raised his head and said to Kanan: In short, don't worry too much, everyone really likes you. What about you? Kanan asked abruptly. Me? Li Yexing laughed , he said softly: Of course I like you, otherwise why would I hire you? Kanan looked at Li Yexing's eyes, and after a few seconds of staring at each other, she seemed to be defeated, and she waved her hand:' Ma'am, what am I talking about? In the passenger seat, the corners of Rita's mouth twitched into a smug arc.

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