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The rain fell little by little, beating on the windows, at first just a drop or two, and then it turned into a downpour. Rita looked at the blurred scenery outside the car window with a complicated expression. There is no doubt that normal women simply can't accept their men having sex with other women, so when Tillie Silk accepted Rita, Rita was extremely infertile, and for the first few months, she was in Lee. Ye Xing was frantically testing Tililith's bottom line within the acceptable range, but Tililith didn't seem to care at all. Most of all, Rita just thought that Tililith didn't have normal human values ​​and didn't care too much. But as time spent together getting longer and longer, Rita gradually realized the essence of Tililith, who could clearly feel the emotional changes of the people around her,

Not as unworldly as she seems, she is very smart, but most of the time she doesn't want to think, or in other words, she thinks about things that are completely different from her own. While she was still thinking about how to tie herself to Li Yexing's body, Tielis was already thinking about longer-term issues. The master he serves is a human after all, and he has the universal values ​​of ordinary human beings, but his turbulent youth experience has firmly suppressed his universal value. Whether it was saving Tililith or taking herself, it was all just out of the kindness that that person had repressed in her heart. Rita was not sure whether this kindness alone could really keep Li Yexing, even if it could be transformed. For love, can this love for monsters be equal to the love for normal human girls? When the next head of the Roanna family threw an olive branch to Li Yexing, he looked at Ti Lily. Si's Rita suddenly understood. In fact, Tililith realized that Tililith's indulgence of her stealing behavior was not a compromise at all, but a calculation. Since a monster can't keep Li Yexing, how about two? Three? Or even more? This silly-looking girl chose the most rude but also the most effective method, which is to put the same monsters Treat yourself as a bargaining chip on the master! Using your sense of responsibility to bind a man is like kidnapping, but this method is undoubtedly very useful.

Count to imitate. When Li Yexing opened the door of the noodle shop and stared at the brightly lit street, Rita felt that her core was being firmly grasped by something, because she saw in Li Yexing's eyes the impact on the civilized world. yearning. No, the chips are still not enough, more chips must be added, and the balance on the master must be pressed firmly on this side of the chaos. So Rita provoked Kanan recklessly. Now it seems that the i-plan has been successful. Kanan's feelings for the master may not be able to be suppressed. As a perfect maid, she uses despicable means to calculate her master behind her back, trying to keep her master away from the beautiful world that he should have had a chance to embrace. This made Rita feel a strong sense of guilt, but now, She seemed to have no other choice. This is the selfishness of monsters. How... sinful! Rita muttered to herself in a low voice, looking at the lights outside the car window obscured by the rain, her face turned slightly longer

The rental car gradually drove away from the city center, the lights outside the window gradually diminished, the street became quiet again, only the sound of rain was left, and ten minutes later, the taxi stopped steadily at the door of the small hotel.

Everyone got out of the car in the rain, passed the front desk, walked through the corridor, went directly back to the room, turned on the light, and Rita walked up and smiled and helped Li Yexing take off his wet jacket. It's finally settled down.. Sitting on the tatami, Kanan seemed to have regained her vitality. She took off her jacket and threw it aside, and then stretched her body vigorously, wearing only a black cloud bra. The upper body draws a sexy arc under her pull, and the tattoo on her arm also wriggles and stretches out

After stretching, Kanan opened a can of beer, turned his head and asked Li Yexing: 'Want to drink? Throwing it to Li Yexing, who was still pulling the ring beyond Li Yexing, Kanan took a big sip, and said with a smile, This is so comfortable, it's much better than that Japanese sake! On the other side, Ti Li Yexing was lying on Li Yexing's lap, playing PSP. Seeing Tililith playing a game, Li Yexing stretched his neck and glanced at the screen, and then saw Tililith operating the character with double knives on the screen Accurately avoided the dragon's attack, and at the same time the backhand was - set of flurry. Monster Hunter. Li Yexing asked: Tililith, do you want to be together? Yes Tililith whispered. Wait for me, I'll finish this can of beer. Li Yexing reached out and scratched Tilily Silu showed her small waist outside, then turned her head to Rita and said, Xu Fan, help me with the bag, thank you. No problem, sir.. Rita stood up with a smile and put Li Yexing's oversized shoulder The bag was brought over, Li Yexing opened the zipper with one hand, then groped through the change of clothes in the bag and took out his PSP. Turning it on, Li Yexing suddenly turned his head and asked Rita, Say, what do you want? Are we together? Rita is fine... Rita said with a forced smile on her face: This is really too difficult for me, I have to admit that even a perfect maid can't do things. Speaking of which, Somewhat strange, Rita is unexpectedly not good at video games. For some reason, she always likes to go up against the enemy's attack, which leads to her frequent death in the game. After many attempts, Rita gave up. Said It's strange. Although it is the world of Resident Evil, the game company CAPCOM still exists, but the Resident Evil series has disappeared, but Dinosaur Crisis, a game that has been forgotten in the original world. , New works will be released every once in a while. After drinking the beer in his hand, Li Yexing held the game console and started the online game with Tililith.

Brigade, Rita sat on her knees and read serious literature full of middle-class white women. As for Kanan, she seemed to feel a little bored, so she got close to Li Yexing and watched Li Yexing accompany Tililith attentively. Playing the game and feeling the soft touch on the back, Li Yexing was distracted, and was struck to death by the red falling thunder. With the sound effect of the mission failure, Tililith turned her head and took a deep look at Li Yexing's red eyes. The emotions that come out are extraordinarily complicated. In this regard, Li Yexing just smiled awkwardly. It was not until this time that Li Yexing realized that this guy Kanan was really unexpected. I wonder if it was because he always wore a sports bra, Li Youxing hadn't noticed it before, different from Tililith's hills and Rita's softness, Kanan's touch is very stiff, giving Li Yexing a different kind of feeling!

What the hell! What are you thinking! She is your subordinate, not your wife! Dispersing the distracting thoughts in his mind, Li Yexing was just about to call Tililith to come again - - times, when suddenly there was a knock on the door. Looking at his watch, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening. At this time, who would come? Walking carefully to the door, Li Yexing and the girls in the room looked at each other, and then suddenly opened the door of the room. , I saw Mishima Hitomi wearing a thin black top, black skirt and knee socks, soaked all over, standing in front of the door like a chicken in soup.

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