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Kanjima Hitomi? Li Yexing was slightly startled, which was a bit unexpected. Seeing Li Yexing open the door, Gan Island Hitomi immediately bowed. She was about to open her mouth to say something when Li Yexing stopped her. Turning his head, Li Yexing said to Rita: Ask her what she wants to do. Okay, sir. Rita smiled and put the book in her hand on the tatami mat next to her. She stood up and came to Li Yexing's side, and then the two of them started. Li Yexing couldn't understand a word. Japanese communication. After a while, Rita turned her head and said, Sir, Miss Kanjima wants us to reconsider about the entrustment. If the father doesn't use his daughter, he will take care of his daughter? Li Yexing leaned against the door frame and frowned and said: 'All said , I didn't accept the entrustment during the vacation. Why is your family so difficult? Seeing Li Yexing's face is not very good, the girl bowed anxiously, and spoke Japanese loudly, - next to Rita - beside - whispered translation: ' 'Miss Gandao thinks that Mr. is a good person, and now the Gandao group is being threatened by the Black Dragon Society, Miss Ganji hopes that we can accept the entrustment and help. I am a good person, I am a good person Li Yexing was told by this little girl's words Laughing angrily, he tilted his head and said, Let's not talk about how I look like a good person, shouldn't the matter between your local gangs be resolved internally? Rita translated Li Yexing's words to Hitomi Kanjima, Hitomi Kanjima gritted her teeth and said something to Li Yexing, and Rita on the side translated: Ms. Kanjima said that the strength of the Kanjima group is simply unable to compete with the Black Dragon Club, which is in full swing, - once there is a head-on conflict, the Kanjima group will Will not be able to protect that commercial street from the Black Dragon Society

Guarding the commercial street? Isn't it just gangs grabbing territory, you can't fight against others? Why are you so noble? Li Yexing sneered. Rita thought about it, organized the language, and used Li Yexing's words more politely. The method conveyed to Qiandao Hitomi, I saw that Kanjima Hitomi's complexion suddenly became ugly, and even the pair of eyes became more sharp, she said something to Li Yexing angrily, Rita was by the side Translation: Ms. Ganjima said that the Ganjima group follows a chivalrous organization. The leaders of the past generations have diligently maintained the order of the commercial street. They never thought of expanding their territory. Please don't insult them.

But, it really made me laugh. Li Yexing sneered: Then let your father bring his chivalry to fight that black dragon. Rita is a little uncomfortable. Li Yexing's words are too straightforward, but As a perfect maid, she can't talk like this. After thinking about it, she conveyed Li Yexing's thoughts to Hitomi Kanjima in a more acceptable way. Don't let her waste our precious vacation time, let her Let's go! Li Yexing was a little tired, he frowned, waved his hand to Rita Road, turned and was about to leave, at this moment, Kanjima Hitomi suddenly shouted in Japanese with a crying voice, and the voice sounded very Sad, very desperate, and hysterical. Li Yexing probably understood, she just seemed to say that someone had died. Turning her head impatiently, Li Yexing frowned and said angrily, Why don't you care when you yell so loudly? Li Yexing's ugly face, the girl shouted something loudly, - next to Rita whispered: Under the attack of the Black Dragon Society, many people in the Gandao group died.

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Then they should call the police! Li Yexing said with a frown. The girl cried out hysterically, and finally bowed sharply and stopped talking. Rita whispered, She said those who died were good people, and I hope we can consider her request. Those who died are none of my business? Li Yexing looked coldly at the black-haired girl in front of him. , said coldly, You can say such naive words,

I said, is this guy really the next underworld boss? The judging girl didn't speak. You are really good enough. In order to keep your team members alive, you ran out in the rain at night to ask for someone you don't know at all, just this brain, what's the point of you winning the Black Dragon Club? Anyway, the Gandao group will still be defeated by you. Not caring about the girl's expression, Li Yexing said to himself: Think about it, you might as well be destroyed by the Black Dragon, at least it sounds better than playing with yourself. No more scenery.

Rita stood aside and translated Li Yexing's words to Hitomi Kanjima. Hitomi Kanjima's waist pressure became lower and lower, and even her body began to tremble. Looking at the embarrassed girl, Li Yexing shook his head and said to Rita, Hurry up and let her get the hell out of here! After saying that, he turned around and was about to leave, but when he heard a thud behind him, Li Yexing turned his head impatiently and only I saw the black-haired girl kneeling on the ground, her head pressed against the floor, deeply buried between her arms. Sir? Rita looked a little embarrassed when she saw Ruo Li Yexing. Don't worry, if she wants to kneel, let her kneel! Li Yexing said indifferently: By the way, he closed the door, out of sight and out of mind. After that, Li Yexing regained his senses and picked up the PSP on the small round table. To Tilly Jingsi: Come on, continue. In front of the door of the room, Rita lowered her head and looked at the dark-haired girl who was soaked all over, kneeling on the ground without saying a word, and finally just shook her head. This girl has not yet been qualified to be a bargaining chip. Bending down, Rita whispered to the girl in Japanese: Go back early. Then she closed the door of the room. In an instant, the door cut off the light in the room, leaving the knelt on the ground in the cold and dark room. corridor. In the room, Kanan frowned and said, Do you really let her lie down like that outside? Don't worry about her. Li Youxing - while playing the game - - said: I'll get out in a while. But... let's go. Kanan pressed behind Li Yexing, staring at the screen of the game console and whispered: This is the peace in the country. A grown-up child? It's so innocent and a little cute Just like that, Rita quietly read the book, Li

Yexing and Tillyris were playing games together, while Kanan was behind Li Yexing, chatting with Li Yexing for a while. I don’t know if it was an illusion. After dinner, Kanan changed. It's a little weird. I don't know how long I've been playing. Li Yexing's PSP was the first to run out of power. He put the game console on the table and got out from under Kanan. The black-haired girl was still kneeling on the ground. After glancing at the girl, Li Yexing went to the bathroom without turning back. Go to the door of the room: Go to bed early, tomorrow we will go shopping in the city center, and then go to the hot spring. A few minutes later, the sound of turning off the lights came from the room, the light from the crack of the door disappeared, and the girl was alone. Kneeling in the cold corridor, she waited silently, her limbs gradually became sore, the hair salon, pain, and almost lost consciousness, but she still kept her posture, motionless, and she didn't know how long she waited until the pattering rain The sound gradually subsided until the dim light from outside the corridor came in.

The sky seems to be getting brighter. The physical strength gradually disappeared, and even the consciousness began to become blurred. The girl gritted her teeth and persisted, waiting until the door of the room in front of her was suddenly opened. In the room, Li Yexing was lit by the dim light, with dark circles under his eyes. ,- With a look of impatience, he said coldly: Come in. The next second, Hitomi Kanjima's eyes - Hei, fell down completely.

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