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The sun was rising, and the cherry blossoms were still stained with morning dew. However, the quiet and peaceful morning was broken by the sound of sirens. At this time, the small underground casino near the city center was surrounded by the local police in Changye. A yellow warning bar blocked the scene, and the police officers on the other side of the warning bar looked solemn.

With the screeching brake sound, a gray car arrived at the scene, and as the door was opened, a young man in a white windbreaker got out of the car. The man had short black hair, was tall and burly, and his expression was stern. , but in his serious face, full of undisguised exhaustion. Quickly scanning the surroundings, the man waved to the police officer he was familiar with and said, Well mouth! The young police officer called Wellkou was slightly startled, turned his head and saw the man in a white trench coat beckoning to him, and immediately ran away. He went over and said: Yamen police. The police officer known as Yamen frowned and said: What's the situation? I received a call from a nearby resident at about six in the morning, saying that there was a sound of fighting. Iguchi quickly turned to Yamen. The door reported the situation: We arrived late, and there are only corpses left inside. Are there any bloodstains, fingerprints, and surveillance video? Yamen asked with a frown. No. Jing O shook his head and said: Like those other cases, the scene was so clean. The hard drive was taken and nothing was left.

Who is the deceased? Yamen asked, Kong Yamadaichi, a cadre of the Oden Society, and the bodies of four members of the Oden Society. The small violent associations around here mainly operate underground casinos and loan sharks, and also cover a few private shops. Just as Yachang] was still thinking about it, Ikou next to him couldn't help complaining: 'It's really hard to do Ah, when did this happen? How come the local clubs are so excited these days as if they had eaten gunpowder, don't cause us any trouble, really treat us like these) clerks are sitting in the office every day eating idle meals 9

On the other hand, without caring about Iguchi's complaints, Yamen patted Iguchi's shoulder and said, I'll go in and have a look. We all regret the matter of the police officer, but Don't say it. Yamen waved his hand to interrupt the wellhead's words, and he whispered: 'I know it. I walked up the stairway and reached the second floor where the incident happened. I saw a mess on the first floor. Although the body had been removed, there were still bloodstains on the ground. The forensic doctor, wearing a mask and gloves, and wearing a white Dafu suit, was looking sad. Seeing Yamen standing on the stairway, the forensic doctor directly waved to him and said:'' Come up directly, don't be afraid of destroying the scene anyway, nothing is left. Hearing the forensic doctor's words, Yamen nodded and went directly to the second floor, he turned his head and asked the forensic doctor: It's the same as before? Exactly the same The forensic doctor was helpless He nodded and said: The victim was hacked to death, but nothing was left at the scene, no fingerprints of the suspect, no blood, or even hair. This is so strange. Seeing that Yamen doesn't speak, then The forensic doctor said to himself: Think about it, they are gangsters, right? How can gangsters be killed if they don't resist? But there was no blood on the suspect at the scene. If it weren't for the obvious fighting marks on the body, I would I have to suspect that they are standing up to be slashed to death.

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I didn't care about the forensic doctor's words, Ya i] walked into the scene alone, he carefully observed the traces on the scene, it was exactly as the forensic doctor said, it was too clean, nothing was left, but Yamen stared at the mahjong table beside him , walked up slowly, and on the table, there was a small black spot, he gently stretched out his hand and pressed it on the black spot and wiped it, the black spot was wiped off, and he would wear a small black spot. Ash raised his finger in front of him and took a slight sniff. It smelled of burning. In an instant, scenes from the past flashed back wildly in Yamen's head. Yamen raised his head and whispered, Black Dragon

The body was enveloped by the warmth, but the head was still a little groggy. With the recovery of consciousness, the severe pain all over the body also hit, Kanjima Hitomi struggled to open her eyes, and what Yingri saw was deja vu. ceiling. Water. She whispered with squirming lips. It seemed that someone heard her call, and with the sound of footsteps, the Japanese-speaking maid appeared in his sight, and then the maid seemed to say something to the person next to him, and the next second, the man also joined. appeared in his field of vision. Li Yexing, squatting on the ground, looked at Hitomi Kanjima who was lying on the bed with a pale face, frowned and asked Rita Zeng: What did she just say? She said she was thirsty. Rita whispered replied. Oh, I see. Li Yexing nodded, then turned to Kanan, who was watching Tililith's game with his legs crossed, and said, Kanan, let's have a beer. 0K! Kanan turned over, hurried to the cabinet, took out a can of beer, and threw it towards Li Yexing, Li Yexing caught the beer, shook it in front of Gan Island sleeping, and said to Rita. : Tell her, this is the only one. Sir, I'm afraid this is not right. Rita's face showed - Si hesitated: After all, Miss Kanjima is the dry gold of the F island group. Will we treat her like this? Is it too condescending?Li Yexing is still a knife-mouthed tofu heart after all, he pulled the beer pull tab in his hand, took a sip, and said to Rita: Go get her a bottle of mineral water Okay, sir. . Rita smiled slightly, stood up, and took the mineral water back after a while. Unscrew the cap,

Hitomi Kanjima struggled to sit up despite the pain all over her body. She took the mineral water tremblingly, drank -0, and then whispered her thanks to Rita in Japanese. Now, can I speak? Li Yexing, who was standing by the side, frowned and said: I really convinced you, but it's also a blessing that you can kneel at the door all night. This is your ultimate spirit? Rita will After adding and subtracting Li Yexing's words, they turned into decent words and translated them to Hitomi Kanjima. After Hitomi Kanjima heard it, she shook her head and whispered something to Li Yexing. Although her voice sounded weak, The attitude is very firm. Miss Kanjima said that as the next leader of the Kanjima team, she has already made a commitment to give everything for the Kanjima team and the commercial street. Rita translated to Li Yexing. Then do you give it to the teacher? Li Yexing suddenly raised his head and asked, with an inexplicable smile on his face. Sir? What did you say? Rita suspected that she had heard it wrong. , Tililith's thumb suddenly pushed hard, pressing the PSP's analog joystick into the machine, and Kanan's eyes drifted over unconsciously. Translate to her. I didn't care about the subtle atmosphere in the room, Li Yexing said with a cold face: Ask, are you handsome? With a forced smile, Rita expressed to Hitomi Kanjima that Li Yexing wanted to spend a spring dinner with her. In the next second, Hitomi Kanjima's already fierce eyes became even more fierce, as if she wanted to kill Li Yexing with her eyes. She said something to Li Yexing angrily, - translated by Rita next to him: Miss Gandao said that she thought her husband was a man of righteousness, but she didn't expect to make such a filthy request. She said that you insulted her dignity as a warrior. That is to say, don't give a teacher, right? Li Yexing Laughing, he raised his eyebrows and said: So, to be able to sacrifice for the Ganjima group - isn't it just empty words? Rita translated Li Yexing's words to Kanjima Hitomi, Kanjima Hitomi was stunned instantly, a few secret Afterwards, she lowered her head, clutched the quilt tightly with both hands, and whispered something. Rita translated: Miss Kanjima said that if her husband insisted, she could dedicate her life. Fuck him! Li Yexing waved his hand, looked at Hitomi Kanjima in front of him, and said impatiently: I Really convinced you, you won

Clutching his short hair indiscriminately, Li Yexing frowned and said, Now, let's talk about your commission.

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