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Near noon, Li Yexing took the girls to the nightclub on the commercial street again. It was still daytime, and there were basically only staff and members of the Kanjima team in the nightclub. Under the leadership of Hitomi Kanjima, everyone came to the office of Shinjiro Kanjima, the leader of the Kanjima team, and pushed the door directly in. In the office, under the surprised eyes of Kanjima Shinjiro, Li Yexing went straight to the desk and said with a sneer, If you can't be old enough to be a junior, there are you. Rita translated Li Yexing's words to Qianjima Shinjiro, Kanjima Shinjiro shook his head and spoke Japanese, looking a little confused, so Rita spoke again - a long string of Japanese, and I don't know what to say, I saw Kanjima Shinjiro's face getting more and more complicated In the end, I couldn't help but yell at Hitomi Kanjima, but Hitomi Kanjima didn't answer, just lowered her head, making it difficult to see the expression on her face. Rita frowned slightly, turned her head and said to Li Yexing: Mr. Kanjima said that he didn't know about this matter. Looking at Shinjiro Kanjima who was still scolding Hitomi Kanjima, Li Yexing waved his hand a little irritably, and he said to Rita: Let these two act separately. It's yellow, just look at it

Rita thought about it, and told Kanjima Shinjiro that Li Yehang was eager to learn about the entrustment. Just as Rita finished speaking, Kanjima, who was scolded next to him, suddenly fell softly. There was a trace of unbearable in his eyes, but Kanjima Shinjiro greeted the people who were guarding outside with a cold face. Entering the room, he carried Hitomi Kanjima out. Seeing Hitomi Kanjima leaving, Shinjiro Kanjima had an apologetic expression on his face, he stood up, bowed deeply to Li Yexing, and spoke Japanese, and Rita turned to Zeng next to him: He said his My daughter made the husband laugh, and I hope that the husband can forgive Miss Kanjima for being rude. The child is just too impatient, after all, the recent situation is really not optimistic. What does your optimism have to do with me? Thanks to your daughter I didn't sleep well last night. Li Yexing sat on the sofa next to him with a displeased face and turned his head to Rita and said: 'Now I have to agree to work overtime because of a feverish brain. Our vacation is considered a blowout. It's okay, sir. Rita smiled, I don't mind, it's just the words of Miss and Miss Kanan I don't care Kanan sat on the armrest of Li Yexing's sofa, crossed his legs and said: Originally, 0 eats this meal, and it is impossible to be pulled out by the hacker UBOSS to work during the holiday. Yin. Li Yexing whispered in a low voice, although listening to Kanan's words, it seems that he is a little dissatisfied with the overtime work during the holiday, but Looking at her arrogant smiling face, she knew that not only was she not dissatisfied, but she was also eager to try. Turning her head, Li Yexing asked Tililith, Do you mind? Working overtime or something. Tililith's game console is broken Tiliris whispered expressionlessly: I can only work overtime. F, Li Yexing was a little touched by the responsibility of his girls, he turned his head and said to Rita: Now, let that dry island. Let the team leader talk about the entrustment.

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Next, the leader of the Ganjima group began to speak a long string of Japanese, while Rita was translating at the same time, probably saying: Recently, the biggest gang in Longye, the Black Dragons, will change the person, and this person is a bit irritable. Crazy, they want to destroy all the gangs in Changye and let one family dominate, and their approach is also very retro, that is to carry out assassinations against members of other gangs, cadres and even their family members, so far it is still Li The part that Ye Xing can understand, but then things start to get weird. Logically speaking, since it is a gang fight, the two sides should have suffered casualties, but so far, all other gangs seem to have been beaten unilaterally. Evidence, especially after the new story - Nine-headed Shen Shui Yuan took charge of Heilong Lu, the power of the Black Dragon Society expanded rapidly, and even those who defected did not refuse. Difficult criminal investigation conditions are tantamount to making things worse. In addition, the police and civil violence associations have some subtleties. In short, it is basically impossible to expect the Changye police to convict the Heilonghui. So, what is your entrustment? Li Yexing leaned on Kanan's arm, tilted his head and asked, What do we need to do? Rita translated Li Yexing's question to Kanan Jin Jiro, and then Kanjima Shinjiro said something to Li Yexing. Mr. Kanjima said that the Kanjima group had had an unpleasant negotiation with the head of the Black Dragon Society, Su Yuan, and since then the Black Dragon Society has repeatedly negotiated with him. The members and cadres of the Gandao group went to F. The top cadre who died at present was the head of the Gandao group. Heilonghui asked the Gandao group to withdraw from the commercial street, and Jing rejected all the subsequent negotiations of the Gandao group. Speaking of this, Chijima Shinjiro handed Rita a photo, and said something to Rita, and then Rita handed the photo to Li Yehang, Li Yehang looked at the photo, and saw that the photo was a very A middle-aged man who is not easy to speak, he has a burly stature, a bald head, and a full face. On top of that bald head, there is a black dragon tattoo. This man's name is Ichiro Okamoto. He is a cadre of the Black Dragon Club. He usually lives in the underground casino in Dongcheng District. Rita bowed slightly and said: Mr. Heilonghui will return to the negotiating table Let Heilonghui return to the negotiating table. Li Yexing looked at the photo with a sneer on his face: They killed your people, but you just want to bring them back to the negotiating table. Go? Li Youxing sneered, turned his head and said, If what you describe is true, then I guess that after I get rid of this bald head, Heilong will not only compromise, but will intensify his efforts to target the Gandao group, you said. The nine-headed shrine is probably the same as me. Rita, a humanoid, translated Li Yexing's words to Kanjima Shinjiro, and Kanjima Shinjiro immediately confronted him.

Looking embarrassed, he said something to Li Yexing, Rita translated: Mr. Gandao said that the Gandao group must maintain the order of the commercial street, they are not capable of starting a full-scale war with the Black Dragon Society, as long as they can suppress the Black Dragon Society. Going back to the negotiating table is enough

Okay, anyway, I'm a person who collects money to do things. As for the extent of things, the employer has the final say. Li Yexing smiled and waved his hands, looking at Kanjima Shinjiro, What can you provide for our actions? Weapons and equipment? Rita translated Li Yexing's words to Kanjima Shinjiro, who immediately clapped his hands and greeted the people outside the door. After a while, a man in a suit was holding a large black bag Walking in, he first bowed towards Kanjima Shinjiro-bow and then solemnly put the black cloth bag on the desk

Hearing the sound of the cloth bag touching the desk, Li Yexing knew that the bag must be weapons and equipment. He stood up with great interest, walked to the desk, and opened the cloth in front of Kanjima Shinjiro. bag, looking inside expectantly. Then Li Yexing was stupid. I saw Japanese knives, ribbed knives, and all kinds of cold weapons in the cloth bag.

Stretching out two fingers to pick up the small pistol in the cloth bag, Li Yexing pointed to Shinjiro Kanjima and said, What is this thing? It's for bird hunting?

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