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Different from the peaceful and warm commercial street, the more prosperous Dongcheng District on the surface is filled with the smell of darkness and sin. The people here are in a hurry, and they seem to be eager to get rid of the depression in the air. This is the hell of ordinary people, but it is the sewer. Rat paradise. Because of rolling around in Loples all the year round, F Yixing Li Yexing is very familiar with this disgusting smell. Taking out his mobile phone, Li Yexing stood in an unattractive corner, silently looking at the internal structure diagram of the underground casino in Dongcheng District provided by the Gandao Group. Beside Li Yexing, Kanan leaned over and whispered. Said: Is this thing reliable? It doesn't matter. Li Yexing whispered to himself, It's just to deal with a few mice, as long as you kill all the guys along the way. Of course you don't care, but my mission It's to take the hard drive for your convenience. Kanan whispered across the room: If this map is not right, wouldn't I be very passive You just go and get it, it doesn't matter if you take it or not Li Yexing said casually: As long as you finish things quickly, Li Yexing gently pressed the communicator beside his ear and said, Can you hear me? Rita? I heard it clearly, sir. Rita's voice came from the communicator. Rita, remember, your and Tililith's task is to deal with unexpected emergencies. Li Yexing said: After all, the two of you are too busy to deal with this situation. Even the young lady and I can fight like ordinary humans. Rita's resentful voice came from the communicator, and then she seemed to be relieved, and said with a smile: But the young lady and I will both After listening to her husband's arrangement, Rita on the other side of the communicator smiled and said, Miss Kanan, you must cherish the two-person world with your husband this time. But she was no longer interested in refuting Rita. Before the action started, Li Yexing suddenly asked Kanan, If you were the leader of the Gandao group, what kind of commission would you propose? If it were me, I would probably want to assassinate the president of the Black Dragon Society. Kanan thought for a while, and then said with some uncertainty: I can't solve the problem anyway, so I have to solve the problem first. You see , this is the thinking gap between us and that guy Li Yexing whispered These gangsters from civilized countries, to put it bluntly, are just poor guys who are begging for food in the small circle that ZF has drawn for them. Now, suddenly A guy popped up and didn't follow the rules of the circle, and they all panicked and didn't know what to do. After a pause, Li Yexing continued: Actually, the leader of the Gandao team is also a little bit. Courageous, in order to deal with the Heilonghui who did not follow the rules of the circle, 1t chose to hire 1 who was also outside the small circle, but the pattern was still too small. Kanan caught Li Yexing's words and said, Obviously there is a chance to directly press the Heilonghui. He died outside the circle, but he chose to drag Heilonghui back into the circle, which is too petty.

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Maybe that guy has his own considerations, Li Yexing whispered, Maybe it's because he has no confidence in us, maybe because he is afraid that the Black Dragon will start a full-scale war, or maybe he is afraid that the Ganjima group will not be able to resist the turmoil brought about by the disintegration of the Black Dragon. Having said that, I suddenly feel a little sympathetic to that guy. Kanan said with a smile: ° Obviously living in such a stable world, but being weighed by others everywhere, on the other hand, although we live in - a place that may be bombed at any time. In the garbage city of the house, but live free. Speaking of the bombed house, Li Yexing felt suffocated in his chest. His face instantly turned ugly. He took out his mobile phone and checked the time, as if it was almost time. The communicator said: Rita, we're going in. Rita is also ready to report the situation outside to Mr. From the other side of the communicator, Rita's voice that reassured Li Yexing came out. Finally, it's about to start! Kanan was gearing up, looking a little excited, she turned her head and walked towards the underground casino, but Li Yexing immediately stopped Kanan looked at Ruo Li Yexing with some doubts. Li Yexing took out a black headgear from his pocket and put it directly on his head, looking like the terrorists of C5 in the early years. Oh! I almost Forget it! Kanan suddenly realized, she stretched out her hand and took out the same style of headgear as Li Yexing and put it on her head, and whispered: It's a bit face-piercing, I'm really not used to this thing Okay, Get to work. Patting Kanan on the shoulder, Li Youxing took Kanan directly to the underground casino in Chengdong District. The facade of the casino is not big and there is no sign, just a glass door that is too conspicuous. Li Yexing took Kanan to push the door and Entering, ignoring the gangster smoking a cigarette in the corridor on the first floor, and walking straight ahead. Seemingly aware of something wrong, the gangster smoking a cigarette raised his head to look at Li Yexing and Kanan, who had their faces covered, and said loudly In Japanese, it seemed that they wanted to stop the two, but Li Yexing and Kanan didn't intend to ignore him at all. Seeing that Li Yexing and Kanan didn't respond, the gangster spit out the cigarette butt, put his hands in his pockets, and hunched his waist. , - speaking Japanese with a displeased face - he walked up and reached out to grab Kanan's head tone, but the moment his hand touched Kanan, Kanan turned his head sharply and grabbed the small The gangster's hair then took the little gangster's head and slammed against the wall to the side, and the little gangster lost his voice immediately. Leaving the little gangster, Li Yexing and Kanan turned their heads and saw a A man in a suit with a wretched face was standing at the door of the stairs, looking at the two of them in astonishment. The next second, the man turned his head and ran up the stairs, shouting something while running. I found it. Kanan shrugged and said. It doesn't matter. Li Yexing said, I didn't plan to sneak in secretly anyway. I'm more afraid of them calling the police than if they came out in full force. With that said, the two walked up the stairs leading to the second floor together. The two just

Walking up the stairs, the door on the second floor was opened. The sleazy-looking man in a suit just now pointed at the two people on the stairs and shouted loudly. Then, the gangsters in fancy clothes who followed him immediately waved sticks at him. The two rushed down. I'll open the way. Li Yexing said. Seeing that the gangster who was running at the front had come to Li Yexing, he howled and raised the baseball bat in his hand, and smashed it hard at Li Yexing. Avoid, and directly stretch out the arm to resist the attack. That's it? Didn't you eat Saka in the morning?! Li Yexing roared. In the astonished eyes of the little gangster, Li Yexing grabbed his baseball bat and hit the little boy with a backhand. Above the gangster's head, the little gangster let out a piercing scream, and rolled down the stairs while clutching his bleeding head. The gangsters who were howling and rushing down the stairs were all stunned. Wow, Kanan whispered behind Li Yexing. Seeing Duoyi's heart to retreat, the wretched man in a suit immediately howled angrily and loudly, so the group of thugs looked terrified, while they were on the sidelines. Howling swung his stick, his forehead trembled and launched a suicide charge towards Li Yexing and Kanan. Seeing the gangsters lining up and rushing down, Li Yexing's heart did not fluctuate. Like gophers, after a while, there was no one on the stairs, and under the stairs, a group of thugs fell to the ground, covering their heads, howling and rolling.

Surprise! Thank you artist Cy.47 for your kind help!

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