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Near the underground casino in Dongcheng District, Nagba Criminal Police Aimen Gangtaro stood in a dark corner, silently watching the underground casino. Ever since his partner, Police Officer Mato Wu Xu, died while investigating the assassination case of a violent society, he has always been like this, wandering aimlessly in the sphere of influence of the Black Dragon Society, hoping to find some useful clues. In fact, everyone in the police station knows that this matter has nothing to do with the Heilonghui. After all, so far, only the Heilonghui has not suffered any apparent casualties in the assassination case by a violent society. A madman ruled.. Today.. there is nothing worth noting. Yamen Gangtaro said to himself, he sighed, and was about to go to the city that never sleeps to try his luck when he heard a crisp sound from above, followed by a blockbuster film. The glass fell from above, followed by the broken glass, and a man in a suit, who fell between the broken glass with a bang, and then let out a heartbreaking scream. When someone came down, the nearby passers-by immediately screamed to get out of the way, and then carefully looked at the screaming westward man, and there was a lot of discussion. There is a situation! Amen Gangtaro immediately ran up, only to see the man who fell. His face was wretched, covered in blood, and there were pieces of broken glass stuck in his body. At this time, the man was clutching his legs and screaming hoarsely. Looking at the man's legs, Yagang Taro frowned slightly. This man's leg did not fall. It was broken, but was thrown after the leg was broken. I raised my head and looked at the second floor with the smashed window. From there, I could hear the sound of fighting, yelling and screaming, and after a while, a large group of people Crowded and rushed out of the glass without a sign next to him, Amon Gangtaro grabbed a person who ran out and asked, What's going on up there?! Kill. Kill! He caught people full of people With a terrified face, he threw away Amen Gangtaro and fled in panic. Amen Gangtaro took out his mobile phone without hesitation and dialed the number. Man's voice: Officer Yamen?

Jing 0, immediately bring people to the underground casino of Heilonghui in Dongcheng District, there is a situation here. Without a word of nonsense, Yamen Gangtaro said to the mobile phone. Ha? Casino.. Oh! Got it! I'll be there soon. ! Iguchi hurriedly said on the other side: 'Officer Amen, don't mess around! Gangtaro Amen directly hung up the phone, and then walked in the door of the underground casino against the flow of people without hesitation.

Li Yexing grabbed the man in the suit whose leg was broken by him, and said sternly: Where is Okamoto--Lang? The wretched man in the suit was full of horror, his nose and tears were mixed with tears, and he struggled while Ma swallowed and shouted to Li Yexing in Japanese. You handsome girl, you can't understand a word, you should die for your father! Li Yexing shook his head, then grabbed the man in the suit and slammed his hand towards the window. , The next second, the wretched man in the suit smashed the window glass and fell down screaming. I have to find it myself. Li Yexing turned his head irritably, only to see Kanan with a black head tone. With one hand, he pressed a middle-aged uncle in a gray suit with a short knife on the table in the corridor, while the other hand picked up the steel pipe and slammed the man's head until the mahjong table was full of blood. Only then did she let go of the screaming and fleeing gamblers, and Li Yexing said loudly: 'Stop playing, you go and tear up the hard drive! OK! Kanan said to Li Yexing, and then turned over and passed the Bian Jiang one by one. The table, ran towards the staff passage on the other side, Li Yexing turned his head, and saw several men in suits running across from him. They pointed at Li Yexing and shouted something, and then swung their machetes at Li Yexing. Yexing rushed over. Oh, it's just these two times. Li Yexing sneered, looking at the group of men in suits rushing over, he picked up the bent baseball bat on the ground, and slammed towards the running The man at the front threw it away, and the baseball bat slammed into the man's mouth. The man cried out in pain and covered his mouth, trying to back away, but at one end, Li Yexing's big feet met him. Li Yexing sprinted to his feet, kicked the man in the face with a flying kick, knocking the man to the ground, surpassing a few people around him and still didn't realize what happened.

He stepped on the man's chest, - grabbed the machete from his hand, - - the knife swept out with a cold glow, directly severing half of the neck of the person closest to him, the man clutching his blood-spitting neck and body As soon as it softened, he fell down. The people next to him seemed to be stunned by this scene, and even his movements were stagnant, but Li Yexing would not stop. He slashed on the face of the man in front of him, and accompanied by Li Yexing's knife and fell, the man could not even scream in time.

Pretty much fell down. The person who stepped on it seemed to want to struggle, Li Yexing didn't hesitate, and stomped his foot down, accompanied by the sound of the sternum shattering, the man spurted out a mouthful of blood, and there was no sound.

That's it? Li Yexing looked at the corpse on the ground and sneered, but at the moment he was careless, a fist slammed into his face. The machete in his hand also fell to the ground. The next moment, a fist slammed into his face again. Unprepared, Li Yexing was beaten and ran. Taking a few steps back, Li Yexing touched his chin, which was a little sore from the beating. He raised his head in surprise and looked at the man who appeared in front of him. He saw that the man was tall, with short hair and a small face. Hu Zhu, he was wearing a dark gray suit and a striped tie. At this moment, he was smiling and posing at Li Yexing with a calm look, only his slightly trembling hands and some twisted hands. The five senses were telling Li Yexing that he didn't look very well. This person is a bit powerful, maybe he is a senior thug of the Black Dragon Society or something. It doesn't seem like he can beat anyone. Li Yexing sneered as he looked at the man in front of him and said, You can make me Have a little fun 3?

The man smiled and rubbed his thumb -- down his nose,

Although he didn't understand what Li Youxing was saying, once he heard the tone, he might be mocking. Li Yexing tilted his head and said nothing, looking at the guy in front of him with a contemptuous smile on his face.

It seemed that he felt that he was being despised, the guy's face was a little unbearable, he shouted, rushed towards Li Yexing, and punched quickly at the same time, Li Yexing smiled and swayed his body, dodging the guy's punch again - The fierce attack of the fist. Although this guy's punching speed is indeed not slow, in front of the man wearing sunglasses and a windbreaker, this speed is not worth mentioning at all. - He was attacked at first, Li Yexing thought it was a ruthless guy, now it seems that it is also That's it. Not intending to waste time, Li Yexing avoided a punch, and then slammed his fist on the bridge of the man's nose at a speed that was - times faster than the man, accompanied by the sound of the bones shattering. , The man leaned over directly, but Li Yexing didn't plan to let him go at all, only to see Li Yexing grabbed his collar and dragged him back directly, and then hit an uppercut in the man's terrified eyes. It hit the man's mandible, and there was another sound of broken bones, and the man rolled his eyes and lay down. Grabbing the man's collar, Li Yexing held his chin with one hand, and was about to execute him when he saw a bald fat man with a face full of flesh walking out of the opposite office. He held a knife and shouted loudly in Kansai dialect Then he saw Li Yexing, who was supporting his family's strongest thug. Li Yexing was stunned for a moment. Isn't this the first target of this commission - Ichiro Okamoto? On the other hand, Ichiro Okamoto was also stunned, as if the scene in front of him was beyond his comprehension. He grabbed the head of the man in his arms and twisted it violently, and turned the head of the man with the sound of shattering bones- Ichiro Okamoto, who was staying, grinned, revealing a sinister and maddening smile: mi~tsu~ke~da~ (I found~ I found your heart. Ichiro Okamoto dropped the knife in his hand, turned his head and ran away.

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