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When Okamoto Ichiro's subordinates told Okamoto Ichiro that someone was coming to the casino to make trouble, he was a little worried, and hurriedly asked which organization? How many people came? , just two, as if they came empty-handed.

Ichiro Okamoto dismissed his subordinates casually and asked them to deal with them. It was estimated that in a few minutes, those two ignorant guys would be beaten to the teeth, and their subordinates escorted them to see him. Sitting in the office, looking at the ledger, calculating how much money he could pull out from under the eyes of Jiutou Shenshangyuan and put it in his pocket, Okamoto-lang was calm and calm, until the outer face became more and more noisy. , It seems that he is about to be hit at the office door, which makes Okamoto-Lang a little irritable, such a large group of people, even two people can't handle it, what a waste!

Mr. Maeda, I'm afraid I'll have to trouble you to visit in person, those things are too useless... Ichiro Okamoto said to the man standing behind him. 0 called 4 The man who was Arita didn't say a word and walked out. Maeda's full name is Maeda Qingtai. Even in the entire Black Dragon Club, he is one of the best players. Because the casino's business was very good last month and provided a large amount of funds for the Black Dragon Club, the Nine Heads God sent Maeda Qingtai directly. It was given to Ichiro Okamoto, who was specially responsible for protecting the safety of Okamoto-Lang. It is said that if it was not for the protection of Zi 2, Maeda Keitai would have the opportunity to join and lead the black-faced people, the private soldiers directly belonging to the nine-headed god, which shows that Maeda Qingtai's strength is strong. Sure enough, after Maeda Keitai was dispatched, the noise outside immediately became quieter. Ichiro Okamoto guessed that Maeda Keitai should have finished his work, he opened the drawer,

He wanted to take out the pistol inside, thought about it carefully and then let it go, just to pretend to be a jerk, but he couldn't do it, so he closed the drawer again and pulled out the machete hidden under the table

Pushing open the door of the office, with steps that he did not recognize, Ichiro Okamoto shouted in a Kansai accent with a knife in hand: 'What kind of thing without eyes is rushing to Lao Tzu?

Then he saw the black dragon's top thug with blood all over his face, rolling his eyes and breaking a guy with a black head tone, fixed his head, not knowing whether he was dead or alive, and next to the black head embarrassed guy, his own One by one, his subordinates fell in a pool of blood, and their death was extremely permanent. When I saw myself, the black hood was stunned for a moment, then grinned like a vicious dog who had found its prey, and twisted Maeda Qingtai's neck. Ichiro Okamoto was so frightened that he lost his knife, turned his head and ran away.

What's the matter with this guy? Which organization is he from? No! Is he really a gang member? He's also skilled in killing, right? How many people has he killed?

From the way that guy looked at him, Ichiro Okamoto instantly realized that this guy didn't come to negotiate or kidnap tickets at all, this guy just came to kill him

Why don't I have a gun! On the other side, seeing the chubby fat man about to run, Li Yexing laughed wildly and chased after him. Just as Okamoto Ichiro was about to open the office, Li Yexing grabbed his back collar and fell to the ground. On the ground, - his feet stepped on his chest; Li Yexing picked up a short knife from the ground, ignoring Ichiro Okamoto's wailing, he was about to stab it into Ichiro Okamoto's eyes, but he heard a sound in his ear. Chi + foot Japanese. Huh? Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and raised his head. Near the entrance of the stairs, a young man with short black hair in a white coat was pointing a pistol at him. Seeing that Li Yexing's movements had stopped, the man immediately walked away from him. He took out this document in his arms. After opening it to Li Yexing, he yelled at Li Yexing in Japanese at the same time.

Although he couldn't see what the document was, Li Yexing could still guess.

This man with the look of a messenger of justice is probably a policeman. Seeing the police coming, Okamoto Ichiro, who was stepping on his feet, immediately cried and called his mother, as if he was asking the policeman for help. Li Yexing tilted his head and looked at the finger He grabbed his policeman, then reached out and pressed lightly on the communicator and said, Kanan, are you ready? I just got it done, I jumped out the window, how is your side? The voice that came out of Kanan only sounded a little tired. Just get it done. Li Yexing whispered, and then looking at the face of the policeman in white, he stabbed the short knife into the hill with lightning speed. Honichi

The moment he stabbed, Li Yexing tumbled and hid in the front office in a tactical manner. Sure enough, in the next second, the policeman fired, and of course he shot in the air. No time to think, Li Yexing ran straight to the window of the office, smashed the window with his elbow, and jumped directly. The moment he jumped, the policeman in white slammed into the door of Room 2 and rushed out. Came in, leaned in front of the shattered window, and saw Li Yexing tactically tumbling to remove the force from his body, and then ran into the back door of the opposite shopping mall. The policeman in white gritted his teeth, and one turned over and jumped out of the window. On the other side, Li Yexing was running fast in the corridor of the shopping mall. He knew that the guy was still chasing him. Li's voice also came: There are three police cars approaching the underground casino. Do you want me and the lady to stop them? No need, you go to Yingkanan first, and then withdraw to the door of the big shopping mall next to the casino. Li Yexing- While pressing the earphone, he whispered. Rita understands. Rita's voice came from the communicator. After finishing the communication, Li Yexing took off the communicator and put it in his pocket, dodged and hid in the clothing area of ​​the shopping mall. After confirming that the monitor could not capture him hiding behind the clothes, Li Yexing dragged him as he walked. The elastic on the waist was opened, and the loose sweatpants slid down immediately, revealing the denim underneath. He quickly took off his head, took off his gloves, stuffed them into the hood, and clumped them together with the trousers - and threw them into the junk car of the passing cleaner. , while taking off the outer jacket

Turning over, a black jacket immediately turned into a brown jacket. He put the jacket back on. Li Yexing straightened his flat hair, and walked out slowly from between the hangers, while watching the shelves carefully. The clothes on _ are like customers who are carefully choosing clothes.

After a while, the policeman in white clothes chased him out from behind, he ran into the clothing area, first stunned, then frowned, scanning every customer in the clothing area.

Li Yexing didn't care too much, did he deliberately ignore it, and after looking at the policeman, Li Yexing continued to look at the clothes carefully, pretending to be a customer. The policeman in white was still examining every customer at the scene, and then his eyes were fixed on Li Yexing's body. Damn! Why did you notice me? Could it be because the shoes were not changed? Li Yexing pretended to be okay, he stood up straight, glanced around, and then he found that the only customer present seemed to be him, a man. Stupid! This is the women's clothing area! I looked up at the sign above and confirmed the location of the main entrance of the mall. Li Yexing pretended to be fine and walked towards the main entrance. - Seeing Li Ye act, the police immediately followed. , keeping a distance from Li Yexing, Li Yexing glanced at the fitting mirror in front, and saw the seriousness on the policeman's face. Adjusting his breathing, Li Yexing did not speed up his pace. He walked calmly, letting the policeman follow him until the gate of the mall was 0. Li Yexing pushed open the door and the policeman followed closely behind.

s, and whispered to Rita at the same time: Naturally, the white-clad policeman following me is a policeman. Rita understood it, she smiled and stroked Li Yexing's hair, and then kissed Li Yexing gently - down. The policeman in white who followed Li Yexing looked at the man and three women in front of him, and seemed a little confused. After a while, a look of frustration appeared on his face, and he turned and left.

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