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The man left. Holding Li Yexing, Rita whispered. Hearing that the police had left, Li Yexing let go of Rita, turned her head and looked at Kanan Road: Where's the hard drive? Have you taken it out? No. Kanan shook his head and said. Why, what difficulties did you encounter? Li Yexing asked with a frown. He didn't think anyone in this small casino run by local gangsters would be able to stop him.

...it's quite difficult. Kanan said, with a trace of melancholy on his face: I... don't know which is the hard drive... Li Yexing was stunned, and then his eyes gradually became weird, That expression was like looking at a silly dog. Hey! What kind of eyes are you looking at! Seeing that Li Yexing's expression was wrong, Kanan said a little excitedly: With so many screens and so many machines, how could I know which one to bring? Let's go?! In fact, Kanan's actions have always been smooth. She swung the steel pipe and slaughtered the Quartet in the staff passage, as if nothing could stop her from 2. Until she successfully entered the monitoring room, Kanan was stupid. Monitoring The wall of the room is covered with screens, under the screen is a console that makes people dizzy, and there are various equipments that he does not recognize. In fact, Kanan's understanding of machinery is only limited to repair In the car, so she didn't realize until she entered the monitoring room that she didn't seem to know what that hard drive was at all. Forget it... Seeing Kanan's embarrassment, Li Yexing scratched his head helplessly and said: If you don't get it, you won't get it, but the follow-up may be a little troublesome. After all, it was captured by surveillance. Don't worry, don't worry about surveillance. After listening to Li Yexing's words, the embarrassment on Kanan's face was swept away, she smiled. Said: Since I don't know the hard drive, why don't I smash it all? Before I left, I dismantled everything that could be dismantled in the monitoring room! Li Yexing thought about it and gave Kanan a thumbs up. Said: As expected of you! Sir, what are we going to do next? Aside, Rita bowed slightly and said. Next, let's find a safe place and wait for news from the Kanjima team. Li Yexing said. Ah? Why don't we go directly to the Gandao team? Kanan asked with some doubts. It's better to be careful. Li Yexing shook his head and said: I don't want us to After I came to the door, it was not Shinjiro who was waiting for my ID, but a large group of police officers. Sir, are you worried that the Kanjima team will betray us to the police? Rita said softly: I don't think Mr. Kanjima is that kind of person. Be careful to make the Wannian Ship. Li Yexing said: First hire a group of people to run to the big country on the rival site, and then call the police, even saving the commission, it's not that I haven't encountered such a thing before. Then how did you deal with it? Kanan asked curiously.

Hehe.. Li Yexing sneered: I can let that kind of employer see the sun the next day, and I don't have to hang out in Loples. Why do you think our firm has no bad reviews? Mr. Gan Island Don't lie to me... At this moment, Tililith, who had been silent for a while, suddenly opened her mouth and said, However, Tililith chose to believe Ye Xing's judgment. Tililith can feel that Shinjiro Kanjima is a person who will not play tricks and tricks, but after experiencing Kelly's whistle-blowing and the Lopres incident 5. Tililith no longer trusts her own judgment so much. . Anyway, let's do this first. Li Yexing rubbed Tililith's little head, nodded and said:

Several police cars were parked at the entrance of the underground casino in Dongcheng District. Wellhead instructed the police officers to pull the cordon and turned his head to see Gangtaro Amen walking towards him, looking rather embarrassed. Officer Yamen! Seeing Gangtaro Amen approaching, Iguchi immediately greeted him and said, Where have you been just now? Go after that killer. Gangtaro Amen frowned and said, In the end, I chased him. It took me a long time to find out that I was chasing the wrong person, damn it! It's too risky! Iguchi couldn't help but said, That's an extremely dangerous guy. I just saw the scene, and it's really terrible. You will be killed if you catch up too quickly. Maybe it will fall! No, I have to catch up! Amen Gangtaro said firmly: For the first time, I felt that I was so close to the truth of this case. If there is a chance, I must catch that guy! Just as the two were talking,- a gray sedan pulled up, with a screeching brake, the car stopped, the door opened, and a man in a gray suit came out, a burly man with a slack around his neck. Hanging a gold chain, from the open collar, you can see the hideous black dragon pattern on his chest muscles

The man got out of the car and didn't speak. He quickly walked around the front of the car and opened the door on the other side. Then, a slender, elegant looking man in a purple suit and black-rimmed glasses appeared. The young man stepped down from the back seat. Looking at the young man in the purple suit, Yamen Gangtaro frowned slightly and whispered, Nine-headed God Shohara. Oh, isn't this police officer Yamen! He was stunned for a moment, then immediately showed a hearty smile, and greeted Yamen: Good afternoon, Yamen police officer. Seeing the wealthy God Sauyuan coming across the blockade, Yamen reached out and stopped Jiutou. God's way, - said with a serious face: Sorry, Mr. Kutoshen, the Secretary is handling a case, you can't enter casually. Seeing that Amen Gangtaro blocked Kutoshen's way, the burly man who followed Kutoshen was behind him. The man was about to have a seizure, when Kuzushen Shohara raised his hand to stop him. Officer Yamen, as you know, this place is our property, and Mr. Okamoto is my right-hand man... Kuzushen Shohara smiled and said to Amen Gangtaro: Something happened here, I'm very worried about whether the police can protect Mr. Okamoto's safety. Amen Gangtaro stared at the smiling face of the man in front of him, and then he slowed down. Slowly said: Okamoto Ichiro is already dead. Jiutou Shenyuan's brows trembled fiercely, and he said softly, Then I have to go in even more.

A lot, Yai] Gangtaro can clearly feel that the nine-headed god is angry, and it can even be said that he is angry. Even so, Yamen Gangtaro will not shake his position, he firmly shook his head and said : No, Mr. Nine-headed God, I can't let you in.

Jiutou Shenshuo stopped talking, he just shook his head regretfully, with a gloomy smile on his face, lowered his head and glanced at his watch, Jiutou Shenshuyuan smiled and said to himself: The time should be It's almost there.. Ai] Gangtaro was a little puzzled about the words of the nine-headed deity, and at this moment, the cell phone at the wellhead behind him suddenly rang. The wellhead behind him answered the phone, only to hear him say, Yes, lesson. Chang, it's me, I'm in the casino in Dongcheng District.. Yes, police officer Yamen is also there, he is blocking, what? Section chief? Are you serious? No, it's not. Okay, I know, I I will tell Officer Yamen. Hanging up the phone, Iguchi's face was a little ugly, he turned his head to look at Yamen Gangtaro and said: The head of the section said, allow the Nine-headed God to enter the scene. What did you say? Amen Gangtaro was shocked at first, then the shock turned into anger, and he said sharply: How could that guy let the people of the Black Dragon Society enter Now the soup?! The section leader. That's what he said. Iguchi's face was ugly and he said: He also specifically told you not to let you stop the nine-headed god...Damn it! Amon Gangtaro said to himself angrily. Okay, that's the way it is. -Beside-Nine-headed Shen Huayuan, who was silent, clapped his hands and said, This is also an order from above. Officer Yamen just needs to obey, right? With his burly subordinates, Kuzushen Shohara smiled and brushed past Amon Gangtaro with a dark face. At this moment, Kuzushen Shohara whispered to Amen Gangtaro, You must never learn. Officer Mato. Guntaro Amen's fists clenched instantly.

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