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Amen Gangtaro's partner, Officer Mato Wu Xu, is a neurotic workaholic. He is quick-witted, perceptive, and has a superhuman intuition for criminal investigation. The body of Zhendo Wu Xu was found in a sewer. He was stabbed several times and mortally wounded in the chest. Except for a few scorched marks and the blood of Zhendo Wu Xu, nothing was left at the scene.

Ya] Kotaro can still remember the expression on the corpse of his partner, confusion, confusion, and a trace of enthusiasm for discovering the truth, Ya] Kotaro has never seen such a complex expression on the face of Wu Xu. . After Wu Xu's death in the line of duty, Amen Gangtaro directly focused the investigation on the head of the Black Dragon Society, because it was during the investigation of the Black Dragon Society that Wu Xu was killed. Gangtaro Amen wanted to know what Wu Xu, the real householder, saw before he died. And now, the leader of the Black Dragon Society, the Nine-headed God, was in front of him, so even though he was reluctant, Yamen Gangtaro followed the Nine-headed God to the scene.

Going back to the casino on the second floor again, the casino was in a mess at this time, and there were still corpses lying on the ground. The police officers showed a hint of displeasure, but after all, they didn't say anything. Looking at the chaotic casino, Jiutou Shenyuan's always smiling face crossed - he was unhappy, he glanced at the smashed window, and then quickly walked to P's body, ignoring the forensic doctor's obstruction , inspecting each corpse, first those who were chopped to death with machetes, then Maeda Keitai, whose head turned 180 degrees, and his neck seemed to be tied in a knot, and finally crossed Maeda Keitai's The corpse came straight to Okamoto-Lang's corpse. Clean and tidy, Jiutou Shenshuyuan said to himself, his eyebrows flashed - silk dignified, this method of killing is too professional, every attack is to take the other party's life, can - - knife kill There will never be a second knife, not like the handwriting of a local gang at all. Is it a killer? Jiutou Shenyuan thought for a while and rejected his opinion. If it is an ordinary killer, then this entry is too much fanfare, and he rushed in with a vigour and smashed people cleanly.

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Then walk away. This style is more like the legendary war wild dogs than the killer. In the eyes of the forensic doctor's dissatisfaction, the nine-headed sage turned his head to Ai] Gangtaro and said: Can I see the surveillance video? Amon Gangtaro did not speak, it was acquiescence, and to be honest, he I also wanted to see it. However, at this moment, the squatting police officer shook his head and said, There is no surveillance video. What? Amen Gangtaro asked with a frown, and the nine-headed god Sakurahara also cast a questioning look on the side. There is no surveillance video. Seeing that the two looked wrong, the police officer repeated what he just said. After repeating it again, he asked annoyed: The monitoring room is already over, and I can't explain it clearly. Officer Yamen should go and see for himself. After saying that, the police officer who was squatting on the side stood up and helped Yamen. Gangtaro led the way, and Jiutou Shenshuyuan, who was next to him, immediately followed after seeing this. He entered the staff corridor and saw several corpses lying in the corridor. Several policemen were following the forensic doctor to investigate the corpse, and the forensic doctor muttered. Whispering to himself - I remembered something in the small notebook from time to time. When Amon Gangtaro passed by the forensic doctor, he vaguely heard what the forensic doctor said, The blunt weapon hit the head many times to death. Amon Gangtaro and the nine-headed god Yuan followed the police officers around the corpses with their heads broken, and went straight to the door of the monitoring room.

I saw the entire monitoring room - a mess, as if it had been plowed by something, huge scratches all over the monitoring room, all the instruments including the walls

The screen is all torn apart, and there are sparks from time to time in the newly broken equipment, and the ground and ceiling are covered with ferocious scratches. There was dancing in there. Seeing that the two of them stopped talking, the police officer leaning against the door shrugged and said, The technical class has come to see it at the first time. He didn't say anything, and he left without taking anything away, with the same expression on his face. Like a broken stomach. Understandable, Yamen Gangtaro whispered: But what exactly can we do to cause such serious damage in a short period of time? Nine-headed God Shohara didn't say anything, just looked at the huge scratches all over the room. , thoughtfully. After a while, Kuzushen Yuhara turned his head to Yamen Gangtaro and said: 'Amen police officer, you also saw that the Black Dragon Society failed to survive this attack on the social organization. We are not special, so you don't have to hold such a big hostility towards me. It will only be determined after the results of the investigation. Amen Gangtaro said coldly. Okay, okay, it's the Amen police officer. As if he had given up, Jiutou Shen Shuyuan smiled helplessly and said, Then ask the Amen police officer to solve the case as soon as possible. Find the guy who messed up my industry and bring him to justice. I will. Yamen said. Ha, with an inexplicable smile on his face, Jiutou Shenshuo walked out of the monitoring room accompanied by Yamen Gangtaro and returned to the casino lobby. He greeted the burly man. The bodyguard always said Let's go, let's go.

The Guiwu man in a suit bowed slightly and left with Jiutou Shenyuan. Follow Jiutou Shenyuan downstairs and watch them drive high, you will feel inexplicably disgusting, obviously he is smiling at you, but you just think he will pull out a knife and stab you in the next second. After that, Iguchi frowned and said: But it's strange to say, why is a guy like him nicknamed 'Rabid Dog', shouldn't it be 'Poison E' or something like 0?

Guys, you already know why. Kotaro Amon said in a low voice to Iguchi's doubts.

On the other side, on the gray car, Jiutou Shenshuyuan was a little absent-minded, and the huge scratches all over the room gave him a lot of shock. The police were very puzzled. They didn't know how an empty-handed person could cause such damage in a short period of time, but Jiutou Shenyuan knew very well. Some irritably, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and Jiutou Shen irritably dialed. After calling a certain number, after a long busy tone, the call was finally connected. What's the matter? Mr. Nine-headed God, do you have anything to do with me? A mature woman's caring voice came from the other side of the phone:, If you ask me to drink, then forget it. To be honest, it's boring to be with you. of. How dare I bother Miss Wang because of this kind of thing. Not caring about the ridicule on the other side of the phone, Jiutou Shen said softly: 'I just want to confirm some things. What's the matter? the woman on the other side of the phone asked. I want to know, Miss Wang, did you sell the nutritional supplements to others behind my back? Jiutou Shenshaoyuan asked. How is that possible? The woman smiled and said, What? Is there something wrong with you? No, I just asked the nine-headed god with a smile: Since you said no, then it should be my mistake, so I won't bother. you

After hanging up the phone, Jiutou Shenshuyuan sat in the car, looking out the car window with a cold expression.

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