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Two black cars drove quickly across the street and stopped in front of a KTV near the center of Nagaba City. The doors opened. Accompanied by the driver, Jiro Shima wearing a black mask got out of the car. He first He looked around vigilantly, then fastened the hat on his head, covered his face with the wide hat gun, raised his head, Kanjima Shinjiro was about to enter this KTV, and the driver behind him who belonged to the Kanjima group immediately followed him. He turned his head to the driver and waved his hand gently, signaling the driver to go back to the car and wait. Entering the KTV alone, went upstairs directly, and then according to the instructions, Kanjima Shinjiro stopped at the door of a small private room. He knocked on the door, and after a while, a beautiful woman's voice came from the other side of the door: Miss How's it going? It's all right. Kanjima Shinjiro said solemnly outside the door. Hearing his answer, the door of the small private room opened immediately, and standing in front of him was the one who always wore a white coat. The young woman, if I remember correctly her name seems to be Rita. Seeing Shinjiro Kanjima, Rita was a little surprised, she whispered: I didn't expect you to come in person, Mr. Kanjima. I can feel that Mr. Li doesn't trust me, so I need to let Mr. Li see To my sincerity, only in this way can the follow-up cooperation be carried out normally. Facing Rita's surprise, Kanjima Shinjiro said solemnly, his eyes involuntarily passed Rita to the private room, and then asked: Mr. What? Mr. is not here. Rita replied with a smile: I will be solely responsible for the conversation with you, Mr. Kanjima, and I will judge the way of our cooperation according to your arrangement. Kanjima Shinjiro didn't have to think too much to know that the mercenary at this time should be the private room next door or opposite, but he didn't need to point it out. His subordinates had already told him the situation of the Black Dragon Club Casino in Dongcheng District, which made him fully aware He didn't know Li Yexing deeply enough before. The Gandao group who guarded the commercial street for generations limited his vision, which made him obviously underestimate the horror of the world outside the circle. Therefore, even if he was a member of a local gang Leader, you still need to be obedient in the face of that kind of war rabid dog. After thinking for a moment, Kanjima Shinjiro decided to take a gamble. He bowed slightly to the gentleman's words, lowered his posture and said, Within three days, I will hint that the Black Dragon will attack the casino, and try to bring them down. Pressing back to the negotiating table, in the meantime, I hope you can stay under your roof for a while..

After all, he looked up at Rita, trying to read her attitude on Rita's face, but Rita kept an elusive smile throughout, just when Kanjima felt that she might be rejected. At the time, Rita raised her hand slightly and pressed it on the communicator beside her ear. In the private room opposite, Li Yexing, who was leaning against the wall, was looking at his mobile phone when Rita's voice suddenly came from the communicator in his ear: Sir, Mr. Kanjima hopes that we can stay at his place before the situation settles down. Man, what do you think? I think it's pretty good. Li Yexing said casually: Instead of running around outside, what would be better - a stable safe house. Aren't you afraid that he will plot against you? - Kanan, who was sitting on the sofa, asked with his legs crossed. That guy personally He came to pick us up to show us his sincerity. Li Yexing said casually, If he ambushed the police at home, we can kill him as soon as possible.

Then what if we enter his house? Hanan tilted his head and asked: I wonder when this guy will suddenly sell us? After entering his house, he will have no chance. Li There was a wicked smile on Ye Xing's face: Let Rita take more time to get closer to his daughter and cultivate a relationship with his daughter, so that he won't think about selling us. Isn't this just threatening people with their daughters? Kanan whispered, You guy's heart is so dirty, who is the gangster? Rita, no problem, just promise him. Li Yexing pushed open the door of the private room with a smile, and smiled at Rita who was standing at the door of the bakery. Kanjima Shinjiro saw Li Yexing with a that's true expression on his face, and then bowed slightly to face Li Yexing. What did Ye Xing say, the attitude is not good, it doesn't look like the relationship between the employer and the mercenary. Mr. Kanjima said that things in Dongcheng District are done very beautifully. - Lita next to the side translated with a smile: Ichiro Okamoto runs a casino and makes loan sharks to force those who can't pay the money to sell their organs or even their own daughters. It can be said that he is full of evil. Now that the husband has killed him, it can be regarded as a removal for Nagaba City.

As she spoke, the smile on Rita's face became even brighter, and she whispered: Mr. Kanjima praised you for having the style of Ren Xia. You have the style of Ren Xia. Kanaan smiled strangely from behind. Let him stop bragging, it's a little disgusting. Li Yexing shook his head, dragged Tililith behind him into his arms, and rubbed her head while saying to Kanjima Shinjiro: I'm a mercenary. , Murder does not ask good or evil, only money. Rita translated Li Yexing's words to Kanjima Shinjiro, Kanjima Shinjiro immediately said something to Li Yexing, and Rita translated: Mr. Kanjima said that the commission for assassinating Okamoto--lang will be immediately Call us, please don't worry sir. Then it's fine. Li Yexing smiled and said to Kanjima Shinjiro: Then... we will go back to you now Rita will translate Li Yexing's words to Kanjima Shinjiro, Kanjima Shinjiro immediately nodded to Li Yexing. Let's go then. Li Yexing said to the girls around him, Tililith didn't speak, and directly hugged Li Yexing's arm, Kanjima Shinjiro walked in the front, and Kanan and Rita followed behind Li Yexing. Everyone. After exiting the KTV and seeing two black cars parked at the door, Li Yexing smiled and tapped the communicator in his ear and said to Rita: You can take a car with Shinjiro Kanjima, so that we can communicate more easily. , Okay, sir. Rita understood, she bowed slightly with a smile, and turned to Shinjiro Kanjima.

What, Kanjima Shinjiro doesn't seem to be disgusted, not only that, looking at his expression, he seems to think it should be like this, he even opened the back seat door for Rita. It's really enough. I've saved face, Kanan whispered, The local snake pulled the car door himself, I really didn't expect that we could get this kind of treatment. Because our fists are big enough, that's all. Li Yexing looked indifferent, he opened the car door, then turned his head to Kanan Road: You also have this treatment, come, get in the car.

Oh, the boss opened the door for the employee himself. Kanan got into the car with a three-point ridicule on his face, then Li Yexing, and finally Tililith went into the well to close the door. The driver of the Gandao group in the driver's seat couldn't help but glanced at the rearview mirror a little more, as if he was a little surprised by the combination. After a while, the car moved, Li Yexing looked at the car in front, raised his hand to hold down the communication Ji said: Rita, although I don't think there is any problem, but you remember, as long as there is a problem, the first time to control Fujima Shinjiro. Understood, sir. ' Rita's voice came from the communicator.

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