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In this little quarrel, Kanan achieved a staged victory, which made her feel extremely happy. She filled Li Yexing with wine and said with a smile that could not be hidden on her face. : Come on, big man, don't mind. I won't mind.. Li Yexing smiled and picked up the wine that Kanan poured for himself, drank it, then looked at Kanan and said, At that time I felt The two of us will definitely get along so well, now that I think about it, it's so nice to have you back. Yeah. Kanan whispered softly. She thought about it, pushed the tray with the wine and cups between them to the back, then moved her butt to Li Youxing's body, and put her arm around Li Yexing's shoulder. Li Yexing was slightly taken aback, looked at Kanan, but saw Kanan grinning at him and said: Don't mind, brother! I don't mind. Li Yexing whispered: I just feel a little bit. At this time, Li Yexing said in a low voice Yexing only wore a TI on his body, and Kanan only wore a black sports bra on his upper body. Through the thin fabric, Li Yexing felt that something was wrong with Kanan's strong but slender body and warm body temperature. , but I can't explain clearly. I said, you must be shy, right? Seeing Li Yexing's different expression, Kanan said with a smile, with a bit of slyness in his eyes. What are you kidding? What am I shy about with my brother? - Listening to Kanan's words, Li Yexing was excited. With a provocative expression on his face, he put his arms around Kanan's shoulders. That's right. Nan smiled and said. She stretched out one hand to the side, grabbed the bottle of wine and filled her quilt, and then filled the cup in Li Yexing's hand, and said with a smile: Come, for the sake of brotherhood, cheers! Fuck! Fuck his female horse! Li Yexing responded with a smile, the two cups collided, and then raised their necks at the same time to drain the wine in the cups. Ha! It's comfortable! After drinking all the wine in the glass, Kanan filled the glass again for herself and Li Yexing. She tightened her arms around Li Yexing and pressed her body against Li Yexing, with a hint of emotion on her face. Gao said: Time flies so fast, I always feel that I haven't done anything yet, and the -year has passed... So, it seems to be quite fast. Li Yexing thought for a while, then smiled: We met in February last year, and now it's almost April. It's been more than a year in a blink of an eye

In one year, a lot of things happened. For example, in January and February last year, all the staff of the firm went to South Africa and brought back Kanan. In early April last year, Chris came to tell him that he had found his partner, and by the way he killed his old enemy Wesker. Well, in August last year, everyone was hired by the arms dealer of country A to go to the Middle East. For the rest of the time, they basically stayed in the kennel, and occasionally took small jobs from local forces and had the opportunity to shoot. Not too much. Thinking about it, it was really interesting at that time... Li Yexing recalled the past, with a smile on his face: We were beaten to death on the top of the rift, and we ended up at the bottom of the rift. But they had to live together, and then got caught in the rain... Yes, it was a nightmare. Kanan smiled and said: That damn lizard ran, hid in the cave, and found a The big research institute, finally climbed on it, and bumped into the house wearing sunglasses.

After speaking, Kanan suddenly said in surprise: So, the memories between us are either chasing and running by monsters or being hung and beaten by monsters. Isn't this a complete lack of happy memories? Say so. Li Yexing patted Kanan's shoulder and said: Being beaten is also part of brotherhood! Fuck you! Kanan waved his hand with disgust, looking at Li Yexingdao : Are there any cigarettes? Let's have one. Smoke in someone's yard? Li Yexing frowned and said, Isn't it right? This is not our side. Nan whispered impatiently: 'Is there any cigarettes? Hurry up! You're right... Li Yexing thought for a while, and thought it was fine. He was a mercenary, so what kind of high quality would he pretend to be? So he took out a cigarette from his trousers pocket, handed one to Kanan, and then took one from the other, then poured out the lighter from the cigarette case and set it on fire, the two of them hooked up together and let the cigarette burn in the flames. collide with each other and ignite. After taking a deep breath, Kanan's nostrils sprayed with white mist. She shook her head and said, It's a little... You are smoking too fast. Li Yexing took a breath, and then faced Kanan Road. No way, I haven't smoked a cigarette since I got here. Kanan frowned and said: 'I said, won't you feel uncomfortable if you don't smoke? No. Li Yexing shook his head. He shook his head and said: I'm not as addicted to smoking as you are. I smoke in a hurry just to relieve stress. I usually smoke not because of addiction, but because I want something in my mouth. Shout. Kanan seemed a little upset, she thought for a while, then suddenly reached out and knocked the ash into the wine glass in Li Yexing's hand.

Li Yexing was stunned, looking at the wine glass he used as an ashtray. After a while, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Kanan Road: 'I said, are you sick? Right? Kanan said indifferently. Then why don't you kowtow into your own arms? Li Yexing frowned and said: 'You knock the ashes into my cup, what do I drink with? Blow the bottle? Big man , don't worry about it.. Kanan smiled, slowly filled his glass with wine, and said softly, Isn't it okay? Use your glass? Li Yexing was slightly startled, then Said: It's not impossible, but wouldn't it be impossible to clink glasses in this case? So you... An inexplicable smile appeared on Kanan's face, she tilted her neck and drank the wine in the cup. Then he slammed it on Li Yexing's lips. Li Yexing was stunned, his pupils instantly shrank to the size of a pinhole, he subconsciously opened his mouth slightly, and the wine with the taste of Kanan flowed into his mouth. Inside, Kanan closed his eyes and put the wine in his mouth into Li Yexing's lips, letting the leaked wine and foam slip from the lips of the two to down his neck, and the road went down. After a long time, his lips parted. Li Yexing was a little bit nervous.

Looking at Kanan in amazement, Kanan tilted his head and smiled slightly, and asked softly: 'Is it delicious? Good singing Li Yexing was stunned for a while, and then said solemnly: Please come again.

Instead of pouring the wine into the glass, she directly grabbed the bottle next to it. After taking a full sip, she narrowed her eyes slightly, lowered her head, and kissed Li Yexing's lips again. Li Yexing recklessly sucked the drink from Kanan's mouth until the drink was drained and the two of them did not let go. After drinking, Kanan raised his head with a flushed face. She pressed against Li Yexing's body and put one arm around Li Yexing. Ye Xing's neck, with the other hand holding the wine bottle, there was a hint of coquettishness on that face that always had a tomboy-like arrogant smile.

Don't be too greedy, my .S.. she whispered to Li Yexing: There is a lot of wine, and the night is still long...

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