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When the battle between the two ended, it was past midnight. Kanan's chest was heaving and breathing, she turned her head, and said to Li Yexing with some resentment: This is the first time for me, you bastard can't take it lightly Is it my fault? Li Yexing frowned and said, It's all your fault, no matter how you think about it, right? God knows why, the two of us are like we're fighting!

Isn't it all because of your expression?! Hearing Li Yexing's words, Kanan said with a displeased expression: Does it really make you so excited by pressing me down? Where am I excited? Li Yexing Liu Jie said in a low voice: 'That's right. How do I say it? I'm inexplicably thinking about putting my brother who carried the gun with me under the king. Fuck you. But then again. You guys still have the face to hide from me?! Thinking of this, Li Yexing looked at Kanan angrily and said, Look at you like that.

, isn't it just riding up? So why are you proud?

As expected of B05S, really domineering! Kanan sneered: You are only allowed to laugh on me? I am not allowed to laugh on you? It's because of your mentality that Li Yexing looked at Kanan and said, Let's talk about it. Now, are you laughing? I really should have taken a picture of your face with my mobile phone, so that you can see how bad you are! Forget it, forget it. Kanan turned his head impatiently, with a face on his face. Displeased: -I'm uncomfortable at all, it's really bad for that bastard Rita to ask the maid to be miserable. If I let you touch me again, I'll be a pig! B:! On Kanan's body, he said proudly: 'You can be the pig in that district! Get out of here! Don't touch me! Kanan stretched out his hand to push Li Yexing's face and said, Are you afraid of shame? I'm about to shout! Shout! Look who will take care of you? Li Yexing pushed Kanan's hand away, with a rippling smile on his face: Just resist as much as you can! The more you resist, the more I will The stronger Du!

I'm going to fuck you! What are you? Chen Nan turned his head and said with a look of disdain: 'I've done it for a long time, isn't it an unscrupulous boss who likes to take advantage of female subordinates?

Sing Nan gradually stopped moving, just breathing quickly, the tattoo on his shoulder trembled like a stimulant.

Seeing that Kanan was silent, Li Yexing raised his head and looked at Kanan: 'What? Don't resist? Come on. Kanan didn't look at Li Yexing, she tilted her head and said with a flush on her face: After finishing, go to sleep. Are you sure? Li Yexing frowned and said, didn't you turn into a pig? Oops! How did you, a big man, make Tang Haochi? - Kanan with an impatient face suddenly exerted strength, - She rolled over and pressed Li Yexing under her body, she supported Li with both hands and frowned: Don't move! I'll do it myself! Li Yexing thought about it and lay down on Muli's floor. . The breath of sweat permeates the spacious house. The night... still very...

..........It's past midnight, it should be the dead of night, but the bustling area of ​​Dongcheng District is still brightly lit. On the frantic night scene, a woman wearing a purple hip skirt and a red scarf stepped on black high-heeled shoes and walked across the corridor. With a glamorous look on her face, she gently pushed open the heavy door in front of her. Walking into the hall on the other side of the door, the woman smiled and looked at the young man sitting in front of the black dragon relief, and said with a smile: Mr. Nine-headed God, it's so late, what can you do to me? It's not too late, Miss Wang. , you know, there is no night in the city that never sleeps.. Nine-headed **** with black-rimmed glasses said with a smile, he picked up the red wine on the side and said, Would you like to have a drink with me?

Okay, then I'll drink an M cup.. The Miss Wang said with a smile: After all, it's because of Mr.

After all, Miss Wang smiled and looked at Jiutou Shenyuanyuan. Although it was only for a moment, she still clearly saw the fierce trembling between Jiutou Shenniangyuan's eyebrows-

He brushed his fingers through his well-tended black hair, and Jiutou Shenshuo suppressed the anger in his heart. He raised his head with a smile, handed the full wine glass to Miss Wang, and said with a smile, It's really me taking the liberty. A glass of wine. It is an apology for Miss Wang. Miss Wang took the wine glass handed by Jiutou Shenshuyuan, first sniffed it lightly, then smiled and said, Good wine, she sipped it lightly. D. Then he looked at Jiutou Shenxuan and said: Mr. Jiutou Shen called me so late, wouldn't it be just to have a drink with me? ^ Of course Jiutou Shenxuan filled himself with a smile. After drinking a glass of red wine, he followed the example of Miss Wang and sniffed gently, then took a sip. Then he said, No today, it should be said yesterday, my casino in Dongcheng District was demolished. I heard Now. Miss Wang smiled to herself: The police in Changye seem to be very busy. I heard that it is the one who is entrenched in the commercial street.

What did the Gandao group who refused to leave? The Gandao group? It's just a group of scum that was abandoned in that era, they didn't have those two... Jiutou Shenshuoyuan said with disdain: Those family fires, 80% of the people hired someone from where? It looks a bit like a killer, but the method is a bit too rude. Rough? Miss Wang raised her eyebrows, as if she was aroused by - Si's interest. Sau Yuan said with a smile. You don't seem to feel sorry for your casino? Looking at Jiutou Shenyuan, Miss Wang asked with a smile. Why do you feel sorry for that casino? Jiutou Shenyuan smiled and said: It's just a small-scale underground casino. When I settle the city, there will be as many casinos as there are. As for that Okamoto Ichiro, hehe, he thought I didn't know that he put the casino's revenue into it. Did you put it in your pocket? So, what are you struggling with? Miss Wang asked with a smile.

I'm struggling with you, Miss Wang... Jiutou Shenshangyuan's face

His smile gradually became gloomy, and he whispered: You think I don't know you

For a while, there was no sound in the hall, Jiutou Shenyuan and Miss Wang looked at each other quietly. After a long time, Miss Wang sighed. She shook her head helplessly and said, Mr. Jiutou Shen, we Can there be a little less of this kind of temptation between each other?

Is that right? The gloomy expression on Jiutou Shenshuyuan's face instantly melted away, and he said with a smile: 'I think it's interesting to be like this occasionally.

You are consuming my patience with you, Mr. Jiutou Shen. Seeing Caitou Shen-fu's indifference, Miss Wang gradually put away the smile on her face, and she said seriously, Instead of questioning me, you should Dedicated to dealing with the problems in front of you, the dry island group is still in the commercial street, and your task has not been completed, I will only give you a week, - after a week, if you still can't handle this small city, I will I will report the situation to my superior immediately and stop cooperating with you.

The smile on the face of the nine-headed shrine disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

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