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When night falls, the brightly lit Dongcheng District of Changye seems to be in a carnival. In the shadows that the lights could not reach, Li Yexing looked at the brightly lit building across the street, and gently raised his hand to hold the communicator hidden in his ear. He whispered: Tower, you and Tililith are ready 3?

Ready, sir. Rita's reassuring voice came from the other side of the communicator: ' Miss and I will always pay attention to the emergency passage in the city that never sleeps. I will erase him at the first time. Very good. Li Yexing whispered to the communicator: Now, stand by and wait for my news. After that, Li Yexing turned his head and looked at Kanan Road behind him, Are you all ready? I can do it anytime. Kanaan pushed the filled magazine into the pistol, stuffed it into his waist, and then took out the machete hidden in his clothes and responded with a smile. Very good. Li Yexing nodded and whispered: Do you still remember the plan? Of course I remember Kanan said with a bloodthirsty smile on his face: We entered the staff passage from the hall of the night hall, and then split up and started from They went straight to kill from both directions, took the guy's life, and then rode in the car prepared by Rita before the police arrived. Now, take another look at the target's appearance.. Li Yexing directed at Ka Nan Dao: Then put your machete back with me. I know. Kanan put away his smile, frowned and hid the machete with his clothes, took out his mobile phone, and whispered: Mother-in-law, Annoying. Turn on the phone, flip through the pictures, and finally freeze the screen on a slender young man who looks quite refined, Hanan pointed the phone screen at Li Yexing impatiently: That's this guy. Right? Jiutou Shenyuan, the boss of the Black Dragon Society, if you kill this guy, the mission will be over, right? That's right. Li Yexing said, Since everything is in place, let's start now.

Brother, Li Yexing took out a black mask with a pattern from his pocket and put it on his face, and put a cap on his head. On the other side, Kanan took out a cap and mask of the same style, and the two looked at each other. Leo-yan and then nodded tacitly at the other party. Let's go.. Li Yexing whispered. As soon as the voice fell, the two walked out of the shadows one after another, stepped into the street shrouded in colorful lights, and went straight to the tall building across the street, the base camp of the Black Dragon Society- - The city that never sleeps.

Through the glass revolving door, the two wearing masks walked straight into the city that never sleeps. Li Yexing pressed the communicator and said to Rita: 'I met Kanan and Li Yexing with a few men in black suits at the front desk of Kanan Hall. , subconsciously frowned, and after seeing the masks and hats of the same style, they withdrew their gazes and said nothing. It was as if Li Yexing and Kanan were young lovers who came to play together. Listen. With the sound of music coming from the hall, Li Yexing cryptically glanced at the stairs of the staff blocked by the seal, and then waved at Kanan. Kanan understood and followed directly, while holding Li Yexing in his arms. Will it be? Li Yexing whispered. It's a full set of performances. Kanan responded in a low voice, and through his exposed eyes, Li Yexing could see Guannan's sly smile. Let's go, let's go directly into the hall. Li Yexing whispered. He took Kanan to open the wooden door in front of him. Suddenly, the light was swallowed up, and the wild music with bursting rhythm mixed out, impacting the The two's eardrums Kanan frowned, and Pi Li Yexing pulled into the hall. Inside the hall and outside the hall seem to be two worlds. The light here is dim, and only the flashing lights on the top of the head revolve to illuminate the audience intermittently. Moving, swaying, men and women who didn't know each other stick together, rubbing against themselves wantonly, even murmuring, and then disappearing into the crowd holding hands. It makes me feel good.. Kanan whispered, but in this noisy environment, Li Yexing couldn't hear Kanan's words at all, only Li Yexing - while observing the layout of the entire hall, slowly He took Kanan to squeeze through the crowd. Staff passage... over there. Li Yexing whispered as he looked at the side of the stage. Beside the entrance of the staff passage, a man in a suit was guarding. Li Yexing watched him, and led Kanan to slowly wear a suit. Passing through the crowd, - inadvertently, Li Yexing stepped on someone's foot, - - the burly man in a leather coat next to him, with a lip ring on his lips, turned around abruptly and cursed at Li Yexing. I'm sorry. Li Yexing apologized to the man in not-so-standard Japanese. Seeing Li Yexing showing weakness, the man seemed to be interested. He clamored to find fault, and inadvertently, his eyes suddenly met Li Yexing's eyes hidden under the cap. -In an instant, the man only felt a chill down his spine, and a layer of cold sweat broke out. He subconsciously took a step back, his face was horrified, his mouth was tightly closed, and he didn't dare to speak. Li Yexing took a deep look at him, then took Kanan through the crowd, slowly leaning towards the entrance of the staff passage. After a while, Li Yexing took Kanan through the crowd, and they were accompanied by the sound of music. Stepping towards the staff passage, the man in a suit who was standing beside the staff passage saw all the strangers in the chain come up, and immediately reached out to stop him. He spoke Japanese politely and pointed in the other direction. Yes, 1 but Li Yexing didn't reply at all, he just walked straight towards the staff passage with Kanan. The man finally realized that something was wrong. His expression became a little nervous and his voice became severe. At the same time, he stretched his hand behind his back, as if he wanted to take out something, but Li Yexing was much faster than him. The moment he stretched out his hand, Li Yexing suddenly took a big step up. He covered his mouth with his hand and pressed him firmly against the wall, at the same time his knees slammed between the man's legs. The severe pain instantly destroyed the man in the suit's will to resist. He was covered by his mouth and couldn't make a sound. His eyes were red, as if he was about to jump out of his sockets.

Li Youxing groaned, pressed the man's head with his hands, twisted the man's head with force, and twisted the man's head one-hundred and eighty degrees. Kanan stood behind the whole time, covering the surrounding people's sight. The flashing lights flickered wildly with the rhythm of the music, in this darkness and wildness, no one noticed what was happening in the little corner next to the stage

Li Yexing slowly put down the body of the man in the suit, tried his best to straighten his head, and then adjusted his body into a relatively natural sitting position against the wall, like a drunk who fell asleep accidentally.

After dealing with the man in the suit, Li Yexing glanced back, and after confirming that no one was paying attention, he nodded at Kanan, and then entered the staff passage with Kanan.

Outside the city that never sleeps, in a small restaurant, Yamen Gangtaro quietly sat in the seat closest to the glass i 7, through the glass] staring at the city that never sleeps across the street, frowning slightly, after a long time, he He ate the pork chop rice in front of him in a big mouthful, then put down his chopsticks, stood up, pushed open the glass door of the restaurant, and walked straight towards the city that never sleeps.

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