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Entering the staff passage and closing the door, the wild music was instantly isolated, and the frenetic rhythm faintly passed from the other side of the door. Next, it's time to start killing? Kanan tilted his head and said with a somewhat excited smile on his face. Keep the movement as small as possible. Li Yexing nodded and said: Of course, don't be too deliberate. , just remember not to let those guys see your abilities. ... Kanan smacked his lips and whispered: ' 'It's very troublesome... The two walked through the staff passage side by side and reached the stairwell, Li Yexing said. He stuck his head out and looked at the corridor on the other side, and saw three men in black suits standing in the corridor who seemed to be chatting. I'm going upstairs from the other side of the corridor. You can go upstairs directly from this side and act separately. Is it alright? Li Yexing whispered to Kanan. No problem! Kanan responded with a smile: 'My hands are itchy. Li Yexing nodded and said: Then let's act. Seeing the timing, Li Yexing patted Kanan on the shoulder, and Kanan jumped up the stairs with a single stride. Li Yexing listened to Kanan's footsteps and estimated that she was about to arrive. Second, and then walked out directly and generously, walked towards the three members of the Black Dragon Society in the corridor. The three men in suits were still chatting about something, talking and laughing, as if they were saying that they were working hard. The person facing Li Yexing first saw Li Ye walking by. He frowned and carefully observed Li Yexing's attire, and his abnormality also attracted the attention of the other two, so the two also turned around. Come and watch Li Yexing

Noticing that Li Yexing's attire was not quite right, one of the men in a suit immediately pointed at Li Yexing and asked loudly, and at the same time pressed the walkie-talkie beside his ear as if he was communicating with someone. A few seconds later, the look of the man in the suit who didn't get a reply became very ugly. He said H to the other two aloud, and at the same time, he pulled it out from his waist - pointing the short knife at Li Yexing and questioning it sternly. Li Yexing looked at the three men in suits in front of him and just smiled. He casually put the hat on his head into his arms, put his hand into his pocket, and took out a black cloth. Sweep, the black cloth unfolds directly and becomes a black headgear. In front of the three of them, Li Yexing tore off his mask, put the black hood over his head, and then gave a sinister smile to the three in front of him. Looking at Li Yexing's black-headed voice, the expressions of the three of them gradually became terrified. A few seconds later, the man in the suit shouted loudly, then turned his head and ran away. The other two immediately turned around, but Li Yexing was faster than them, with a maddened expression.

I saw Li Yexing directly knocked the two running behind to the ground, and at the same time grabbed the back collar of the leader and pulled it hard. Ye Xing directly grabbed his hair and lifted his head, lifted the crotch cover and slammed it against the man's neck, only to hear the crisp sound of broken bones, the man immediately fell to the ground softly, and the broken neck was reversed. Weirdly curved.

One. Li Yexing said with a sneer, the two people who were knocked over by him were trying to get up, Li Youxing stepped forward and kicked the temple of one of them, accompanied by the brittleness of the broken bones. With a bang, one of the man's eyeballs flew out with blood. He rolled and hit the wall. He lay on his back, bleeding from his upper orifice, and died on the spot. Two. Li Yexing turned around with a smile. , looking at the last person, that person was already frightened. He sat on the ground with his legs on his forehead, while waving a short knife in the direction of Li Yexing at random - while shouting at Li Yexing and listening to Li Yexing He didn't understand Japanese, and at the same time backed away in a hurry. He didn't stop until he reached the corner of the wall, as if he wanted to squeeze himself into the wall. With a grim smile on Li Yexing's face, he flew up. - The foot jumped on the man's hand holding the knife, and with the sound of the knife falling to the ground, Li Yexing's voice came out as if there was an evil spirit: Three...

On the second floor, Kanan was also caught in a fight. At this time, it was already in chaos. From the staff passage on the second floor, there were not only members of the Black Dragon Club, but also many staff and guests, whether they were wearing clothes or not, they all screamed at Running downstairs, Kanan put on a black hood, against the flow of people fleeing in panic, advancing as he went.

With a face full of impatience, he pressed the communicator beside his ear and said, Boss, haven't you arrived yet? You are about to arrive. There are a lot of people going downstairs. I have to pay attention to whether the nine-headed god is mixed in there. Li Yexing's voice came from the other side of the device. Shout. With an understatement, he slashed into the head of an oncoming member of the Black Dragon Club. Kanan frowned and said, Then hurry up. Turning off the communication, Hanan raised his head. At this time, the people on the second floor had almost run away. Kanan walked forward quickly, kicking open every passing door at the same time, and the members of the Black Dragon Club on the opposite side were holding up one by one. The machete, but did not dare to go forward, not only that, they also kept a distance from Kanan, for fear that Kanan would suddenly rush up to chop them and then be continuously chopped by Kanan + after several brothers, they would tactically attack the sea of ​​​​people. Not so confident anymore. They are waiting. really. Not long after, a stocky man ran out from the stairwell behind them. He had a black dragon tattoo and a scar on his face, and he held a knife in his hand. What, the man didn't care that he cursed and pushed away the people standing in front of him. When he saw Kanan with a knife, he frowned and shouted something at Kanan.

Reproach. Why do the Japanese like to fight so much before they fight? Kanan looked at the sturdy man in front of him and said impatiently:' 'You don't even need three seconds to put you down, I listen to you It will take three minutes to talk about it. After saying that, Kanan with an impatient face suddenly took out the Beretta from his waist, pointed it at the man's head and pulled the telegraph, accompanied by a gunshot, Before the man could react to what happened, a blood flower exploded on his head, and he fell straight to the ground.

Quiet. Kanan blew the muzzle, like a gunman from the west, with a look of disdain on his face. After a while, everyone in the Black Dragon Society was like a frying pan. The stairwell escaped. Kanan felt a little disappointed, she walked forward, and when she passed the sturdy Black Dragon Club member, she was slightly taken aback. There seems to be a gun in the man's pocket? Bending down, Kanan took out a small pistol from the man's pocket, she pulled out the magazine and glanced at it, then smiled and said: No wonder one by one So confident, it turned out to be carrying a gun. With that, Kanan pushed the magazine back, smiled and said to himself: You don't even shoot, it's a pity to hold it in your hand.

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