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Ignoring Amen Gangtaro's confusing self-talk, Li Yexing stared at the compound-eyed demons on both sides of the van. These fearless monsters were slowly walking against the driveway from the sidewalks on both sides. Outflanking, Bu Bu Fu approached the van, a compound-eyed demon grinned and rode a motorcycle onto the van, lit the incendiary bottle in his hand and wanted to throw the incendiary bottle into the van along the broken window, Li Yexing gritted his teeth. , slammed the car door open, shouted, Give it to Lao Tzu! Then he stretched his legs out of the car and kicked the compound eye demon in the face, the compound eye demon with a molotov cocktail screamed and fell from the motorcycle Going down, a spark exploded on the street. Sir! Hurry up! At this moment, Rita's shout came from the driver's seat. Li Yexing immediately retracted his body. The next second, Rita turned the steering wheel sharply, damaging the van. On the motorcycle of the compound beholder on the other side, the motorcycle of the compound beholder was instantly pushed into the lane beside it, and then was knocked out by the oncoming car. Ma'am, the bullets are gone! Kanan, who was on the side, had already emptied the last bullet, she irritably looked at the compound eye demons riding motorcycles outside the car, and cursed in a low voice: These bastards , Don't you know what it means to give up? Tililith has no more bullets. Tililith, who also emptied her bullet, said expressionlessly: I'm not happy. If Tililith's 'turn' is there, All right. I see... Li Yexing frowned and said: 'We have to get rid of these guys, otherwise we won't be able to enter the safe house! Beside, Yagang Taro, who has been silent all the time, suddenly propped himself up, and he raised his body coldly. With the gun in his hand, he fired at the compound eye demon near the car, and the bullets shot out, hitting those monsters, and knocking the Xia eye demon nearby from the motorcycle. What? Aren't you afraid of accidental injury? People's Guard? Sang Nan, who had emptied his bullet, turned his head to look at Amen Gangtaro and said with a smile, with a trace of disdain on his face. Amen Gangtaro didn't answer, he just fired at the Fujin compound-eyed demons until the gun in his hand made a click sound. He smashed violently towards a compound eye demon who was approaching. I don't know if it was an illusion, Li Yexing always felt that Yamen Gangtaro's mood was not right after the phone call, but he didn't have time to think about it. Right now, except for Rita, who was holding the steering wheel, everyone had been killed. Damn it, if I knew I was going to face these monsters, I would have prepared more bullets. Li Yexing couldn't help but frowned and complained, thinking that this mission was just to play with a bunch of inexperienced gangsters. Playing the house, I didn't expect the gangster opposite to open the cage and release a group of monsters. Rita, how many bullets do you have left? Turning his head, Li Youxing asked Rita who was holding the steering wheel in the driver's seat. Dissatisfied. Two magazines, sir. Rita replied, Do you need me to give you all the bullets?

Give me one is enough. Li Yexing said, so Rita took out a magazine from under her skirt without hesitation, and threw it to Li Yexing, Li Yexing casually caught the magazine that Rita threw over. , and then skillfully advanced into the gun. Although there were bullets in the gun, Li Yexing still did not dare to shoot at will. He knew that the bullets in his hand and the bullets in Rita's hands were the only bullets left in the car. Rita needed bullets to clean up those The car drove to the compound eye demon in front, and the guys who passed the test from both sides had to rely on themselves. This is really hard for me. Li Yexing frowned and muttered to himself. On both sides of the van, the compound eye demons were still approaching. They smirked and lit the incendiary bottles in their hands, and then threw them towards Li Yexing's van just because the distance was not close enough. Luo was on the street, and then it exploded, and the flames rose. It was like the carnival of evil spirits. Li Yexing carefully watched the sides of the van. Once Xia Eye Demon got too close, he immediately opened the door. Gun shooting. On the other side, she saw another Xia-Eye magic sticking up, and was about to ignite the Molotov cocktail in her hand. Tililith suddenly opened the car door and leaned out half of her body, grabbed the back collar of the compound eye demon, and then directly slammed it into place. Pulled into the car from the motorcycle, held its neck with one hand, - pulled off the two molotov cocktails on its waist and then ignored the howling and struggle of the summer beholder, and directly moved it towards the other who wanted to The compound eye demon who leaned up and raised the gun was thrown away. With a scream, a compound eye demon smashed into a ball on the motorcycle, and then all fell off the motorcycle. Looking at Hanan, who could only stare at Tililith handing over the Molotov cocktail that she had snatched from the bullet, Amen Gangtaro was stunned. Nice job! Miss! Kanan praised with a smile. , took the incendiary bottle handed over by Tililith, took out the lighter in her pocket and lit it, and then gave it back to Tililith: Take it right. I threw it towards a motorcycle that wanted to get rich and close. The molotov cocktail almost didn't even cross the curve in the air. It hit the motorcycle straight, and then exploded. In an instant, the motorcycle The compound eye demon on the blazing blazing train shouted in Japanese that Tiillis couldn't understand, jumped directly from the motorcycle, and fell heavily on the street. Good shot! Kanan smiled and lit a Molotov cocktail, handed it to Tililith, and said, Come on, let these guys suffer! Tililith took the Molotov cocktail and looked at those who wanted to come over. The compound eye demon said expressionlessly: Ba. Then he threw it out violently. With the explosion of the molotov cocktail and the screams of the compound eye demon, one of the pursuers withdrew from the battlefield. The molotov cocktail was slapped with his tongue, and Tililith She fell into a state of staring again, and she stared blankly at the compound eye demons on the motorcycle outside the car door, but those guys dared not come up anymore, and could only throw the Molotov cocktail in the distance. words, even if true

There are a few who want to put their tongues into the car, and Tililith can also directly catch the incendiary bottle with her strong dynamic vision and reaction speed and then throw it back. Amazing! Li Yexing couldn't help but praised when he looked at Tililith. There had been no gunshots outside the car for a long time. Li Yexing guessed that the Xia Eye Demons with guns should have been beaten, so He dared to follow Tililith's example and opened the car door, his eyes fixed on the compound eye demons who were flanking from the flanks, ready to physically intercept Molotov cocktails at any time. In this way, Tililith and Li Yexing were in charge of the side, while Rita stared at the compound eye demons who were trying to intercept the van from the front. A compound eye demon fell, it stubbornly rode a motorcycle and wore a large white cloak full of quotes from the second sickness. Although it had no gun and no Molotov cocktail around its waist, it still shouted impassively in Japanese-- While chasing the van, he was reluctant to give up. Dog thing, quite perseverance. Li Yexing sneered, raised the gun in his hand and aimed at the last compound eye demon, ready to put the last few bullets in the magazine. send it. Pointed at by the dark muzzle, the compound eye demon yelled something onboard, and then suddenly operated the motorcycle to speed up and hit Li Yexing's van. The next second, accompanied by a harsh car horn and a loud I sound, it was directly hit by the oncoming big truck and flew out. Li Yexing maintained his gun-raising posture with a slightly subtle expression.

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