What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

4-42. The macho is tired and stupid

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You said? People didn't catch up?!' At this time, the hall on the first floor of Never Sleeping City was in a mess, and the masked compound eye demons were busy, they were cleaning up the scene, and by the way, they dealt with some of the people who were no longer suitable for public appearance. Companion, and under the dim light, Jiutou Shenshuyuan stood in the center of the hall, staring at the field of his subordinates, his face was full of consternation and confusion, at this moment, the contrived elegance of the past was completely removed by him. Forget it. Those intruders are very powerful. The field lowered his head, stood aside and said solemnly, And they also left behind. Soon after the black-faced people started to move, someone responded to them and evacuated.

What about the policeman? Jiutou Shenshuhara asked a somewhat irritable questionnaire: What about the policeman who always likes to meddle in his own business? He sees the faces of the black-faced people? It's not like he can't even keep a single policeman. stay

Isn't that letting the black-faced berserker team catch up?! Jiutou Shenyuan said angrily. It's all been killed. The field replied in a deep voice.

Jiutou Shenshuyuan's eyes widened, and he was so angry that he was speechless for a moment. He froze for a moment like a sculpture, kicked his legs and kicked the air, and then scratched his head irritably, whispering to himself. Said: No, it's not the time, it's not the time... long... Seeing that Jiutou Shenxuan was a little anxious, the field said solemnly: 'What should we do next?' Su Yuan's eyes widened and he grabbed his scalp like he was mad. At this moment, a woman's voice sounded in the hall. Help, President Jiutou Shen, you seem to be very troubled. You bastard. What are you talking about?! You know... the impatient Kuzushin Kohara couldn't help raising his head and roaring, but the moment he saw the woman clearly, he swallowed all the words stuck in his throat. With the anger on his face, Jiutou Shenyuan forcibly tore it out on his face - an ugly smile, softly said: Isn't this Miss Wang, I remember you said

I was supposed to be busy with something. Wearing a purple hip-packed skirt and a red scarf, Miss Wang stepped into the hall with high heels, scanning the chaotic hall and the busy masked compound eye demons through the dim light. 0. Then he smiled and said to Kutoshen Shohara: 'But, Mr. Kutoshen really doesn't let me worry

As she said that, Miss Wang covered her mouth with a smile and said, Look at you, you have made a storm all over the city.

After listening to Miss Wang's words, the face that was originally ugly without Jiutou Shenshu became even more ugly. Seeing the reaction of Jiutou Shenshu, Miss Wang's eyebrows crossed a trace of disdain, and the person supporting the matter, but now it seems, Jiutou Shenshangyuan this guy is too useless. First, he successfully killed the former leader of the Black Dragon Society by distributing C disease equipment to a large group of gangsters, and then successfully replaced him with his own help. A bit of a brave gangster, so now, he has been completely reduced - once the black-faced people under his command fail to solve the problem, he is stupid and doesn't know what to do. Miss Wang has begun to wonder if she has chosen the wrong person? In the end, Miss Wang gave up making things difficult for Jiutou Shenyuan, she shook the small glass plate in her hand and smiled, Mr. Jiutou Shen, Are you not interested in those guys who attacked the city that never sleeps? Do you know who they are? Hearing Miss Wang's words, Jiutou Shenyuan immediately asked eagerly. Some eyebrows... Miss Wang casually asked The information in the mobile phone was passed to Jiutou Shenyuan, and he said with a smile: Those guys are mercenaries, from illegal

Loppler... Friendship? Looking at the information sent by Miss Wang on the phone, Jiutou Shenshuo gritted his teeth and said in a low voice:

The bastards of the Kanjima group.. actually invited mercenaries! How dare they.. Compared with the fact that they hired mercenaries, they dared to sell this step until the situation developed into what it is now. I am surprised. So what? Trying to maintain an elegant disguise, Jiutou Shenshuo pressed his face with a twisted expression: Miss Wang, do you have any ideas for the current form? What's so difficult about this? Miss Wang smiled He Zi: Since I've been through all the wind and rain in the city, why don't I just get older? What did you say? Looking at Miss Wang with a mysterious smile on her face, Jiutou Shenshangyuan wondered: I don't think so. ... What can't you understand? Miss Wang said with a smile, Anyway, you don't have much time left. Those mercenaries were hired by the Gandao group, right? Just uproot the Gandao group. It's alright, isn't it?

Unplug the dry island group.. Jiutou Shenshuo frowned and muttered to himself, then shook his head and said: No, this time the black-faced people are too bad. 7. We need time to add The black-faced crowd can't kill an entire gang in a short period of time. Why does it take time? Miss Wang tilted her head slightly and smiled Zeng: Isn't there a large number of ordinary members in the Black Dragon Club? Just give them

With the nutrients provided by us, wouldn't it be possible to produce a new black-faced crowd soon? Hearing Miss Wang's words, Di Chang suddenly raised his head, and he stared at the Nine-headed God Sacred Plain, his face Gang was a little worried. No! Jiutou Shenyuan quickly shook his head and refused: This is too urgent, a large number of members of the Black Dragon Society disappeared out of thin air, this is to break the eyes of the people above! I finally became the president of the Black Dragon Society, I can't take this risk! Miss Wang stared at the anxious face of Jiutou Shenyuan, and suddenly smiled, she said softly: Mr. -A gang that doesn't make it into the mainstream, will you be a gangster all your life? Hearing Miss Wang's words, Jiutou Shenshangyuan was stunned, and vaguely, he felt as if he had caught something. The head god Sau Yuan respectfully asked: Miss Wang, can you point me to a clear path? Of course you can. Hiding the disdain between her brows, Miss Wang smiled and said: You are interested, become one of our partners. staff?

Become... your member? Jiutou Shenshuoyuan muttered to himself, and then suddenly realized something, a brilliant expression appeared on his face, and he said excitedly:

Of course you can. Miss Wang smiled and said, As long as you do this, I will directly introduce you to my organization. Although you can only start at the top level, it is still much better than being a gangster. If you can join Miss Wang's organization, it would be great. Jiutou Shenshuo suppressed the joy on his face and said, But, how can I make sure that Miss Wang doesn't lie to me?

You only need to trust me completely. After all, if you can develop in the organization, as your introducer, I can also occupy a lot of officials. There was a fox-like smile on his face, Miss Wang raised her charming red lips and said softly: This action is your nomination to join the organization, and I will assist you on behalf of the organization's rights, so I don't need to consider the cost, just let go and do it. Clenching his fists, Jiutou Shenyuan's expression was struggling fiercely. After a long time, he took a deep breath. His eyes radiated a terrifying cold light, and he raised his head in the shocked eyes and said coldly: Please be specific, what do you need me to do?

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