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Shinjiro Kanjima is dead?! In the dark safe house, Li Yexing looked at the middle-aged man in front of him in surprise. Although he vaguely guessed that there might be something wrong with the Kanjima group, he didn't expect the problem. would be so big. It's really...- you gave me some big news when you came up, Li Yexing couldn't help but said with his messy black hair. On the other side, the tearful middle-aged man was still talking. Ai] Kontaro's face became more and more gloomy and ugly. Rita, who was next to him, also looked wrong. She frowned rarely. Dao: He said that Mr. Kanjima asked him to hand over the commission to Mr., saying that the Black Dragon Society sent a lot of monsters, for fear that they would not be able to deal with it, so he could not involve Mr. Some websites already know Mr.'s reputation on the other side. According to the market price, they can't afford Mr.'s commission at all. Mr. has helped the Kanjima group enough, and can't involve Mr. I just think that a hooligan who can't handle a few guns can't use the market price. Li Yexing frowned and said. On the other side, the middle-aged man was still choking and saying something loudly, In the end, he bent down sharply and bowed to Li Yexing. Sir. Rita frowned slightly and said softly, He heard Jiutou Shenshuyuan say that, except for the wave of people who attacked the commercial street, it seems that Another group of people attacked the ancestral house of the Gan Dao family. Miss Gan Dao is still there. He can no longer contact there. It is very likely that something has happened there. He begged us to save Miss Gan Dao. For a while, there was no sound in the room, including Yai] Gangtaro, everyone was watching Li Yexing, waiting for him to make a decision. What do you think? Li Youxing turned his head and asked the girls around him. Tililith remained silent as always, while Kanan shrugged his shoulders and said, I don't care, you are the boss, what you say is what you say... In the end... it's up to Mr. Rita said with a smile, but Li Yexing didn't feel any smile in Rita's eyes at all. What happened to the Gandao family made the head maid from the noble family a little angry. Take a closer look, in Kanan's eyes There seems to be a little bit of resentment hidden, not to mention Tililith, who never eats shriveled. Thinking of that day on the pool, under the wooden pavilion, and in the moonlight, Li Yexing already had the answer in his heart. Said, I don't really care if I can save that little silly girl from the Gandao family... After a while, Li Yexing lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and said, But, this wave of deflation, I will Very upset! Staring at the burning eyes, Li Yexing said fiercely: 'I, Li, when did I suffer such a big loss? It was concocted by a group of Japanese gangsters and sent back to Loples, the Italian Isn't the dead golden hair roll going to ride on the head of the master to shit? I have to get it back in this place! Ah.. it really became like this.. After listening to Li Yexing's words, the corners of Kanan's mouth gradually grinned. She smiled arrogantly and said: However, I just like you. He hits us in the face, we have to take his head off? It is also a part of noble communication. Tililith didn't speak, but just clenched her right fist and smashed it on the palm of her left hand, looking like she wanted to speak out viciously. Finally, Kotaro Amen, who was sitting directly against the counter, stood up, patted his butt, and said sternly: I am a policeman, and protecting the citizens is also part of my job, so I will go too. With a somewhat arrogant smile , Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and said: Come on, Rita, tell the Gan Island team that people can be rescued, but you will need to pay extra.

With the sound of the sharp weapon cutting through the flesh, another compound eye demon fell down, burned to ashes, and drifted away with the wind, leaving only a blackened trace. Kanjima Hitomi held up the sword tiredly. The sword in her hand had already cut a gap, but she was still slashing constantly, as if to cut off all her confusion and weakness. Even so, cutting and killing brought The pleasure of losing his father still can not numb the pain. When she raised her head, the hateful woman was still smiling and staring at her. The distance between her and the woman did not seem to be getting closer. Whenever she killed the monster, the woman would wave her hand and let new monsters rush up. Hitomi Kanjima couldn't remember how many monsters he killed. Dragging her exhausted body, Hitomi Kanjima dragged her sword and staggered towards the woman. The woman who led the monsters watched Hitomi Kanjima walk towards her step by step. She couldn't help clapping and said with a smile: It's incredible that you can actually do this. You are a natural killer. With a charming fox-like smile on your face, Miss Wang smiled and said softly: 'Look at you, how happy are you laughing? ...how happy? Am I.. laughing? Hitomi Kanjima stopped, she reached out her hand tremblingly, fingers slowly upwards. She stroked the corners of her grinning mouth. I...I... Hitomi Kanjima murmured Muttering to herself, then suddenly laughing, - at first it was just a little chuckle, then gradually it turned into a morbid laugh, she covered her face and let the tears flow out of her eyes. Ah.. it seems to be broken. Seeing Hitomi Kanjima who was laughing wildly in front of her, Miss Wang shrugged and said, But it doesn't matter, this child is really strong. If it is used as a test body to strengthen the C virus, it will definitely be able to create a very strong Something incredible, right? After speaking, Miss Wang waved her hand and said to the huge figure who had been silent beside her, Grab her and live.

The monster nodded, then took heavy steps, and walked towards Hitomi Kanjima step by step. Just as it stretched out its hand to grab Hitomi Kanjima, Hitomi Kanjima suddenly moved and saw her alone. Gangshen dodged the monster's hand, then slashed at the bucket's thick arm with a sharp knife, and with the tactile sensation of the sword penetrating into the flesh, S Tong lifted her face mixed with tears and a morbid smile, only to see the knife in her hand. The samurai sword only cut through the skin on the monster's arm, and it was firmly stuck by the muscles before it could cut much.

Living. Not caring about this ticklish attack, the monster waved his hand violently, and Hitomi Kanjima, who had no time to withdraw the blade, was immediately thrown out with the knife. She fell heavily to the ground and rolled, but she did not give in. The moment her body stopped, she suddenly stood up with one hand propped up, then raised the knife in her hand, and charged straight towards the monster. The monster didn't dodge or evade, just quietly watched Hitomi Kanjima rush towards him. At the moment when Hitomi Kanjima slashed towards him, it suddenly stretched out its hand and held it at a speed that was completely inconsistent with its bulky body. The sword in Hitomi Kanjima's hand only heard a crisp sound, and the sword in Hitomi Kanjima's hand snapped. Looking at the broken sword in his hand, Hitomi Kanjima's eyes flashed a trace of confusion. Ah. It's broken. The next second, the monster's huge fist slammed into Hitomi Kanjima's abdomen. Hitomi Kanjima only felt as if she had been hit by a truck, and flew out in an instant. , and then fell heavily on the ground again. She wanted to get up, but suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood. She could feel that her consciousness was moving away from herself.

In a trance, I seem to be lifted up and carried on my shoulders. Is that the monster? Where is it taking itself? By the way, the woman just seemed to be talking about an experiment, right? Has he turned into a monster? Mr. Li will not like that kind of face full of eyes. Speaking of which, Mr. Li is really like a hero in the comics. When the girl is in danger, it falls from the sky or something. .. it would be great if Mr. Li was here.. He would definitely save me? It is impossible to beat such a monster.. Mr. Lee.. will you come for me?

Sleep. What are you thinking.. Father is dead, and there will be no Mr. Li, no, maybe even Mr. Li... Tearful Kanjima Hitomi closed his slightly squinted eyes in despair. Ah. It's over.. It's over.. Suddenly, there was a harsh brake sound in Hitomi Kanjima's ear, and then, with the sound of the car door being opened, a familiar voice sounded in her ear. Sound, it was the voice of a man. Although the tone sounded terrible, it instantly dispelled the despair in Hitomi Kanshima's heart. Kind of like laughing.

Ah Li Xian. Are you really a hero who came out of some comics?

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