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Although we have decided to save people, we can't go empty-handed, right? After everyone walked out of the safe house and asked the middle-aged man from the Gandao group to return to the commercial street as soon as possible to pay attention to the movements of the Black Dragon Society, Kanan frowned and said. . What? Are you planning to bring some gifts? Li Yexing asked. Don't be joking at this time! Kanan slapped Li Ye fiercely, and then said: Gun! Gun! Those guys are leading a group of monsters. Isn't it? We can't reveal our identities, can't we? Without guns, we can't reveal our identities, are you asking us to fight those monsters hand-to-hand? Tiillis can fight hand-to-hand. Tililith, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said.

Tsk so annoying... Kanan scratched his head and said, Doesn't that mean that I am the weakest? The weakest is clearly me! Li Yexing frowned and said, It's okay, just bite the bullet. , and I estimate that there are only a hundred or so Xia Eye Demons, and a few of us are still fighting. If it really doesn't work, you let go of the fight. Anyway, the Gandao family's compound is in the suburbs. it is good. At this moment, Kotaro Amon, who had been silent next to him, raised his hand like a primary school student who was rushing to answer questions in class: If it's a picture, maybe I can get some.

Don't say go back to the police station to get this kind of thing. Li Yexing frowned and said: When you go back to the police station, I guess the chick in the Gandao family will be over the top seven. It won't be very slow. , less than ten minutes at most! Yamen Gangtaro vowed. Li Yexing thought about it, and finally just frowned and said: Then you hurry up. Without a word of nonsense, Yamen Gangtaro directly took out his mobile phone and dialed. A certain number, after a while, a voice of a woman came from the other side of the mobile phone, it sounded very cold, and it was inexplicably uncomfortable, Amon Gangtaro lowered his posture, and looked like he was ready to talk, After a while, the phone hangs up, Yamen Gangtai

Li Yexing turned his head and asked Rita, What's the situation? Rita shook her head and said softly, I don't know, it sounds like it's his girlfriend. Everyone waited quietly, and after a while, There was a burst of engine noise in the quiet street, and the engine sound became louder and more manic. Finally, a black car slammed out of the opposite street, as if it had stepped on the accelerator. , That car, was abruptly driven out of a racing car. The black car galloped past, and then suddenly stopped beside Yamen Gangtaro who was waiting on the side of the road with a harsh braking sound, the door opened, A well-dressed young woman walked down, she had pale blond hair, was wearing 0L business attire, stepped on high heels, had a cold face, and looked at Amen Gangtaro's expression

Amen Gangtaro had a thankful expression on his face, bowed slightly, and said something to the woman in a low voice. The woman seemed to be completely disrespectful. After saying a few words, her eyes gradually shifted to Li Yexing and the others. Is that your girlfriend? Li Yexing looked at Yamen Gangtaro's head: Looks like it's not very easy to talk. The woman looked at Li Yexing deeply and then she was cold in standard American English. Facing Li Yexing, he said, You don't need to speak your tongue-rolling English to Yamen-jun in order to avoid me.

You can speak English too? Li Yexing looked at the woman in surprise. My English grades in college have always been good. The woman replied with a face.

It seems that it is indeed a pair. Kanan next to him stuck his arms and nodded solemnly.

Don't get me wrong, Gangtaro Amen said hurriedly, waving his hand: Miss Mato is the daughter of my colleague, we are just ordinary friends..

Forget it, I don't have time to watch you show your affection. Li Yexing waved his hand and said, Where's the equipment?

In the trunk. Yamen replied, he was about to open the trunk, but Mrs. Mato's hand was firmly pressed on his, preventing him from moving.

Miss Mato first glanced at Li Yexing and others, and then looked at Yamen Gangtaro. She looked into Yachang Gangtaro's eyes and asked something, but Yamen Gangtaro nodded heavily, and then, really. What Miss Hu said again, Amen Gangtaro immediately shook his head, as if to express his objection, and his tone sounded serious. Seeing Li Yexing looking at the two with a confused expression, Rita whispered to Li Yexing to translate Zeng Miss Mato asked if we were worth trusting, and Mr. Yamen said it was worth it

Then Miss Mato said that she would also go, but Mr. Yamen firmly opposed. In the end, Miss Mato didn't say anything about Gangtaro Yamen after all, she sighed and let go of Gangtaro Yamen's hand, with an expressionless expression. It was as cold as before. Yamen Gangtaro nodded his thanks, opened the trunk, and waved at Li Yexing. Li Yexing came up and looked at the pile of stuff in the trunk, and was stunned for a moment. A little surprised, he raised his head and asked Miss Mato: Dare to ask. What kind of work do you do? Clerk of the Changye Metropolitan Police Department, I'm on vacation. Miss Mato replied. Looking at the various types of automatic rifles, shotguns and pistols, as well as a lot of accessories and bullets in the trunk, Li Yexing looked strange and said, You are.

My father's collection was just before his death. Miss Mato replied.

It's a bit powerful.. Li Yexing nodded and praised sincerely, and then asked: Can we use all of these? Otherwise, why would I bring it? Miss Mato replied with a cold face. Li Yexing turned his head , shouting to the girls behind him: 'Come on, choose the equipment! We have a big vote tonight! After a while, everyone chose the equipment, and Li Yexing got it - put the modified AR-15, Tililith used the song x shotgun, Kanan picked two guns, while Rita and Amen Gangtaro both chose MP5; submachine gun. After selecting the equipment, everyone was ready to board

The chartered car left, and at this moment, Miss Mato stopped Li Yexing.

What's the matter? Li Yexing turned his head and asked, holding someone's gun, naturally he had to be polite to them. Miss Mato looked at Li Yexing, and after a long time, she said softly: Please bring back Yamen-kun intact, his brain is not very good, I'm afraid that he will don't worry, I'll be sure when I go, what kind of return is what? . Li Yexing smiled and nodded.

Everyone got into the van and closed the door. Li Yexing asked, Rita, do you still remember the location of the 2nd Gandao family compound? Of course I do, sir. Rita said with a smile. Then let's go. To be honest, I don't want to accept P for that young lady. Driving on the dark street. At this time, it is the evening rush hour when the overtime party gets off work. Suoxingri City is very close to the Gandao family mansion in the suburbs. In addition, there are no people in the old city. Quick, the van carrying everyone drove into the suburbs, and after driving for a few more minutes, the car finally entered the territory of the Gan Dao family. Li Yexing could already see that the direction of the Gan Dao family's mansion was burning in the distance. The car was getting closer and closer to the Gan Dao's compound. Suddenly, Rita stepped on the brakes. She said loudly, Sir, the front is blocked! The door of the van was suddenly opened, and Li Yexing jumped out of the car. Then he saw a large group of compound eye demons wearing various suits, and at a glance, he saw the woman surrounded by compound eye demons, who was about to board the truck and leave, and the tall monster standing next to the woman, carrying Hitomi Kanjima. Cubs! Put that girl down! Li Yexing shouted, pointing at the woman who was about to board the truck.

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