What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

4-51. Men's irritable warning

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Hearing Li Yexing's shout, the woman was stunned for a moment. After a while, she turned her head and looked at Li Yexing with great interest. The moment he saw her face, Li Yexing was stunned, as were Tililith and Rita. That woman. Rita couldn't help frowning as she looked at the woman's face. King Ada. Tililith said softly the woman's name. It's wrong, the woman with short black hair and smiling like a fox in front of her is not King Ada, who could it be? Are you acquaintances? Looking at everyone's uneasy reaction, Kanan on the side was slightly stunned. No, it's not her, that woman is not King Ada. Looking at the monster standing side by side with Hitomi Kanjima The woman in the car, Li Yexing frowned and said softly, Kara... Carla, whose full name is Carrara Dames, is one of the big villains from Resident Evil 6, the behind-the-scenes ruler of the new Umbrella organization. She is a fanatic , Pianwan, and ruthless, but the most commendable thing is that Yi-she has the same face as King Ada, why does this woman have the same face as Ada E? said At this point, we have to mention another person, he is another big villain in Resident Evil 6), the national security adviser of country A is also the leader of the organization family --- Derek C. Simmons . To put it simply, Kara was once a typical European and American blond beauty, with high attainments in biotechnology and virology. At the same time, this woman madly adore her boss, which is Simmons. However, Simmons is this Man, the problem is very big, he is a queen concubine, who is the concubine? Leon's default wife

- - - King Ada. To be reasonable, Simmons wants money, money, power, and power. I'm not bad at all. Isn't it easy to catch a woman? But he was crazily shriveled here at King Ada. Ada has long been The secret promise to a high-paid agent, coupled with the involvement of Simmons in the handling of the Raccoon City incident, made Ada extremely disliked by Simmons.

In other words, what you can't get is always in turmoil. Simmons is greedy for Ada's scalp. At this time, he is catching up with the genius researcher Carla who has developed the C virus. In addition, Carla himself also admires Simmons.. At this moment , Simmons Saffron heartily. Since King Ada doesn't like me, why don't I pinch one? In this way, Simmons coaxed Carla to use himself as a prototype to conduct the C virus test, and Carla, who was dazzled by love, directly agreed. , The test was extremely successful. With the help of the power of C virus, Carla pupated, and Ada broke out. Because of the pupation of C virus, Carla lost part of the record 1Z. When Simmons saw that the joy was broken, he simply pushed the boat and directly Tell Kara: You are Ada Wang, you are my wife! So, the root cause of Resident Evil 6 was planted. According to Simmons' wishes, Kara learned the use of firearms and fighting skills, and she became more and more Like the real King Ada, she has always believed that she is Ai 5. King, enjoying the love with Simmons and the life of a high-ranking agent, Kara feels that there will be no woman happier than herself in the world. One day, Li Gui saw that Li Huikara was stupid. If that woman is Ada, who is she? Is the scene with Simmons still true? Love belongs to King Ada, memory It belongs to Ada King, and even this face belongs to Ada King, what about Carla?! Where is Carla?! After knowing the truth, Carla's spirit began to twist and became crazy, and she longed to ask Simmons For revenge, she longed to make the world of order that the man desperately wanted to maintain burn in her own anger, so she planned a series of conspiracies, successfully calculated Simmons, and launched a biochemical terrorist attack in China

The real Ada Wang personally put an end to the life of this poor impostor. To sum up - next, she is a sad woman with a brain that is useless. On the other side, looking at Li Yexing's meaningful eyes, Carla in the truck compartment smiled and said, What? We've met before? No. Li Yexing shook his head and replied.

Really, I think you seem to be very interested in me, Mr. Mad Dog of Loples. Seeing Li Yexing deny it, Cara shook her head regretfully. I'm interested in all beautiful women... Li Yexing said, with a bit of a vicious smile on his face: After all, your leather goods are so beautiful. Hearing Li Yexing's words, the expression on Cara's face was very The smile disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and she said with a frosty face: It's really an uneducated mad dog, is that how you talk to a lady? If I talk well, you can let the stupid big man beside you. Is the girl on its shoulder put down? Li Yexing said with a smile. Oh, so it's like this. His eyes automatically filtered out Amen Gangtaro, looking at the large group of beautiful girls behind Li Yexing, Carla covered her mouth and chuckled, I didn't expect you to be a lover. Oh! That's right! Like It was an interesting idea that suddenly came up in his mind. Without giving Li Yexing a chance to open his mouth, Cara smiled and said to herself: Want this girl? It's not impossible, I will take this girl to the long-term before twelve o'clock tonight. The roof of Ye Commercial Building is waiting for your visit. I don't think it's necessary to be so troublesome to win. Li Yexing shook his head and said, You put people down now, so that I don't need to get it myself, which is so troublesome. No way, Mr. Mad Dog, wouldn't there be no chance for a hero to save beauty? Love needs a sense of ritual. Laka covered his mouth with a chuckle and then turned to the crowd around him.

Upon receiving Kara's order, the compound eye demons in suits and mixed outfits immediately turned their heads.

0 turned frantically, holding the machete and stick in his hand, and they walked towards Li Yexing and others step by step. On the other side, Carla raised her hand with a smile, pressed the communicator beside her ear, and said, The next second, with

With a rumbling roar, the truck slowly moved, Li Yexing immediately raised his gun and aimed it at Kara, but the monster standing beside Kara immediately stepped forward and stood in front of Kara. °Come on! Li Yexing scolded Remember, at twelve o'clock tonight in Changye Commercial Building, Mr. Mad Dog, don't make the girls wait too long! Leaning out from behind the monster, Carla had a fox-like smile on her face, He waved his hand towards Li Yexing and said, What should we do? Shall we follow? Rita, who was holding a gun, asked in a low voice. I don't think those shrewd three would agree. Li Yexing frowned and said, This number is too exaggerated. Faced with such a large group of compound eye demons, Amen Gangtaro, who is next to him, only felt his scalp go crazy, and he whispered: Mercenary, shouldn't you? Do you want to kill them all? Why not? Kanan, who was standing beside Li Yexing, raised his pistols and said with a frantic smile. Seeing that Laka had left, the compound eye demons were panting heavily. Breathing more and more quickly, and then accompanied by the roar of the compound eye demon at the head, the compound eye demon standing behind it immediately succumbed to the chicken blood. Holding all kinds of weapons, howling and rushing towards Li Yexing and the crowd . I don't know what to do. Seeing the compound-eyed demon mountain rushing up, Li Yexing didn't panic at all. He aimed the muzzle at the compound-eyed demons rushing up and sneered at the girls beside him: Save the Get some bullets, - we'll have to go to dinner.

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