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The truck carrying Kara rammed across the police cordon and entered the city center. As the truck got closer and closer to Changye Shangyuan, Kara could already hear the bursts of gunshots coming from the street. Suddenly, there was a harsh braking sound, followed by a burst of horns from outside the truck: 'You have entered the police blockade! Please get off the car immediately for inspection! Repeat, please get off immediately for inspection. Really, wasting my time. Carla, who was sitting in the truck compartment, said a little displeased. She raised her head and said to the monster sitting opposite her: Go and clean the road. The monster stood up and stepped out of the car with heavy steps. After a while, there were bursts of gunfire and screams outside. Carla leaned against the warehouse, crossed Erlang's legs, took out her mobile phone from her arms, and dialed Jiutou Shen Yuyuan's number. After a while, the voice of Jiutou Shen Shuyuan came from the other side of the phone. He was a little flattering. Asked: Miss Wang, do you have any orders? How is the situation on your side? Are the police still there? Kara asked. They are still there, they are very tenacious. Yuandao: However, we have enough time to play with them tonight, don't we?

No, you didn't. Kara said coldly, I'll be at the Changye Commercial Building soon. I'll give you three minutes to clean the door of the Changye Commercial Building.

Three. Three minutes, the Nine-headed Divine Sacred Plain opposite seemed to be a little hesitant. Mr. Nine-headed God, this is also a test for you. Kara said impatiently: How long has it been since I entered the city? You can't even handle a group of policemen? Gently shaking her feet The high-heeled shoes, Ada said solemnly: You must know, the things I gave you are the best in performance. Now, you tell me that you have the best equipment but you can't even handle a group of police, I can I understand that you are tolerant of you, but the adult behind me can’t do it. If you can’t even do this little thing, how can you let me praise you in front of that adult? Introduce you? There is no voice on the other side of the phone, it seems that After hesitating for a while, Jiutou Shenyuan gritted his teeth and said, No problem, Miss Wang, three minutes is enough, when you come, I will personally greet you and show you a clean commercial building. . That's right. Kara said with a smile:, I look forward to your performance.

On the opposite side of Kara, it was like going to Shisuo, only the mottled blood on its pale skin and the bullet holes that had automatically stopped the bleeding could tell others what it had just experienced. With the sound of the engine starting, the truck moved again and drove in the direction of the Changye Commercial Building, past several police cars that were violently pushed to the side of the road and several corpses of fully armed SWAT officers lying on the side of the road. Finally, after about another three minutes, the truck carrying Carla slowly stopped at the gate O of the Changye Commercial Building. Ignoring the sporadic noises around him, Carla went straight out of the car, and the pale monster carried Hitomi Kanjima, who was in a coma, quietly followed behind her. After getting out of the car, Carla frowned and glanced around. At this time, the bustling city center was already full of wolf spirits. The damaged police cars were piled up on the road in chaos, and some were turned over on the sidewalk, while in the Between the police cars, there are several police corpses lying horizontally.

Looking around, Kara finally fixed her gaze on the nine-headed god who was standing in front of the gate of the commercial building, wearing a purple suit. Seeing that Kara looked at herself, the one-headed god immediately brought two compound eyes in a black suit. The devil came over and stayed in front of Kara. He first bowed slightly towards Kara, and then turned his attention to the pale monster following Kara. This is? Unable to suppress his curiosity, Jiutou Shenshuyuan couldn't help asking his deputy. Kara replied with a smile. She looked at Jiutou Shenyuan and asked in a deep voice: Where are the things I lent you? I let them chase the police. Jiutou Shenyuan shook the tablet in his hand The computer said: Didn't Miss Wang say that you must make sure the road is clean when you come? Spray. Carla didn't know how to evaluate the decision of Jiutou Shenyuan. To be reasonable, she talked to Jiutou Shenyuan before. Most of the words he said were deceitful. That kind of BOW loaned to the Nine-Headed Divine Sacred Plain is actually a tyrant with the code name T.103C. Although it is not cheap, it is not worth the cost. This thing is just a new Umbrella. In the early days of its establishment, in order to cope with various possible emergencies, they bought cheap goods from the black market in large quantities. The outstanding features were controllability and cost-effectiveness. Later, as the power of New Umbrella gradually increased, they also With the ability to make BOW profitably, this batch of goods rotted in the warehouse. This time, with the mentality of not needing it for nothing, Kara simply asked her subordinates to airlift several unmaintainable cannon fodder goods to Jiutou Shen. Su Yuan, but Kara did not expect that in order to save face, the nine-headed god Su Yuan would so simply send out all the tyrants he had lent him. I told him that this thing was very expensive, but he didn't think about it. What should I do if it breaks? Does he really want to join the organization? Gently fluttering the hair blocking his forehead, Kara waved his hands helplessly: Call them all back, their mission is to defend Commercial buildings, there is no need for them to chase after the police and fight Is it, that's really a pity... Jiutou Shenshangyuan shook his head and said, When I think of the bastards of the Changye Metropolitan Police Department, they want to break into me. City that never sleeps, I just want to kill them all. Don't worry about these boring things... Cara smiled and shook her head: Mr. Nine-headed God, after today, you are one of our members, you want to If you feel anxious about this, open your eyes and stop worrying about these boring trifles. You're right, Miss Wang. Jiutou Shen bowed slightly, then raised his head to look at Kara, with a hint of flattery in his eyes, Then, Miss Wang, can we talk about the rest in the commercial building? ?sure.

Kara said with a smile, so the nine-headed god Sakura bent down, smiled like a gentleman in those movies and stretched out his hand towards Kara, and said softly, Please, Miss Wang. There is a glint in his eyes. Contemptuously, Cara stared straight ahead. She stepped on her high heels and walked directly past Jiutou Shenjingyuan with elegant steps. She didn't even look at Jiutou Shenchuyuan, while the pale-skinned monster watched Hitomi Kanjima, who kept a distance of only three steps from Kara, followed silently, leaving only the Nine-headed Divine Hara standing by the roadside in the same posture. His teeth were closed, his eyeballs were about to burst with blood. After a while, he stood up gently, stretched out the black-rimmed glasses in his hand, and turned around with a refined smile. Following behind Kara, while manipulating the tablet computer in his hand to control the T-103C Tyrant, the smile on his face became more and more sinister.

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