What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

4-56. The macho is still on the way

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Stepping on high-heeled shoes and stepping through the broken glass on the floor, Carla directly opened her legs and passed through the glass door that had no glass. The monster behind her bent down, pushed open the door and followed in. Entering the lobby on the first floor of the commercial building, and then the pitiful light shining in from the outside, Carla looked at the blood on the floor tiles, turned her head and looked at the nine-headed deity Yuan Zeng who was following carefully behind her: What about the people in the commercial building?

It's all concentrated in the conference room on the second floor. Nine-headed Shenshuyuan replied: The black-faced crowd is searching for the fish that slipped through the floor. What about the surveillance? Kara asked. In order to ensure that people outside will not pass through Surveillance has obtained our intelligence, and I have asked the people below to turn off the power of the commercial building. The original head of the Nine-Headed God. Cara nodded and said solemnly: Let's go upstairs. Saying that, Carla stepped on the stairs of the hall and went to the second floor. During this time, the pale-skinned monster and the Nine-Headed God Sauhara followed Cara from left to right. The nine-headed God Shohara glanced at Hitomi Kanjima on the monster's shoulder from time to time. After a while, he finally couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked Cara. Said: Miss Wang, I wonder if I can know who the girl your deputy is carrying? That's the dry gold from the Gandao family. Kara replied with a smile. The Gandao family? Slightly startled, he said softly, Could it be Kanjima Shinjiro's daughter?

Why did Miss Wang bring her back? Jiutou Shenshuoyuan wondered: I thought Miss Wang would cleanly cut down the Gandao family's roots. How can I do that? I have to let this child see myself. Kill your father and enemy, right? With a slightly wicked smile on his face, Kara said casually to the Nine-headed God.

Jiutou Shenyuan's expression instantly became a little ugly. What? Are you still afraid of her? Kara asked with a smile. How is that possible? With a fierce smile on his face, Jiutou Shenshangyuan sneered: 'In other words, is Miss Wang going to hand her over to me? Of course not, I'm joking with you. Cara shook her head and said, This girl is of great use to me. Without my permission, none of you are allowed to touch her. If it was Miss Wang's request, I would naturally not touch her.. He smiled and said, However, if this girl wants to kill Ge when she wakes up, what should I do? I've heard that the eldest lady of the Kanjima family has some experience in kendo... Don't worry, if that happens If things matter. Kara stopped, she seemed to be thinking, and after a while, with a bright smile on her face, she turned her head to Jiutou Shenshangyuan and said: 'Then you can ask for more happiness.'. Jiutou Shenyuan chuckled and said, Miss Wang, you really know how to joke. No, I'm serious. Cara put away the smile on her face and said to Jiutou Shenyuan: This girl, I have a lot of use, if she died in the wrong place at the wrong time because of your reasons, you will be miserable. The muscles on Jiutou Shenshuo's face twitched slightly, he bowed slightly and said, Don't worry, Miss Wang, I will take good care of her. You don't have to worry about it, just do your job well. Carla smiled and said to the Nine-headed God, then turned her head and walked upstairs, no longer talking to the Nine-headed God. When she went to the second floor, Carla saw that the hall on the second floor was densely packed. People, there are hundreds of them, they squatted on the ground and didn't dare to move at all, only occasionally.

There were machetes and clubs in the middle, and a few with pistols in their hands. They wandered around the crowd, yelling at the crowd from time to time. Really.... Looking at this scene, Cara murmured in English in a low voice. Although the Nine-headed God Shohara who followed behind could not understand English, he could still read the strong disdain from Carla's face, so He bowed his head: Miss Wang, do you have any dissatisfaction with the arrangement of the hostages? No. A smile appeared on Kara's face, she shook her head and said, I think it's fine, just follow your pace. Can.

Yes. Jiutou Shenshuyuan lowered his head and said. At this moment, there was a burst of roaring noises from the window. It was the sound of the helicopter propeller. Only the sound was getting closer and louder. Kara With a smile on her face, she leaned against the wall, stuck out a small half of her face, looked at the sky outside, and saw several armed helicopters flying by at a high speed outside the Changye Commercial Building. They were circling around the Changye Commercial Building. The searchlights swept past, and eventually, they hovered over nearby buildings and streets, and then, - ropes were heavy from the helicopter, and heavily armed soldiers in green uniforms descended down the ropes, and then Vigilantly look for cover around the Changye Commercial Building. Who are those people? Standing by the window, Jiutou Shenyuan asked with a frown as he looked at the soldiers who came down from the helicopters. Looking at the uniform, it's probably from the BSAA's extreme east branch. Cara, who was leaning against the window, replied with a smile: It should be the emergency pre-recording, right? After confirming that Nagaha appeared BOW, the BSAA went directly over the Japan Self-Defense Forces. BSAA?! Hearing Kara's answer, a trace of tension appeared on Kuzushinhohara's face, and he hurriedly said, Didn't you say that my opponents are only the police? Fighting against a global armed group or something? too difficult.

When did I say that your opponents are only the police? Carla said with a playful smile on her face: By the way, don't show half of your body out of the window. To a sniper, you are a Target. Hearing Carla's words, Nine-Headed God Shohara immediately pointed, Why did you ask me? Carla tilted her head and said, Isn't this your trial?

Seeing that the face of Jiutou Shenyuan changed dramatically, Kara smiled and waved her hand: Forget it, I won't tease you, your task is very simple, as long as you can hold on to twelve o'clock under the offensive of other armed forces, the evacuation route I've already made arrangements, you can just follow me to evacuate. Miss Wang Nine-headed Shenshangyuan nodded with difficulty. It's okay, it doesn't matter.

Zhang. Kara smiled and comforted: Actually, it's not as difficult as you think, didn't I leave you a lot of good things? What about those BOWs who went to chase the police? The original way of the gods. That's enough, if your men can't stop them, let the tyrant come, if the tyrant can't stop them, just press the release switch, but you have to remember to keep away from those big guys when you press Come on, they will become a little grumpy after taking off their clothes. Cara smiled and said, Now, go set up your stage, whether you can join the organization or not depends on your performance tonight. What about Miss Wang Zheng? What are you going to do now? Jiutou Shenshuoyuan nodded, and then asked again. I have some personal matters, which are related to the affairs of the organization, you will know after tonight. Carla smiled and said to Jiutou Shenyuan. Then...I'm going. Hiding the unease on his face, Jiutou Shenfuyuan turned his head and left. Looking at the back of Jiutou Shenyuan leaving, listening to his footsteps, until the footsteps disappeared at the end of the corridor, Cara gently He sighed and said, What an annoying man, but fortunately, there is only one night left to tolerate you. Saying that, Kara turned her head and looked at Hitomi Kanjima, who was being carried by the pale monster on her shoulders. She gently stretched out her fingers as if she was touching a work of art--slightly slid through Hitomi Kanjima's jet-black hair and smiled. Said: The annoying flies are gone, now we finally have time to be alone

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