What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

4-58. The macho (fat house) drone

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Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chu Chen seriously looked at the newcomer who had just joined his team in front of him. This newcomer is Jiang Xiayou, from Japan. He is said to be a genius boy in drones. He has messy black hair that is either long or short, a turban on his head, and a black mask on his face. , only showing those very gloomy eyes, he was holding an MPSSD submachine gun in his hands, he was wearing a green BSAA standard uniform, and a white cloth was tied around his shoulders, and the white cloth said Aichi Prefectural Police , indicating that The army he once belonged to, but behind him, a box that looked sturdy. After a moment of silence, Chu Chen patted Jiang Xiayou on the shoulder and said softly, Boy, we need yours now. help. Jiang Xiayou didn't reply, just stared at Chu Chen with his gloomy eyes, with a trace of inquiry in his eyes, the line of sight was not so focused, as if he was looking at you one second, and the next second he would wander. out of the sky. Chu Chen only felt that his blood pressure was rising, Niang Xipi! This is really a problem child! After taking a deep breath and adjusting his mentality, Chu Chen looked at Jiang Xiayou and said solemnly, Our actions have encountered It's difficult, the authorities refuse to share more intelligence with the BSAA, we don't know what's going on inside the building, HO can't make a proper action plan, now, we need your drone to get your drone inside the building. Shooting The internal picture and video signal are connected to HQ, so that HQ can make an appropriate action plan according to the internal situation. What do you think?,

Unlike traditional militarized organizations, the BAA respects individual freedom. If he was in the army, Chu Chen would have slapped him early, but here is the BA. And this kid in front of him is a talent that is highly valued by the top, so I, Chu Chen couldn't force him to do anything. After a few seconds of staring at each other, Chu Chen suddenly smiled. That smile seemed to make people approachable, but Jiang Xiayou felt his scalp numb inexplicably. Chu Chen smiled and patted at an old Zhao Gang. On Jiang Xiayou's shoulder, he said earnestly, Comrade, what you think is wrong. Next, Chu Chen smiled and gave Jiang Xiayou a few minutes of ideological education. The content was like reciting scriptures. When it came to We must unite all the forces that can be united..., Jiang Xiayou finally couldn't stand it anymore, he waved his hand, looked at Chu Chen with resentment, and then unloaded the box he was carrying.

Jiang Xiayou carefully placed the box on the ground like a lover, and then opened the buckle of the box, revealing the unmanned person wrapped in soft cushions.

Different from the drone in Chu Chen's imagination, Jiang Xiayou's drone looks like a gray plate, full of sense of technology, I saw Jiang Xiayou turned on the switch of the drone, and then took it out of his pocket. He took out his mobile phone, and after a while, the color of the drone in the box became lighter and lighter, and finally became translucent! Chu Chen was stunned, and after a while, he was surprised: What kind of black technology is this? Optical camouflage. Jiang Xiayou replied, with a gloomy face, he looked at Chu Chen, and said quietly: How many floors are you flying? Chu Chen turned his head and carefully observed the opposite commercial building, and then said, Search down from the fifth floor. This is a commercial building with high floors. Most of the open space is on the lower floor. In order to facilitate the management of hostages, terrorists should concentrate the hostages in relatively wide places, such as halls or conference rooms. Jiangxia Advantages Nodding, then fiddling with the phone, and after a while, accompanied by a soft Yu Ming sound, Chu Chen saw the translucent drone slowly fly out of the box. After flying about two meters high, it He flew towards the building opposite, and only a few meters away, Chu Chen couldn't see it at all. It's amazing Chu Chen sighed and put his head next to Jiang Xiayou, looking at the screen on the phone, Seeing Chu Chen approaching, Jiang Xiayou wrinkled his head and subconsciously wanted to avoid him, but Chu Chen stuck to his side, so Jiang Xiayou gave up, he looked awkwardly at the screen of the mobile phone, and no one was operating the operation.

The plane flew towards the fifth floor of the commercial building. Under the operation of Jiang Xiayou, the drone approached Changye Shangyuan little by little, then flew in along the open windows on the fifth floor, and stuck tightly to the ceiling of the corridor. I saw a few terrorists wandering in the corridor. They were wearing suits and carrying all kinds of weapons. Occasionally they would get together to chat for a while, and then staggered to continue patrolling. Nice job! Chu Chen Thumbs up towards Jiang Xiayou, while holding down the communicator in his ear, he said: HQ, this is 'Qinglong', our drone has successfully entered the building.

Really? Cui Zhiyun Weiwei - HIE on the opposite side of the communicator then hurriedly said: Please take over the video signal as soon as possible, the tactical team is already on standby.

No problem. Chu Chen nodded, then turned around and said to Jiang Xiayou: Now, let's connect to the video signal from HQ. Jiang Xiayou didn't answer, just played with the phone silently for a while, Chu Chen's Cui Zhiyun's voice came from the walkie-talkie: We have received the picture here, it is very clear.

The current picture is the situation on the fifth floor of Changye Commercial Building. We plan to search down from here bit by bit to find the location of the hostages. Chu Chen reported to Cui Zhiyun

Yes. Cui Zhiyun: Now, let the drone move. Let the drone move. Chu Chen turned his head to face Jiang Xiayou, so Jiang Xiayou's fingers slid again, and he observed the situation in the commercial building with the drone. The drone was walking through the corridor, comparing the number of terrorists and the patrol route. They had a panoramic view, but they couldn't find the hostage on the fifth floor. Wait. Just when Jiang Xiayou was about to send the drone to the fourth floor for the operator, Chu Chen frowned and stopped him, only to see Chu Chen pointing one in the screen

The terrorist who was standing still said solemnly, Can you enlarge his face? Jiang Xiayou didn't speak, just nodded. He dragged the screen of the mobile phone, and the terrorist's face was slowly enlarged on the screen. , After a while, Zhang's face full of eyeballs filled the entire phone screen. Woman, what is this? Chu Chen rubbed back subconsciously, and said with a look of disgust: I'm so scared. The disease is about to be committed!

It's BOW! Cui Zhiyun in the communicator lost his voice: 'Those terrorists are all BOW! Continue down... Looking at the picture on the phone screen, Chu Chen frowned and said solemnly, so Jiang Xiayou manipulated again. The drone slowly descended and searched every floor earnestly. Finally, in the lobby on the second floor, the drone shot mentioned the gathered hostages and a large number of suits Bw surrounding the hostages. , At the same time, the drone also photographed a human being, wearing a purple suit and black-rimmed glasses, holding a tablet in his hand and sliding constantly, looking rather impatient. That's the president of the Black Dragon Society, the Nine-Headed Divine Squad. Cui Zhiyun, who was on the opposite side of the communicator, said, This is important information, and I have to report it to my superiors immediately! See, is it time to start making plans? Holding the communicator beside his ear, Chu Chen asked with a smile. The plan has already been made, and now we will wait for 'Suzaku' and 'Baihu' to finish dealing with them. Then we can start tackling the fortifications.” Cui Zhiyun said: “In this operation, there is no negotiating expert appointed, and it is likely to find people from Japan. Before further policy formulation is completed, you only need to stand by and wait. Good, but I guess the results will come down soon, you all have to be ready for battle at any time. No problem. Chu Chen said with a smile, then patted Jiang Xiayou on the shoulder and said, Good job. Jiang Xiayou didn't say anything. , just filled with resentment in his eyes.

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