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On the road leading to the urban area of ​​Changye City, a van was speeding. In the van, Li Yexing hugged Tililith who was sitting on his lap and sat quietly on the seat. He placed his mobile phone flat. On Tililith's lap, at this moment, the phone is on hands-free, and Chris's voice is constantly coming from the phone

The headquarters has just confirmed that a biochemical terrorist attack broke out in Nagaha City, Japan. The attackers occupied the Nagaha Commercial Building in the city center and detained a large number of hostages. According to the latest information, the building was filled with a large number of BOW, And the mastermind of this operation is likely to be the Jiufu God's spot in your mouth. The BSAA extreme east branch has just arrived at the scene and is preparing to launch a series of operations. According to the currently known information, there are two tyrants around the Changye Commercial Building. Type BOW. There is a team in the process of dealing with it. They have just merged with the remaining police force from the Puda BOW attack near the Changye Commercial Building. That's it? After listening to Chris's words, Li Yexing frowned and said, You guys have confiscated it. Is there any more important information? I now seriously doubt that you know as much as I do. Bureau X refused to provide more information to the BSAA. Chris on the other side of the phone said: Who knows what's hidden here? What kind of disgusting activities did you do? Wait! At this moment, Amon Gangtaro, who was known to be silent, said, only to see him look ugly: Sir, what you just said... What does remaining police force mean? Listening to Yamen Gangtaro's blunt English, Chris asked, Who are you? He is a local detective. He has been acting with us before. Li Yexing helped Yamen Kotaro replied. The detective.. Chris murmured in a low voice, and after a moment of hesitation, he said solemnly: 'Before BSAA arrived at the scene, the local police had organized an operation, they carried out many storms on the Changye Building, and then, those terrifying The elements directly released the two BOWs, and the local police suffered heavy losses.

What?! Damn! Total... Hearing Chris's words, Amen Gangtaro frowned, his face was full of anxiety, he hurriedly took out his mobile phone and dialed a certain number, but there was a call from the other side. Jin's busy tone, after repeated calls several times but failed to get through, Amon Gangtaro clenched his phone tightly and slammed it on the seat, cursing: Damn! Those bastards... In short, the scene That's the situation. Chris on the other side of the phone said solemnly, This is still muddy water, no matter what you want to do, I don't recommend you to get involved.

This is my business. Li Yexing said. Okay, if you insist. Chris on the opposite side had some headaches: However, without an official identity, you can't enter the blockade area openly, and I have to guarantee that you will not take action on the BSAA side. cause bad effects..

I have my conditions Chris said: I don't care what you want to do, you can't affect the operations of the BSAA side, you have to provide support for the BSAA side when necessary, if you have your help, the extreme east The branch's actions should be much easier. It's no problem. Li Yexing looked up at the girls around him, and said, But you know, these people around me are special, they can't be in front of the BSAA. Fight with all your strength. You won't be required to fight with all your strength. Chris said: 'This is BSAA's business, you just need to help. Then it's no problem. Li Yexing said: 'Next, let's talk about how we can enter the blockade area? I will give you an official identity, an expert on BOW and biochemical terrorism that was urgently invited by the BSAA headquarters. Chris said in a deep voice, The mad dog whose code name is 'Lopless', is it okay? The mad dog of Lopres' . If it doesn't work, when can you

I'm still on the way, Chris said: I'll get to your side as soon as possible, before that, you have to be careful. Whatever you want to do, you have to do what you can, you know? Don't worry, I know what to do. Li Yexing said.

After hanging up the phone, Li Yexing shoved the mobile phone on Tililith's lap back into his pocket, and then said to everyone in the car: You also heard that the Black Dragon Society occupied a commercial building in the city center and seized it. The hostages were taken, and two tyrants were released. The local police were beaten badly, and the situation turned into this. It's outrageous. Rita, who was sitting in the driver's seat and holding the steering wheel, frowned slightly and said, This country is helpless. Damn... Amen Gangtaro, who was sitting next to him, said viciously to the group of beasts, covering up criminals and covering up the truth, the whole of Changye's high-level Metropolitan Police Department and the government have been rotten! So, you civil servants are really But... - Kanan next to him crossed his legs and smiled and said, Anyway, if it's me, I definitely won't work for a guy I can't trust unless he gives enough money. As for Kanan, Li Yexing He didn't want to express any opinion, and A] Gangtaro on the side didn't say anything to refute. Judging from the look of his soulless husband, he had already begun to doubt his life.

After a long while, the van finally drove into the city center. As the lights on the street became brighter and brighter, the number of people on the road began to increase. Li Yexing also saw many police cars, ambulances and reporters on the street. They were running around. , The scene looked unusually chaotic, which for no reason reminded Li Yexing of the cities in the war-torn countries in i2IZ.

There was a roadblock, and police cars were parked next to the first road. In front of the roadblock, a group of tightly packed police officers stood guard there. They watched the approaching van vigilantly. Waving

The fluorescent baton signaled Rita to stop. Rita stepped on the brakes and brought the car to a slow stop, she opened the window, and before the police questioned, she smiled at the policeman blocking the road: Lopless's madness

Hearing Rita's words, the policeman guarding the intersection looked at Rita with a strange look in his eyes. After a while, he bowed slightly to Rita, then turned around and said something to the police officers behind him. When the officers heard it, they immediately removed the barricade blocking the intersection and opened a passage just enough for the van to pass.

Thank you. Rita smiled at the police officer, then closed the window, drove the van over the barricade, and drove towards the conspicuous building

After crossing the Jin cordon, the street was completely empty, and the noisy street became empty in an instant. In the brightly lit downtown, only the tallest Chang Ye commercial building was not bright, and it looked very strange. The van was heading towards the Changye Commercial Building, and it was getting closer and closer to the Changye Commercial Building. Li Yexing reckoned that he should be able to drive to the commercial building in a few minutes. At the sound of gunshots, Li Ye went through the car window to look directly at the Changye Commercial Building, and couldn't help frowning. At this moment, Tililith, who was sitting on his lap, suddenly raised her head and said, Come on. What? Li Yexing was slightly taken aback

In the next second, with a loud bang, firelight instantly filled Li Yexing's eyes. With the violent explosion, the shock wave directly lifted the van, and the van carrying the crowd rolled in the sky with the firelight. Then it slammed hard on the sidewalk by the side of the road.

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