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Li Yexing supported the unconscious Yai] Gangtaro and watched the group of policemen in front of him vigilantly. When several policemen approached, Li Yexing immediately took a step back.

The police system here is messed up... Li Yexing frowned and said, I don't trust you. Rita translated Li Yexing's words to the group of policemen in front of them with a serious expression, and the group of policemen immediately frowned. , they excitedly said H to Li Yexing, just at this moment, a young policeman said a few words loudly to the policemen, they all stopped, the young policeman from He came out of the crowd and spoke Japanese to Li Yexing with a sincere attitude. He said he was a friend of Police Officer Yamen and could be trusted. Lita on the side said softly. Li Yexing didn't answer, just kept silent. He stared at him, so he said something to Li Yexing again, and Rita translated: He said that the upper floors of the Metropolitan Police Department have basically lost their command, they were sold by the people above, the people above Let them die here, and it is the people from the BSAA who save them.

Looking at the group of police officers with wounds on their bodies, looking disgraced and very embarrassed, the anger and concern on their faces did not seem to be fake, so Li Yexing stared at the young police officer and said, What's your name? Young man The police gave his name, and Rita, who was next to him, translated: He said his name was Ryota Nakaguchi. Together? Li Yexing murmured softly, and after thinking for a moment, he handed Ai Gangtaro to the young policeman in front of him. The policeman named Ryota Iguchi took the unconscious Amon Gangtaro, and then thanked Li Yexing. Tell them, Rita. Li Yexing stared at Mr. Iguchi Ryotai: Let them be careful not to kill people, I told others to bring them back alive. On the other hand, Jin Haishan also completed his relationship with BSAA. In the communication with the Jidong branch, after confirming the identities of Li Yexing and the others, he put aside his doubts, nodded at Li Yexing, and then said a few words to the policemen who were following the BSAA operation, After a while, the police left in the direction outside the blockade area. After sending the police away, Jin Haishan turned his head to Li Yexing and said: These police officers are all good, they could have withdrawn earlier, But they insisted on acting with us, and now, with their wounded, they can finally let them go. After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand towards Li Yexing and said solemnly: I hope we can cooperate happily in the next action. Li Yexing shook hands with him, with a red smile on his face. : no problem. Because the transportation was reimbursed, F, Li Yexing, who joined BSAA, and the others could only walk to Changye Commercial Building. Fortunately, it was not far. It was only a few blocks away from Chang0ye Commercial Building. On the way, the BSAA team The leader of the team, Jin Haishan, introduced the current situation to Li Yexing. For this operation, the BSAA extreme east branch dispatched a total of four teams. The team's action codes are Qing'baihu'Suzaku' and Xuanwu'. Jin Haishan explained to Li Yexing in detail: 'Our mission is to To clear the BOW that appeared in the blockade area, the two most difficult tyrants have been eliminated. The battle is very difficult. Our side successfully avoided casualties by taking advantage of the terrain, but the 'Xuanwu' team lost a man. A helicopter and three team members... Speaking of which, what happened to the guy with a heavy machine gun on the helicopter? Li Yexing asked: 'I feel that there is something in that person. That's Xuanwu's team for this operation.. Kim Hae Sundao:, he can be said to be one of the oldest BSAA members. It is said that before joining the BSAA, he participated in the battle against the Umbrella Caucasus branch. , he also joined FBC after that, and finally joined BSA after a few years, and he has a lot of experience in BOW and biochemical terrorism. Combat in the Caucasus. Li Yexing murmured softly, the process of this battle. Only mentioned in Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles, the participants included later BSAA golden boys and girls Chris and Jill, although this battle is little known in the series, but for the entire Resident Evil. The plot of Crisis is very important, because this battle was the last straw that broke Umbrella Moss. With the destruction of the Caucasus branch, the supercomputer Red Queen was formatted by Wesker, and the once powerful security Brera Moss was completely sent to the garbage heap of history. In that case, the captain of the Xuanwu squad was not the brother who used the cannon to shoot the hunters from the helicopter, right?! Seeing that Li Yexing's thoughts were still spreading, Rita next to him smiled and asked Jin Haishan: 'I'm a little curious, what are the tasks of the four teams dispatched by your department this time? Qinglong''s current status The task is to keep an eye on the Changye Commercial Building, pay attention to any changes and report to HQ as soon as possible. Of course, they are also the most important team in this operation. The task of 'White Tiger' is to protect and evacuate the civilians left in the blockade area. As for Xuanwu ', they are the heavy equipment reserve team, responsible for providing fire support and logistical support for us on the front line at any time. Jin Haishan explained patiently: As for our mission, I have just said it. What is our mission at this stage? Li Yexing asked. We have to arrive at the predetermined location first and join the 'White Tiger' team that has just completed the mission. It is said that the local government is not very cooperative with our actions, so it is difficult for us to carry out further operations without sufficient intelligence support. Jin Haishan's face showed - Si worried and he whispered: Don't act like the Mumbai operation a few years ago, I'm fed up with the mentally retarded in the local government. Li Yexing still knows about Mumbai. A little bit, after all, he watches the news every day. After crossing two blocks, Li Yexing and the BSAA Suzaku team finally arrived at the predetermined location, which is located in Changye Commercial Building-Article

There was a small alley outside the street. In the alley, ten BSAA soldiers stood. The one at the head was tall and strong, and showed himself strictly. After seeing Jin Haishan, he waved enthusiastically. In English with a heavy reflex: Hey! Brother, you're late. Don't forget we brought a team of police. Kim Hae Sun Do. I'm not complaining, come. Let me see if there are any less people. ! The enthusiastic big man turned his head and counted the number of people behind Jin Haishan. After confirming that there was no reduction, he smiled and patted Jin Haishan on the shoulder: Not bad! In the face of two tyrants, there was no reduction in staff. , should I really say it's you? Three died in Xuanwu, and the helicopter that came to support was hit by the beast. Jin Haishan said coldly. Hearing Jin Haishan's words, the tall man stopped talking for a moment. After a long time, he turned his head and scolded swearing in a low voice. Li Yexing vaguely heard him as if he burst out.

swear words. Forget it, how can there be undead in a war? They are all good people! I don't know who it was to explain, the tall man waved his hand and cheered up to Jin Hae Sundao Then, next, can you introduce yourself? How many of these are around? They are all raw faces, they don’t look like our side.” They are the experts invited from above.” Jin Hae-sun said solemnly, “The team’s code name is the mad dog of Loples.”

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