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I don't know if it was an illusion or not, when Jin Haishan read out his team's code name, the big man on the opposite side seemed to lightly forehead. On the other side, Jin Haishan introduced Li Yexing to the big man standing beside him, he said solemnly: This is the captain of the 'White Tiger' squad, he...Wait, wait! The big man beside him Suddenly interrupting Jin Haishan's words, his eyes were still staring at Li Yexing through the goggles. After a while, he was not sure: 'The hiring of Asian faces... Loples' madness... should you? Could it be the mad dog of Loples in Idonia? It should be Li Yexingdao: There should be no mad dog of the second Loples in Idonia. My God! After receiving Li Yexing's affirmation, the big man instantly became excited, and he said loudly: I didn't expect that one day I would be able to act with the mad dog in Idonia. This time the operation is stable! Is this person famous? Jin Haishan looked at Li Yexing suspiciously and asked the big man in a low voice. It may not be very famous on your side, but on our side, this guy's name is like thunder! I just heard the big man beaming: The strongest mercenary in the northern hemisphere, the god of death in the mercenary world, a real macho! As long as it is When he took over, there was no task that could not be completed. Legend has it that as long as he shoots, he will definitely be able to send bullets into the enemy's head, and like every traditional Chinese, he is proficient in kung fu, and he can shoot the enemy's head even with his bare hands. head from neck

Don't say that, I was just concocted by a group of punks from Japan. Li Yexing murmured in a low voice: And listening to you, I feel like it's not me...Boss, are you so famous? Kanan, who was standing behind Li Yexing, came up and patted Li Yexing on the shoulder, with a look of surprise on his face. It's nothing to be surprised about, Miss Kanan. Rita, who was standing beside him, smiled and said: In the underground world, the nickname of Mr. is the loudest

The trick is synonymous with the success of entrustment E. As long as the price is reasonable, there is no unresolved entrustment. So far, no underground organization has dared to snatch the goods that Mr. armed escort, and no underground organization has dared to assassinate the target protected by Mr. . Yixing, it's amazing. Tililith looked at Li Yexing with bright eyes. No, no, don't brag. No matter how you look at it, it's because you are too strong. Li Yexing murmured in a low voice: In the past, the business was basically regular customers. Since you came, the business has become more and more The bigger.. On the other hand, the big man was still bragging about Li Yexing's achievements to Jin Haishan and the surrounding BSAA soldiers 1. It sounded like a magical story. In his narrative, Li Yexing was more like a human than a human being. Some kind of monster with three heads and six arms and the ability to breathe flames, Jin Haishan looked at Li Yexing more and more strangely.

What are you BOW0B? When the big man said that Li Yexing had annihilated more than 100 heavily armed rebels in the Middle East with his bare hands, Jin Haishan finally couldn't help asking. I'm not, I don't, don't listen to him. Looking at the big man in front of him, Li Youxing quickly waved his hand and said, How can there be a hundred? And why should I be empty-handed? How is the battle like this? After blowing on Li Yexing, the big man turned his attention to Tililith again, and he said loudly, I heard that he is in the skin of a little girl, but he has the power of a demon! She can use only - - one hand. A 400 pound burly man is lifted over his head and thrown out!

This seems to be true... Li Yexing whispered to Tililith. Tililith didn't speak, but her face became more and more ugly. Oh! By the way! And you! That's the most brutal girl in history, right? After finishing Tililith, the big man turned his attention on Rita. Cruel? Rita kept a stiff smile , his eyebrows trembled slightly. Yes! Brutal! The big man was always excited: The gray rabid dog in the north, always dressed as a maid to show people, usually looks very elegant, but when it fights, it will become like a monster-- , I will not give up until the enemy is torn to shreds! I have heard of you!

This gentleman. Striving to control the trembling of the facial muscles and maintaining an elegant smile, Rita whispered: I hope you...

Looking at the smile of the woman in front of him, the big man subconsciously took a step back, inexplicably felt the scalp hair salon, the back was cold, after a brief thought, the desire to survive took over

So powerful, as expected of a gray rabid dog in the north!

Hearing that the big man blew all the people in the office, but he missed himself, Kanan put his chin on Li Yexing's shoulder quite unhappy, frowned and didn't speak. Okay, that's it for the story meeting. Seeing that the big man stopped talking, Jin Haishan waved his hand to Li Yexing and the girls around Li Yexing and said, This guy has this kind of character. Don't worry too much, it's just a joke. It's okay, I don't care at all. Rita smiled - grinding her teeth - and said brutal maid or something 06 Ha, don't care, but there is one thing It's true, I do admire you all very much. The big man gave Li Yexing a hearty laugh, After all, you are so famous on our side, it's not that I'm arrogant, I think I'm good at boxing and kung fu. , If there is a chance, the two of us must have a good discussion. Speaking, I think your idea is very dangerous. Kanan put his chin on Li Yexing's shoulder and whispered: Miss, How many rounds do you think this big man can last if he fights against the boss? Tililith first stretched out two fingers, but after thinking about it, she shook her head again, and said softly, expressionlessly, It's mainly about the night walks. I want to fight a few rounds. Don't be like this, I'm going to swell up, Li Yexing whispered. On the other side, ignoring the words of the girls beside Li Yexing, the big man walked straight up with big strides.

He smiled and stretched out his hand to Li Yexing: Let me introduce myself, I'm from country R, ​​and I'm the captain of the second team in the sixth division of the BSAA extreme east branch. Hostage rescue, my name is Shuhat Kosikabayev, you can call me Kosikabayev. Hello, Kosikabaye Li Yexing shook hands with the big man, and then said: I just Don't you need to introduce yourself? I think you know me better than I do. Hey hey! The big man said in a low voice from behind the mask.

At this moment, the expressions of the BSAA soldiers suddenly changed, and Jin Haishan and the big man raised their hands and pressed the communicator beside their ears. Li Yexing knew that there was a situation. On the other hand, after Jin Haishan received the news, he informed HQ of the information that he had been working with the ° Baihu team and foreign aid experts. After a while, Jin Haishan put down his hand on the communicator and turned his head to Li Yexingdao. : The situation has changed, Ha has obtained all the information on the first to fifth floors of the Changye Commercial Building, and we may have to start action.

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