What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

4-65. Under the macho, chaos appears

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In the crowded corridor, Rita slowly turned around. The compound eye demons who were instantly pierced by the tentacles turned into pieces of fire, reflecting her smiling face, showing a suffocating evil charm. Behind her, + a few bloody tentacles are waving wildly. Sir has finally left... The jade hand wrapped in black silk gloves gently covered his face, revealing only one red eye, looking at the Xia Eye Demons who were crowded together and rushing towards him, The smile on Rita's face began to become more and more distorted, and the corners of her mouth were about to be grinned to the roots of her ears - layers of shark-like teeth and Rita frantically said: Clean up... all! I have lost my fear. Of course, the compound eye demons couldn't understand the monsters in front of them, but they didn't care at all. They were roaring like crazy and waving machetes and clubs at Rita. Rita didn't dodge and she gently opened her arms and closed her eyes. He closed his eyes, as if to embrace the endless assailants. With the sound of flesh being torn apart, he cut the machete through the thin maid outfit and slashed into Rita's body, blood spattering from the wound. Going out, the wine was on the faces of the compound eye demons, but Rita didn't care at all, even if the neck of a machete was almost cut off - half, Rita still smiled, feeling the impact of the large group of compound eye demons Force, her tentacles slammed into the surrounding walls, fixed her firmly on the stairs, blocking all the compound eye demons' 5 way, the scarlet tongue that did not resemble a human sticked out between the lips, lightly Lightly licking the corners of her mouth, Rita's eyes were full of madness. The compound eye demons couldn't understand the situation in front of them. They didn't understand why this woman had been hit by so many knives but still did not fall down. The compound eye demons tried their best to pull it out. Out of the machetes that cut into Rita's body, they found that their knives seemed to be stuck by something, those blades were firmly fixed in Rita's body, and the compound beholder that cut into Rita's neck - eye Then I saw that, on those wounds, hideous tiny granulation buds were mixed with hairs -- tiny blood-red tentacles wriggled frantically. You guys are so impatient. Rita shook her head gently, broken card The blade between the neck made a harsh sound in the squirming muscles with Rita's movements, she smiled and said softly: You know, Mr. is never in such a hurry.. After all, Rita The snow-white body suddenly opened with wounds, and between the wounds mixed with flesh and blood, there were bone spurs like meat cutting knives. Those bone spurs were uneven in length and they were delicately arranged in a row In the crack, layer after layer, dense corridors. Seeing that Rita's body has changed, the compound eye demons who couldn't pull out the machete subconsciously let go of their hands and wanted to retreat, but the compound eyes that wanted to rush up behind them The demons squeezed them frantically, and they could only howl, watching their bodies get closer and closer to Rita. Damn, don't run, let me taste it. The smile on Rita's face became more and more manic. As her body touched the compound eye demon who was squeezed in front of her, the compound eye demon immediately let out a heart-piercing scream. The sound, its flesh and blood mixed with broken clothes splashed everywhere, as if it was pressed into a meat grinder. On the other side, Rita closed her eyes, raised her head flushed, and said excitedly: Ah, it's something I haven't tasted before. In just a few seconds, there was only a lump of residue left in the compound eye demon, which slowly burned away with the firelight. Taste. Surprisingly good.. Licking her fingers, Rita smiled and whispered: It's strange. It seems to be the taste of evolution

Rita smiled and retracted the tentacles that had been inserted into the wall. She lost her support. Rita, who was squeezed by the surging crowd, flew backwards in an instant. The arc of her body suddenly burst, and the white flesh on her body suddenly burst. In no time, the corridor was full of her blood. With a muffled sound, Rita fell to the ground, and the compound eye demons who wanted to rush up to chop down Rita collectively stopped. Stopping their steps, they stared at Rita in a sluggish manner. She was three meters long and lost her skin. The scarlet muscles on her body were exposed outside the body. There were dozens of wounds of various sizes on the bloody muscles. It was torn apart suddenly, and the wound was covered with layers of tiny bone spurs that were covered with blood. The blood vessels penetrate irregularly. If the muscles are irregular in size, it can be seen on the surface of the body that there is a faint liquid flowing inside. It lies on the ground like that, with tiny barbs on its four muscle-filled legs. The barbs pierced the flesh, connecting the blood threads to grow, and its claws were covered with layers of barbs, as if ready to tear the flesh and blood of the prey at any time. In bursts of wild beast-like growls, it raised its head. The head had no eyes, no air holes, but a large mouth that almost tore the entire head. The mouth was full of razor-like teeth, and the saliva was mixed. The yellow-green digestive juice is continuously falling to the ground from its mouth, and white smoke is protruding. At this time, Rita had completely turned into a monster with tentacles behind her back, like a giant dog. A strange humming sound came from the mouth of the beast, and the sound was like laughter, as if mocking the compound-eyed demons who were overly capable. The next second, Rita pounced on the compound-eyed demons.

Li Yexing, Tililith and Kanan are still desperately running towards the upper floors of Changye Commercial Building. Although his appointment time with Kara is twelve o'clock, he does not know how long it will take BSAA to send the hostages out of the blockade area. I don't know when the Japanese Self-Defense Forces will enter the arena. Whether it is the return of the BSAA after completing the mission or the entry of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, it is extremely unfavorable to Li Yexing, because once outsiders enter the arena, their girls will not be able to play their real role. strength. Fortunately, the guy from Jiutou Shenshuyuan gave him a chance. He turned on the TV in the building, causing the monitors in the whole building to go offline, so Li Yexing

The girls have the opportunity to show their full strength.

Even so, there is not much time left for them, and they must fight quickly. At the moment, the dark stairway was filled with the sound of fighting from below and the heart-piercing screams of the compound eye demons. If it weren't for the lack of time, Li Yexing would really like to go back and see what the hell Rita was doing. After all , From knowing Rita to now, he seems to have never seen Rita's true strength, except in bed, this perfect maid still seems calm at all times. Dispelling the messy thoughts in his head, Li Youxing took Tililith and Kanan to run up and down, the screams from the compound eye demons began to fade away, and he ran for an unknown amount of time. Afterwards, Li Yexing took the girls and rushed to the new floor. In an instant, there was nothing but high ceilings, clean floor tiles, and pots of unnamed plants. The entire floor was completely interconnected. The extra room, along the glass outside the railing, can have a panoramic view of the entire night view of Changye. Here, it seems to be a viewing platform, and the stairs leading to the upper floor are just opposite the viewing platform, with railings surrounding the building. We seem to be approaching the top. Kanan said softly.

The ceiling above his head shattered violently, and large pieces of rubble were scattered and scattered. Li Yexing hugged Tililith with his left hand and Kanan with his right hand, and flew out suddenly, backing away the chandeliers and rubble that fell from the ceiling. . Patting the floating ash on his body, Li Yexing pulled Tilly Jingsi and Kanan to stand up, turned his head, and saw a big hole in the ceiling, and in the billowing smoke under the big hole, four stalwarts The figure slowly stood up.

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