What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

4-66. In addition to the macho, the violent reappearance

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Tyrant. Looking at the four muscular brothers in black coats standing up slowly from the dust, Li Yexing couldn't help but whisper. Huge gray bald head, stern expression, full of restrained colors A straitjacket, a collar around the neck, and tech-savvy tactical goggles on the face

The wires protruding from the collars are inserted straight into the temples, and on their shoulders, T-103C is written impressively. It really is the special tyrant of the black Umbrella! The more rushed, the more Something like you appeared. Looking at the time on his phone, Li Yexing raised his gun and pointed it at the tyrant who was closest to him. He couldn't help cursing: 'You guys, - don't let me stop for a moment. Aiming the holographic sight at the tyrant's bald head, Li Yexing was about to turn off the reporter when a small hand was placed on his shoulder, Li Yexing lowered his head, only to see Tililith blocking Li Yexing's body. Before that, she stared at the four tyrants in front of her, and said softly, Yixing is in a hurry, Tililith will deal with them. Are you here too? Li Yexing looked down at Tililith, frowned and said, Fight four Tyrant, are you crazy? In the distance, two tyrants had already rushed up. They took heavy steps, like a tank-half. It seemed that the entire floor was shaking because of their footsteps. Lilith looked at the tyrants in front of her, and rushed forward. go up. Tililith! Damn it! Li Yexing shouted, he frowned, quickly raised the gun in his hand and aimed it at the tyrant's head, only to see that in the holographic aiming i, Tililith jumped up suddenly. . Tililith said expressionlessly. Seeing Tilly Jingsi rushing towards him, the tyrant immediately threw his fist at Tililith, only to see Tililith suddenly changing shape in the air to avoid the heavy blow, and at the same time whip the leg hard in the air. He slapped the tyrant's temple ruthlessly, only to hear a muffled sound, the tyrant who took the lead did not say a word, fell to the ground with one knee straight, Tililith fell to the ground, and then slammed his fist on the follower. On the belly of the tyrant in the back, the tyrant who was hit staggered back two times, and then fell down. Flicking her wrist lightly, Tililith didn't speak, she just turned her head and looked at Li Yexing quietly. Kanan patted Li Yexing on the shoulder and said solemnly: Let's leave it to the eldest lady, you know, the eldest lady is very smart and won't take risks easily. Li Yexing and Tililith looked at each other, and after a while , He nodded and said: If you can't beat it, run quickly, don't force yourself. 2. Tililith shook her head expressionlessly and said: 'If you can beat it, don't run. Well, you can make it yourself. Li Yexing whispered, behind Tililith, two tyrants were walking up with heavy steps, and the two tyrants who had been knocked to the ground also stood up, Kanan whispered to Li Yexing said, It's time to go. Finally, I glanced at Tililith. Li Yexing took Kanan to the stairs opposite the viewing platform without looking back. Seeing that Li Yexing and Kanan wanted to leave, the four tyrants The footsteps got faster and faster, and finally rushed up directly, watching the tyrants rushing towards her like a chariot. Tililith took a deep breath. Then she rushed up to meet the tyrant, and when she saw the timing, she gave her a hand. She hugged the thigh of the tyrant who headed the head and pulled it fiercely. The tyrant who headed the head lost his balance and fell to the ground. Immediately afterwards, Tililith dodged to avoid the fist of the other tyrant. Then she slammed her fist again. The ground slammed the tyrant's belly and knocked it back. After doing this set of actions, Tililith quickly backed away, dodging the heavy punches of the two tyrants behind. Looking back, Li Yexing and Kao Nan had already climbed the stairs outside the building, and Tilly Liss was slightly relieved. Actually, just like Rita, Tilly Silk did not hide in front of Li Yexing and released all her strength. Therefore, she has always maintained a fighting style that is basically acceptable to humans in front of Li Yexing, mainly because Rita is worried that her overly unrestrained fighting style will leave a shadow on Li Yexing, who is a human, while Tililith is different. , she always thought that her ugly, terrifying, irrational posture after liberating her power was like the scar in Li Yexing's heart.

That night, she turned into a real monster, almost failed to protect Yexing, and Yexing almost lost her. However, if Ye Xing is not there, there is nothing to worry about. Seeing the four tyrants who are regrouping and slowly approaching her, Tililith gently took off her coat and threw it aside. Then, her eyes began to open. Congested with blood, her red pupils became brighter and brighter, emitting a terrifying red light, Tililith could feel her heartbeat accelerating, and her heart beating more and more powerfully, as if to smash her chest and rush out of the body At this moment, Tililith's chest that glowed reddishly rose and fell rapidly, sending the light along the blood vessels to her whole body, and the blood vessels emitting a red shimmer gradually spread out from under the skin and climbed out of the collar. , slowly occupied Ti Lilith's cheeks, Ti Lilith's hands trembled slightly, the snow-white skin began to tear, and the sharp bones pierced through the flesh and grew out, all this happened in just a few seconds. , the girl's hands turned into giant bloody claws. Breathing out a mouthful of turbid air, Tililith lowered her head and looked at the alienated hands, a little surprise in her heart. Although it has been almost five years since the first release of power, Tililith still clearly remembers the kind of evaporating her senses. The feeling of pain and joy mixed together, and now, although her strength has been liberated, except that her spirit is more excited and her body strength is stronger, Tililith does not feel any discomfort at all. Why is this so?

There was no time to think about the changes in her body. The four tyrants on the opposite side had already rushed up. Feeling the constant power in her body, Tililith bent her legs slightly, and then suddenly ejected like a cannonball, with strong wind and smoke. , With the blood splashing in all directions, Tililith and the four-headed tyrant slammed into each other.

Die! Staring at the glowing blood-colored eyes, Tililith roared uncharacteristically, right

The heavy punch from the tyrant, she jumped up, stepped on the tyrant's fist and swiped her claws, and stabbed the tyrant's head fiercely. Rao was the tyrant subconsciously turned his head to dodge, but there was still a sharp claw. It stabbed into the left eye of the tyrant. The tyrant didn't scream, and his expression didn't change in any way. It just staggered back, and at the same time slapped Tillyris, who couldn't hide in the air, and had to She crossed her arms to take the blow, and with a huge force hitting her snowy arm, Tililith was knocked upside down and flew out of the air. She tried her best to change her posture in the air, and then forced her feet to the ground. , leaving two traces on the floor tiles covered with floating ash and rubble by inertia. Shaking her aching arms, Tililith raised her head and looked at the four tyrants in front of her. The tyrant who had just been stabbed by her was covering her bleeding left while the other three tyrants charged up again. . Looking at the tyrants attacking her in front of her eyes, Tililith's red eyes seemed to be burning with fire, she leaned forward, took a stance, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.

So excited, Tililith couldn't help but whispered.

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