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With the sound of hammering iron, the Japanese sword in Li Yexing's hand and the bone blade in Hitomi Kanshima's hand collided fiercely. The flames on the bone blade scorched the air and burned Li Yexing's face. Pressing Li Yexing a little bit, the smile on Hitomi Kanjima's face became more and more hideous. Li Yexing gritted his teeth, and slammed the Japanese sword in his hand to the side. At the same time, he flew back and kicked Hitomi Kanjima's abdomen. Taking advantage of Hitomi Kanjima's staggering back, Li Yexing took a stance again. On the other side, Hitomi Kanjima, who was repelled, was not in a hurry to attack. She stood up straight, tilted her head, and carefully looked at Li Yexing, who was holding a Japanese sword, and stammered in Japanese. , with a smile in his eyes, looking quite happy. That guy is probably excited because he thinks he can teach himself a lesson in swordsmanship, right? Even though his body has turned into a monster, the things in his head still seem to be the same. What is this? A biochemical miracle? That's it. Looking at Kanjima Hitomi's slightly contemptuous smiling face, Li Yexing shook his head slightly and said. Li Yexing thought to himself that although he did not understand swordsmanship, he could do things like slashing people with a sword. So, under the surprised eyes of Hitomi Kanshima, Li Yexing stepped on the scabbard on the ground, gently-sliding, and at the same time called Wei Wei, the scabbard lying on the ground was lifted up instantly, and Li Yexing turned his left hand upside down. Holding the scabbard in the air, holding the Japanese sword in the right hand, with his hands folded in front of his chest, he slowly put out a dagger fight against Hitomi Kanjima

gesture. Seeing Li Yexing's strange posture, the smile on Hitomi Kanshima's face gradually turned into confusion, as if she couldn't understand Li Yexing's posture. After a while, she slowly backed away, and then fell directly into the flames behind her. , disappeared. Come back. Are you a samurai or a ninja? Seeing Hitomi Kanjima hiding in the flames again, Li Yexing couldn't help but muttered to himself. He was vigilantly watching the surroundings. In the light of the fire, he could vaguely catch the Hitomi Kanjima was moving at a high speed like a ghost, Li Yexing slowed down his breathing, concentrated his energy, and quietly waited for Hitomi Kanjima to shoot, and then, in the next instant, the man in front of him The fire was suddenly torn apart, and Hitomi Kanjima rushed up like a gust of wind with a burning bone blade. Even though the attack was so fast, she didn't make a sound, as if it was just an illusion that was attacking Li Yexing. generally. Taking silent steps, Hitomi Kanshima rushed in front of Li Yexing and suddenly lowered his body. At the same time, the bone blade with fire slashed towards Li Yexing's neck. At this moment, Li Ye acted! Feeling the heat wave coming towards him, Li Yexing violently waved his left arm holding the scabbard towards the bone blade in Hitomi Kanjima's hand, accompanied by a click. Gently, under the shocked gaze of Hitomi Kanjima, Li Yexing put the bone blade in her hand directly into the scabbard! That's it? Li Yexing asked with a sneer, and the next second, he waved it violently. The Japanese sword in the middle right slashed hard at Hitomi Kanjima's shoulder. Along with Hitomi Kanjima's scream, the blade cut through Hitomi Kanjima's flesh and slammed into the hard bone. , Crimson blood still spewed out from Hitomi Kanjima's shoulders. Pulling out the bone blade that Li Yexing had put into the scabbard, the injured Kanjima Hitomi quickly backed away. Her face was no longer smiling, only madness remained. She roared at Li Yexing, but Li Yexing - sentence also I don't understand. Immediately after, Hitomi Kanjima stood still. She raised the bone blade in her hand, which was instantly extinguished because it was isolated from the air, and swiped it between the crook of her left arm, accompanied by flying sparks. , The flame immediately rekindled on the bone blade, and at the same time, the cracks in Hitomi Kanjima's body opened again, and with the sound of Chi Chi, hot white steam was continuously sprayed out. Pressing the flaming bone blade against his waist, Hitomi Kanjima once again took the posture of drawing the knife. Li Yexing was stunned for a moment, then immediately arched his body and tightened his mind. He could feel that this time, dry Hitomi Shima is about to move for real. Sure enough, in the next second, Hitomi Kanjima suddenly shot, I saw her lowering her body, dragging the afterimage like an internal electric force and rushing up, and at the same time, she quickly pulled out the hot bone blade, straightening at an astonishing speed. Sweeping towards Li Yexing's waist. The speed of this shot far exceeded Li Yexing's expectations, and it was too late to dodge, Li Yexing gritted his teeth, and the right hand holding the knife directly held the knife in the backhand, protecting his waist, and then, a huge force slammed into Li Yexing's hand On the knife, Li Yexing only felt that there was a corridor in the tiger's mouth, and the knife in his hand almost came out. With the force of hitting the knife, Li Yexing quickly backed away, trying to distance himself from Hitomi Kanshima, but Hitomi Kanjima. But he directly put the bone blade in his hand across his waist, then stood up straight, took small steps at an astonishing speed and directly stuck to it, and then slashed at Li Yexing again, Li Yexing hurriedly- -backed away- While raising the scabbard in his hand, he wanted to block Hitomi Kanjima's attack, but in the next instant, Hitomi Kanjima's bone blade directly cut off the sheath in Li Yexing's hand, and then passed through Li Yexing with astonishing heat. Li Yexing gritted her teeth, because the attack of Gan Island sleep was not over yet, she crossed the bone blade and took small steps to stick again. When she came, seeing that she had entered the attack range of Hitomi Kanjima, Li Yexing quickly put the blade in her hand to her chest, ready to parry, but she saw Hitomi Kanjima's footsteps did not stop at all. She put her body on Li Yexing's body, and then, the handle of the knife she was holding in her right hand slammed into Li Yexing's abdomen. Li Yexing couldn't help but bowed like a shrimp and spit, but This is not over yet, I saw Qiandao Hitomi chased after the victory, raised her knee and pressed it directly on Li Yexing's chin, Li Yexing only felt that his eyes were dark, and he almost fell to the ground. Hitomi turned around - kicked Li Yexing's injured chest with his foot, Li Yexing only felt a tightness in his chest, and directly

It flew out, and then fell heavily to the ground. During this brief confrontation, Li Yexing gradually realized that this girl with a natural instinct to kill has completely accepted her fighting theory, and her fighting style has become more and more like herself. Struggling to raise her head, in the blurred vision Inside, the naked black-haired girl and the firelight danced a fiery red flower with a burning blade. She didn't attack, but just stood there quietly, as if waiting for Li. Nocturnal stood up. From the girl's eyes, Li Yexing felt - Si's sorrow and fear. In a trance, he suddenly understood something. You girl, you are really a muscle. Struggling to stand up, Li Yexing patted the dust on his body. He looked at the mutant girl standing in front of him with a flaming blade, and then yanked his own The shirt was thrown on the ground, revealing scarred, sweaty muscles. Under the light of the fire, Li Yexing raised the Japanese sword in his hand, the tip of the sword pointed directly at Hitomi Kanjima, frowned and said solemnly: Don't worry, I will kill you according to your wishes.

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