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Hitomi Kanjima watched Li Yexing quietly, and then she suddenly smiled, different from the crazy smile. In a trance, Li Yexing seemed to see the girl in the white kimono again. She stood in the Japanese-style courtyard and waved. Holding the knife, the fine sweat on her forehead glued her neatly groomed black hair to her forehead. The moment she cut off the fallen leaves, the girl turned her head back, and the corners of her mouth evoked a faint smile. . It's really unpleasant. Li Yexing whispered, he held the handle of the knife with one hand and gently pressed the back of the knife with the other hand, staring at Hitomi Ganjima, took a deep breath, Li Yexing's legs Slightly curved, and then slammed towards Hitomi Kanjima, the Japanese sword in his hand ripped through the air, and slashed towards Hitomi Kanjima's neck without hesitation.

In the face of Li Yexing's attack, Hitomi Kanjima calmly raised the bone blade in his hand. With a ding sound like a hammer and sparks flying in all directions, the two men's knives collided. With Hitomi Kanjima holding his own knife, Li Yexing suddenly raised his leg and kicked at Hitomi Kanjima. Hitomi Kanjima was already prepared for this, but she instantly blocked Li Yexing's slash, and at the same time, Gang stepped back. Avoiding Li Yexing's feet, she surpassed Li Yexing before she could stabilize her figure. She swung the flame blade in her hand and took small steps to quickly stick to it. Li Yexing gritted her teeth and jumped back on one leg. Reluctantly Get a little distance, and prepare to take this opportunity to quickly regroup

Seeing that Li Yexing wanted to retreat, Kanjima Hitomi immediately stuck to it, the flame blade in his hand dragged the streamer-knife and then the knife slashed towards Li Yexing, whose center of gravity was unstable, Li Yexing had to step back and keep going. The ground parried, - - time, sparks splashed around, and the sound of ding ding clang was incessant. Finally, seeing that his swordsmanship could not be cheap, Kanjima Hitomi suddenly turned around and kicked Li Yexing. Li Yexing couldn't parry and was kicked. He ran back and forth, and finally hit the load-bearing column in the top-floor room. Taking this opportunity, Kanjima Hitomi instantly stabbed the bone blade in his hand into Li Yexing's throat, and Li Yexing hurriedly turned his head. , In the next second, the scorching blade of fire rubbed Li Yexing's neck with heat and stabbed into the load-bearing column. Li Yexing seized the opportunity and kicked Kanjima Hitomi's abdomen. Kanjima Hitomi staggered back instantly. At the same time, the bone blade stuck in the load-bearing column was pulled out, and the two opened the distance again, staring at each other vigilantly. At this moment, Li Yexing could feel that, unlike himself who had relied on his long-term accumulated combat experience, the mutant girl in front of him had given up all his skills and completely handed over the battle to her powerful fighting instinct. There was a crackling sound of burning in the room. In the light of the fire, Li Yexing slowly raised the Japanese sword in his hand. On the other side, Kan Island sleeps the flaming bone blade in his hand across his waist again, pressing his left hand lightly on it, drawing a knife, taking small steps on his feet, leaning towards Li Yexing past. As the distance between the two of them got closer, a thin layer of sweat appeared on Li Yexing's forehead, his footsteps slowed down, and on the other side, Kanjima Hitomi's small steps also began to slow down. She breathed lightly, with fear in her eyes, and rubbed towards Li Yexing step by step. After a few seconds, the two finally entered the range where they could slash each other with their swords, but neither of them shot, accompanied by As the pace of the two became more and more delicate, the bodies of the two were almost pressed together. This is no longer a distance where you can swing a knife, and the atmosphere instantly becomes a little subtle. Li Yexing quietly stared at Hitomi Kanjima, and Hitomi Kanjima also stared at Li Yexing, as if they both wanted to see something in each other's eyes. After a long while, Hitomi Kanjima lightly opened her cherry lips, and spoke the somewhat broken Japanese with difficulty. Li Yexing was puzzled. He couldn't understand what Hitomi Kanjima was saying, but the next D. Hitomi Kanjima suddenly backed away. Now, she looked hideous, and at the same time, Ostiri shouted something loudly, and then, she held the burning bone blade high and slashed at Li Yexing fiercely. For some unknown reason, Hitomi Kanjima suddenly collapsed. This was a blow without reason and skill. Li Yexing dodged Hitomi Kanjima's slash, while ignoring the flames burning on the bone blade, he lifted the The legs and feet stomped the bone blade in Hitomi Kanjima's hand on the ground. Under Kanjima's astonished eyes, Li Yexing frowned, - hugged Hitomi Kanjima, and then at the moment when Hitomi Kanjima was stunned. , he stabbed into Hitomi Kanjima's chest. Rao's mutated Hitomi Kanjima has more resilient skin and stronger muscles, but he still couldn't resist Li Yexing's knife, and instantly stabbed Hitomi Kanjima's chest. The Japanese sword came out with blood. Li Yexing hugged Hitomi Kanjima, whose forehead was trembling, and felt her tears dripping on his shoulders. It wasn't until a few seconds later that he released Hitomi Kanjima and pulled out the plug x into Hitomi Kanjima's chest. The Japanese sword, Hitomi Kanjima screamed and kept retreating, and finally knelt on the ground, she lowered her head, covered her face with her hands, crying hysterically, tears dripping from between her fingers, and the wound on her chest flowed out The blood mixed together and then - and flowed down. Li Yexing held the Japanese sword and let the blood on the sword turn into sparks. He quietly watched the girl kneeling on the ground with a very complicated mood.

This knife would not be fatal to a monster like a C virus infected person, but for a girl named Hitomi Kanjima, it was enough to destroy her will to fight. Kanjima Hitomi was originally a wealthy family in Changye, a carefree young girl, a caged bird who was ignorant of the world. She was born beautiful, and had a great talent for kendo. She will have an entire commercial street, hundreds of people under her, she will meet her own love, and have a gentle, handsome, knowledgeable husband. This is what it should be..

But now, her family has collapsed, her father is dead, her father's society has been destroyed, and even she herself has become a monster.

The woman lost everything she had. Even the self she had confessed to, pierced her chest mercilessly.

Seeing Hitomi Kanjima crying hysterically, Li Yexing finally just sighed, she shook her head, weighed the Japanese sword in her hand, and walked to the side of Hitomi Qiandao with a firm and heavy step, he whispered softly. Said: I'm sorry, Miss Kanjima, I'm going to send you away. With that, Li Yexing raised the Japanese sword in his hand, aimed it at Hitomi Kanjima's neck, and asked softly, What else? Do you want to leave words to this world?

I don't know if I understood Li Yexing's words, Ganjima Hitomi murmured something softly, Li Yexing didn't understand Japanese very well, and the mutated Kanjima Hitomi was stumbling in Japanese, and Li Yexing couldn't understand it even more. Even so, Li Yexing could still hear that Gan Daotong was in despair at this time and only wanted to die. I heard your last words, although I didn't understand a single one of them... Li Yexing said softly: Now, let's go on our way. Come on. After all, the Japanese sword in Li Yexing's hand slashed down.

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