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Three days after the Changye Commercial Building Incident. In a dark alley in the old town of Changye City, a thin man dressed in thick cotton wool, carrying a small black satchel, and wearing a black mask was waiting anxiously. He was holding a phone and looked very haggard. Sweat dripped from his forehead, and he kept saying, Hurry up, hurry up...he was the former president of the Black Dragon Society, famously named Jiutou Shenyuan. He was strong and full of wisdom. He once led the Black Dragon Society to hit a Another enemy, once he reached the top of the entire Changye City, in addition, he also planned the Changye Commercial Building incident that shocked domestic and foreign countries. But now, he has turned back into the bereaved dog. Blame the bastard. The woman! In fact, long before things became impossible, Jiutou Shenshangyuan understood that the woman named Ada was lying to him from beginning to end, and that woman did not intend to let him join their organization at all, then The woman is just taking advantage of him! When the monsters in the Changye Commercial Building can't stand it anymore, the woman will slip away, and Zi 2 will fall into the hands of BSAA. He clearly understands that this time he made such a big mess, Whether it's the fat-hearted rubbish in the Metropolitan Police Department or the high-ranking officials above, they can't keep him. Once it falls into the hands of the BSAA, what awaits him will be a tragic fate of going to prison and eating to death. Such a tragic ending , Jiutou Shenshuyuan was naturally reluctant to accept it. Just when Jiutou Shenshuyuan felt pain and confusion about where to go, a phone call found him and showed him the way forward, and the mysterious woman on the other side of the phone told him , there is a big money owner who spent / \\ million dollars to buy the nutritional supplements in his hands! Eight million dollars! Only one nutritional supplement! He made a bend, but after a while, he calmed down, and he knew very well, - the nutritional supplements are not worth that much money, you know, when the woman Ada gave herself the nutritional supplements, they could send them out in boxes! After the analysis and calm thinking, Jiutou Shenyuan finally grasped the key point. It is just an excuse to buy a nutritional supplement for one million. What the other party really wants to do is to borrow and buy the nutritional supplement. His name is close to himself! Although occupying the Changye Commercial Building and creating the Changye Shangyuan Incident is not the original intention of the Nine Heads God Squadron, but he has successfully planned such a big event that will cause a national sensation, it will definitely attract the attention of some organizations. For example, the organization that called, they did not hesitate to spend 8 million dollars just to be able to connect with themselves. It can be seen that they must be thirsty for talents! Soon he made an agreement with the mysterious woman on the other side of the phone. He couldn't help sneering. At this time, J, Ada, that stupid woman must have thought that everything was in her plan. Everyone has their own little abacus, well, that stupid woman who has a good Pixia, probably won't understand it. Before BSAA entered, the Nine-Headed God and the Xia Eye Demon changed their clothes and transformed into After putting on makeup, he asked the nearby compound eye demon to hold himself as a hostage. However, it didn't take long for BSAA to charge into the Changye Commercial Building and start evacuating the hostages. He fished in troubled waters, but he didn't expect to run out like that! Taking advantage of the handover between the BSAA and the Self-Defense Forces, he slipped directly into an unoccupied shop on the street, and then walked along the back door of the shop pretending to be an unrelated passerby and left. . Wrong, this is the strength of a genius! Next, Jiutou Shenyuan made an appointment with the woman for a time and place, waiting for the handover. Jiutou Shenyuan had already figured out what to think about the organization recommended by the opposite organization 2, first of all , to be as elegant as a real high-class person, and secondly, to maintain the necessary humility, but not to put your posture too low. For this handover, Jiutou Shenhuayuan can be said to have scored twelve points. But he never expected that the other party would let his pigeons! Time, a strong uneasiness emerged in his heart, he suspected that he had been tricked again! Just as he was about to leave, The phone in his hand was actually connected. Is it Mr. Jiutou Shen? A woman on the opposite side of the phone said coldly. He frowned and said in a low voice, Excuse me, where are your people? When will we start trading?

Aren't they here yet? The woman on the other side of the phone was stunned, and then sorry, Mr. Kuzushen, this was a mistake on our side, we thought those guys would be very punctual, so we hired them to do The contact person, but did not expect to be late for the first time entrusting them, don't worry, sir, the supervisor will sue them. Hire? Jiutou Shenyuan Weiwei said in a stunned manner: Didn't your people come in person? As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a shrill brake sound from outside the alley, and then, - an army green jeep stopped in a traffic jam. Living at the entrance of the alley, under the suspicious eyes of Jiutou Shenshuyuan, a man with short hair, sunglasses, a black jacket, and a Band-Aid on his face jumped out of the car door and walked out, raised his head, He stared at the Nine-Headed Divine Sacred Plain, and then gently raised the sunglasses on his face, revealing those playful eyes, and said with a smile, This is the first time we meet?

Li Yexing did not expect that he would meet the Nine-Headed God Sacred Yuan in this way. On the other side, the nine-headed deity in the alley saw Li Yexing's face. He was stunned at first, then suddenly remembered something and let out a scream like killing a pig. He pointed at Li Yexing and said loudly in Japanese. At the same time, he pulled out a small pistol from his waist and aimed at Li Yexing tremblingly. Listening to Jiutou Shenshuyuan's endless Japanese like chanting scriptures, Li Yexing poked his ears irritably. He turned around, knocked lightly on the door of the back seat of the jeep, and whispered in broken Japanese. What, the next moment, the car door was opened, and a man wrapped in a large yellow raincoat got out of the car, looking at the height and bones, it seemed to be a girl. Li Youxing lightly

He patted the girl's shoulder, pointed at Jiutou Shenshuyuan, and didn't say anything, just with a weird smile on his face, and then, Li Yexing opened the passenger's door directly and returned to the car, while the other On one side, the girl wrapped in a yellow raincoat walked towards the Nine-headed Divine Sacred Plain in the alley. At this time, the old city was silent, only the hummer car that blocked the alley was faintly bursting with voices. Looking at the woman who was gradually getting closer to him, Jiutou Shenshangyuan felt inexplicably heartbroken. Han, he shouted to the yellow raincoat, Who are you?! At the same time, he bent down with all his might, wanting to see the full picture of the face hidden under the hood of the raincoat. When it was only five steps away from the Nine-headed Divine Sacred Plain, the girl in the yellow raincoat couldn't help but smile. Under the gaze of the Nine-toed Divine Sacred Plain, the girl took off the yellow raincoat and hood that covered the upper half of her face. Like a traditional Yamato Nadeshiko, he smiled softly, and his red lips lightly opened his head: Killing's pupils shrank instantly, and the nine-headed shrine pointed at the girl in front of him, his face was full of panic and distortion, only listening to his hysterical voices. Shouting: No! No! You are not already. Hehehe The girl laughed softly, and walked towards the Nine-Headed God Sacred Plain - step by step. The heart-piercing screams of the Nine Heads Divine Squadron passed through the bright firelight and reverberated continuously in the dark alley.

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