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Sitting in the co-pilot of the jeep, Li Yexing held a cigarette in one hand and hung it out of the car window. Hearing the screams of Jiutou Shenshuyuan constantly coming from his ears, he only felt very comfortable. Turning his head, he looked into the dark alley, and saw a girl in a yellow raincoat tying the Nine-headed Shenshuyuan to a telephone pole with iron chains. - The knife pierced into the body of the Nine-headed God, and every time the knife was stabbed, the Nine-headed God made a piercing scream. It's really sweet... After taking a sip of cigarette, Li Yexing couldn't help laughing softly to himself: I used a red-hot blade to pierce the body wound because it was burnt and couldn't flow. So that cub would not have too much blood because of her husband's blood. As for shock, as long as the vital organs are not pierced, it can continue to be stabbed, which is the ultimate torture. Hearing Li Yexing's words, the strong man sitting in the driver's seat couldn't help frowning. Li Yexing looked out of the car window, and then said with displeasure: That guy should have been taken back for trial, so it would be an exception for you to kill him on the spot. Looking at the Nine-Headed God Sacred Plain, Li Yexing smiled and said: 'Don't pay attention to the details, Chris, the wicked need the wicked grind. Sitting in the driver's seat, Chris, who looked extremely ugly, said: What's more, I know absolutely more than him, and he has no value on trial at all. Chris looked at Li Yexing who was smiling, and finally just sighed. No longer entangled in this issue, accompanied by the screams of the nine-headed gods, Chris asked: 'By the way, how do you know this guy is hiding here? Don't forget, I'm a mercenary... After flicking the soot in his hand, Li Yexing smiled and said, We always have our own channels, don't we? Just after that, the mobile phone in Li Yexing's pocket suddenly rang. Li Yexing took out his mobile phone and looked at the caller ID. , Wei Wei-zheng, and then said to Chris: I need to be quiet about work. Brother, Li Yexing pushed open the car door and got out of the car, took a few steps forward, and only connected the phone after confirming that Chris should not hear what he said. The voice, that tone was quite brisk, with a bit of cynicism in it, only to hear him say: Hey, Li Xing, how is the entrustment?

It's good, or rather, it went well beyond my expectations... Li Yexing replied casually, listening to the screams coming from the alley. It would be better if the entrustment went smoothly. Hearing Li Yexing's answer, the man opposite seemed very happy, he smiled and said: I just don't know when the things will be sent. Although it's not important. It's not something important, but you just spent eight million dollars. Li Yexing said with a smile: Black Umbrella is really rich. Of course, the 1 million dollars was not used to buy the rubbish in that person's hands. Yes, that's a gift for you. The man opposite smiled and said, After all, Mr. Li, you are a rare talent. You know, my senses for you are not very good, and thanks to you, last year I made a big deal with a very beautiful woman, and I made a profit. Okay, don't play Tai Chi. Li Yexing immediately stopped this kind of nutritious topic, and he said coldly: Director Casimir? I advise you to get rid of your thoughts as soon as possible, that child is fine with me. Don't be sloppy, not only Tililith, but also the goddess of the night, most of the children in your hands are our property. The man named Director Casimir smiled and said, Of course I don't plan to get things back for my organization...for now. Then what do you want to do? Li Yexing asked coldly: I'm just a mercenary, except for My girls, I really can't think of anything else in my hand that would interest a black Umbrella executive. Don't say that, Mr. Li, you're humble. The director of Casimir hurriedly said: You are the best mercenary in the northern hemisphere, and at the same time you have rich experience in BOW. For a talent like you, 1 million dollars can't be exchanged! So what? Li Yexing asked.

Hearing Li Yexing's question, the other side seemed to be stunned. After a moment of silence, Director Casimir smiled and said, To tell you the truth, Mr. Li, I'm considering whether I can hire you? After a while, Li Yexing said softly. Said: B? Don't be so strange Seeing Li Yexing a little puzzled, and I am a very open person, in my opinion, your value is much higher than the goods you hacked, so I So, as long as you are willing to accept my employment, I will not only give you high treatment, but even help you hide the complicated situation around you. Can I see this as a threat? Li Yexing said coldly. No, no, don't think so, even if you don't accept my offer, I'm still willing to help you hide your situation. Director Casimir on the other side of the phone smiled and said, It's just that if you're not by my side, I will It's hard to protect you all the time, you know, where you can't see, I've removed a wave of people who want to do bad things to you Come on, who will do bad things to me except you? Li Yexing asked with a sneer. Don't say that. Director Casimir smiled and said, Think carefully, have you really not offended anyone these days? The woman Ada was carried out of the building. Yes, she's still lying in the hospital now, don't you know, the bandages on her body are as if they were just pulled out of the pyramid... Oh, should I thank you then? Li Yexing said. No need, You just need to seriously consider my proposal. Director Casimir smiled and said, Whether you believe it or not, I really want to be your friend.

Okay, I will consider it. Li Yexing said: 'As for what you ordered, I will deliver it on time.

You don't have to come, but you must seriously consider it! Director Casimir said loudly: We are treated very well here! Li Yexing hung up the phone directly, with a disgust on his face. What kind of weirdness is this?

After the phone call, Li Yexing returned to Chris' jeep. He sat directly in the back seat and didn't speak. On the other side, the screams in the alley also stopped. After a while, a man in a yellow raincoat The girl got into the car, she sat gently beside Li Yexing, looked at Li Yexing, didn't speak, just had a slight smile on her face. Killed? Li Yexing asked with a smile. The girl in the yellow raincoat smiled and nodded. No one was around, Li Yexing threw the cigarette butt out of the car and said to Chris: ''Let's go back. Really, Chris complained in a low voice: 'Am I your driver?' With the sound of the engine, the army green jeep moved, and while Chris was driving, the girl in the yellow raincoat gently pulled Li Yexing's clothes corner, and then secretly took out the shoulder bag of Jiutou Shenshangyuan from under the raincoat, and handed it to Li Yexing. After taking the shoulder bag of Jiutou Shenquan, Li Yexing and the black-haired girl in yellow raincoat met. Smile.

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