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Sitting in the back seat of the jeep, Li Yexing casually placed the shoulder bag of Jiutou Shenshangyuan on his thigh, and then looked at the old city outside the car window with some boredom. Halfway, a fiery little hand suddenly held him, Li Yexing turned his head and saw a pale-skinned black-haired girl looking at him with a smile under the raincoat, her face was flushed with inexplicable emotions, she was as gentle as a little Wuyi, but inexplicably so It felt very hot and soft, which made Li Yexing feel comfortable, so Li Yexing also smiled at the girl.

This scene fell into the eyes of Chris, who accidentally glanced at the rearview mirror, sighed slightly, and Chris said, What number is this?

I remember her name seems to be... Hitomi Kanjima. Right? Chris in the driver's seat asked. Hitomi Kanjima is already dead, I killed myself... Li Yexing shook his head and said: 'Now, the kid next to me is named Li Tong, who is my...

Well, what you say is what, I'm getting used to it. In five years, there have been three more in your family, and none of them are human. Speaking of this, Chris sighed helplessly: Li, You really make it hard for me.

Speaking of this, Li Yexing suddenly put his head up to Zeng: Look, this operation, my wives dragged hundreds of compound eye demons for BSAA, four

Jun, this shows that at the critical moment, you can completely trust Li Yexing! You retract your head for me... Chris freed up a hand and roughly pressed Li Yexing's head back, disgusting with his mouth. Dao: Stop me. Excuse me, Li Yexing looked a little unhappy, he crossed Erlang's legs and said: Anyway, you have to admit that this hostage rescue operation went so smoothly, our credit is the greatest, if not We, God knows what BSAA is going to do. You guys are doing really well. After a while, Chris had to admit that Li Yexing and his biochemical monster harem group played a critical role in this action.

Commission? Chris was slightly stunned, and then said casually: You can take your girls to our headquarters to collect them, and how much you can get depends on your ability.

Of course, the commission or something is just a joke. To be honest, Chris has helped a lot to enter the blockade area with an official identity this time, and these few

Over the years, Chris has been doing his best to help Li Yexing hide his little secret. This time, Li Yexing should pay back his favor. After settling down, Li Yexing held Hitomi Kanjima's hand and casually chatted with Chris about nonsense. When he was about to pass through the city center, Chris' car suddenly took a detour.

What's the situation? Li Yexing asked, and then he saw the blockade across the street. The blockade isn't over yet? Li Yexing said in surprise. No. Chris said: After the Changye Building was bombed, the BSAA had to expand the scope of the blockade. ' The monsters don't seem to be dead. We and the Self-Defense Forces are still investigating. If there is a fish that slips through the net, we will be in big trouble. After all, we will pass the festival. Li Yexing was stunned for a moment, and then whispered. Yes, there is still a festival coming, if you don't say it, I will forget it. After that, Li Yexing looked out of the car window. In his sight, the place that was supposed to be the Changye Commercial Building has now turned into a piece of land. Ruin Tian, ​​on the top floor of the Changye Commercial Building, in the raging fire, the knife in Li Yexing's hand rubbed Gan Island Hitomi's neck and slashed it down. - Hitomi Kanjima, who was begging for death, raised her head in confusion and looked at Li Yexing, who was holding a knife, her eyes were full of doubts. Under the puzzled eyes of Gan Island, Li Yexing said softly: This knife cuts through your past, Gan Island is already dead, and from today, there will be no Gan Island.

Although she didn't understand what Li Yexing was saying, Hitomi Kanshima could feel that she had indeed found what she wanted from Li Yexing's eyes. The next second, the girl cried and hugged Li Yexing tightly. , and her own girls also caught up in time, Rita carried Tililith on her back and supported Kanan.

Next, according to the plan, everyone should have returned to the original way with the assistance of BSAA, but Li Yexing suddenly received a message from Chris: The BSAA extreme east branch found a time bomb in the underground parking lot, and soon It's about to detonate, and it's definitely too late to go directly downstairs. Fortunately, Chris entered in time. Just before the building was about to explode, he drove a helicopter and picked up everyone directly from the rooftop of Changye Commercial Building, so Li Yexing and his girls once again survived. Speaking of which... how do you deal with this matter when it finally falls to the ground? Li Youxing asked casually, looking at the Changye Commercial Building that had been turned into Duxu. I'm a little worried... Chris frowned and replied: This matter is too broad, and the White House's attitude towards this incident is ambiguous for some reason, which makes it difficult for the BSAA to do it.

Is the attitude of the White House ambiguous? Li Yexing whispered to himself leaning on the seat behind him, It seems that Mr. Mattress started the operation long before things became like this.

In the dimly lit office, Director Casimir put down his mobile phone. He picked up a cup of coffee, put his feet on the desk, leaned on the sofa, hummed a ditty, and watched

At the desk, looking at Director Casimir who was in a very happy mood, the female secretary wearing black silk bowed slightly and asked, That mercenary, accept your employment.

Habitually put his hand into the black silk secretary's hip-packed skirt, Casimir looked at the ceiling and said with a smile: But it's nothing strange, after all, I threw it all at once/ \\Millions of dollars, If he didn't have any doubts, I would

Gotta worry.

The only task of this working group was to monitor Li Yexing and his girls. After he learned that Li Yexing had appeared in the Changye Commercial Building, Casimir, who was highly concerned about the development of the incident, immediately asked his secretary to secretly contact Jiu The head god Shuiyuan deceived him to the old town of Changye, and Casimir himself gave Li Yexing information about the nine head gods, and during this period, the secret working group even helped Li Yexing general. -An assassination team directly under Kara was stopped outside Japan. In this way, Casimir and his little secretary, hiding in the dark office, sang a double reed to Li Yexing. But supervisor, do you really care about the C virus? The female secretary who was attacked but did not respond, asked the expressionless female secretary. C virus? What kind of garbage is that? Hearing the little secretary's question, Casimir sneered and sneered: It's the G virus and the T- Veronica virus. It's so powerful, but in my opinion, it is just a collection of the dross of various viruses, and it has no development value at all. He waved his hand with disdain, and expressed concern for Kara's lifelong commitment. Effort, Casimir commented.

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