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After a long while, Chris's jeep finally passed through the city center of Nagaba City. After passing through several sparsely populated streets, Li Yexing took Kanjima Hitomi back to the original small hotel, on the side of the road in front of the hotel, dressed as a maid. Lita, who was pretending to be smiling and standing there, saw Li Yexing coming back, she immediately stepped forward and opened the car door and smiled at Li Yexing: Welcome back, sir. After that, she turned her head to Gan Island again. Hitomi said: Welcome back, Miss Kanjima. After the blushing Hitomi Kanjima followed Li Yexing out of the car, Rita turned her head and said to Chris who was sitting in the driver's seat: Thank you very much, Reid Mr Field. No thanks. Chris shook his head and said solemnly, Take care of your master, don't let him cause trouble again.

Mr. Redfield is really joking, how can I possibly control my husband. Rita chuckled slightly and bowed slightly: ' However, I will try to convince my husband not to take risks easily. That's good.. He nodded politely to Rita, and Chris turned to Li Yexing and said solemnly: If you make trouble again, your trip to Japan will be over. Your girls. Go back to Idonia. Oh. Li Yexing nodded symbolically.

Seeing Li Yexing's absent-minded look, Chris fucked his temples lightly, then stepped on the accelerator to make the jeep move slowly. Why, let's go now? Seeing Chris about to leave, Li Yexing frowned. Asked: Would you like to get up and have a good meal tonight? Come on. Without looking back at Li Yexing, Chris just put his hand out of the car window and swayed, saying: I'm different from you, I can I'm not here for vacation. I still have work to do. Watching Chris's jeep ride on the corner, Li Yexing sighed softly, then turned around and said to Rita, Look, there is a messenger of justice who is a friend. It feels much better than you think. Mr. Redfield is indeed a great... Rita nodded softly and said, He reminds me of Mr. Kennedy who I met in Africa last year.

After saying that, Rita turned her head and looked at Hitomi Kanjima who was following Li Yexing. When she noticed Rita's gaze, Hitomi Kanjima immediately bowed slightly and smiled shyly at Rita, if it weren't for that inexplicable With sharp eyes, Rita must suspect that Hitomi Kanjima is not some bitter and vengeful underworld princess, but the innocent little white rabbit who ran out of the country. Still unable to speak? Rita asked softly in Japanese, frowning slightly. Hitomi Kanjima opened her mouth and tried to say something, and the broken Japanese came out of her mouth one after another. After several failed attempts, she closed her mouth again and did not speak, looking like a Autistic orphan. The reason is basically still there, but the language ability has deteriorated very seriously. Sighed. Rita whispered to Li Yexing. And the mood is also unstable. Li Yexing frowned and added: It was originally A group of killers, who are still grumpy now, if it wasn't for Tilly Qiansi clamoring to go to Akihabara, I really want to take her back to Loples immediately.

Going to Akihabara is also after the Long Leaf Cherry Blossom Festival. Rita said softly, It doesn't really matter, I believe Miss Kanjima can control herself.

I hope. Li Yexing cleared his throat, and then said: ' 'Forget it, the car must have a way to the front of the mountain, don't discuss these troubles, Tililith and Kanan

It's still in the room. Rita replied, and then she seemed to suddenly remember something, she came up gently and whispered, Sir, do you know Miss Marlene?

Miss Marlene? Li Yexing was stunned for a moment, thinking who this person was. Seeing Li Yexing's puzzled face, Rita said aside: She said she was introduced by Mr. Chris, and said it was for Mr. I had a medical examination with Miss Kanjima, and stopped by to see Miss' Chris didn't mention this to me. Just when Li Yexing was at a loss, the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly rang, and Li Yexing took it out. l. - Look at the caller ID, it's Chris's side, get on the phone, just listen to Chris on the other side of the phone saying Lee, I forgot to tell you just now that Kelly is with you.

Over there. Grabbing the thoughts that flashed through his mind, Li Yexing was surprised: Kelly? That researcher who looks a little bit cerebral palsy? .. Chris said: Why, you haven't seen her yet? I was still standing at the door of the hotel. Li Yexing whispered, Okay, I understand. With a weird expression, Li Yexing held Hitomi Kanjima's hand and said to Rita: 'Let's go, go see Kelly. Take Rita and Hitomi Kanjima across the corridor, open the door of the room, only to see lying on the couch Tililith on the mat was burying her face on the belly of a beautiful woman in a white doodle, rubbing against her clothes, while the woman was sitting on the tatami, her black silk legs stretched out straight, her back. He was holding his neck, and his expression was as if he was about to ascend to the sky when he was sucking a cat. On one side, Kanan hid in the corner, - holding a can of beer, - holding an upside down fashion magazine, his face was full of disapproval. Yue. This kind of scene is rare, Li Yexing was directly outside the door. Hearing the door open, Tililith and the woman turned to look at Li Yexing at the door at the same time. For a time, the atmosphere suddenly fell into embarrassment. After a while , Kanan, who couldn't hold back his laughter, accidentally made a poof sound. In embarrassment, the beautiful woman pretended to trim her hair, and then said to Li Yexing with a cold face: Long time no see, Mr. Li. Miss Kelly, Li Yexing said softly: 'You look... it's really a lot of vicissitudes. You haven't changed at all, whether it's your face or your mouth, oh, yes, the person beside you There seem to be more girls.. Kelly turned to Li Yexingdao with a cold face, then turned her head to Tililith and said: You go to BSAA with me,

We left this dead scum with several boats on his feet in Loples to fend for himself. No. Tililith said expressionlessly. He turned around and hugged Li Yexing's thigh. Li Yexing reached out and stroked Tililith's little head, raised his head and looked at Kelly, who was sitting on the tatami mat with a resentful face, her face full of confusion. Forget it. Closing her eyes and fiddling with the bridge of her nose, Kelly stood up and said, Chris said that you have been exchanging body fluids with BOW for a long time, and Fr needs to have a medical examination. I have repeatedly emphasized that -ith has the T virus on her body. It's not contagious, but he doesn't believe it, so forget it. He still insists on me coming to pick it up in person... After saying that, Kelly turned around and took out the small box in her backpack. After opening it, she showed a stick from the box. Needle, - - complaining while walking towards Li Yexuan -

That's right, Li Yexing suddenly said: if you want to draw blood, you should draw two tubes, I just keep one tube.

Why do you keep that? Kelly asked Wei Wei - H Zheng, casually. What's the matter, I keep the blood sausage for the New Year! Li Yexing frowned and said, It's okay to take your money, it's useless to ask so many questions. What are you doing? Okay, just pump as many tubes as you say. Kelly frowned, gently pushed the needle into Li Yexing's blood vessels, and muttered, I'd love to give you a full pump. truck.

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