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The moment he jumped on the boat, the Arctic Wolf quickly threw the TAC-50 behind his back, pulled out the pistol on his waist, turned his head, and saw the corpses of the enemy lying on the ground, burning on their corpses. The firelight quickly turned to ashes in the sea breeze. What is this? The Arctic Wolf couldn't help but whisper. It's not important. - Holding the HK-416 next to him and warning the stinky tofu on the side, he commanded: Arctic Wolf, you go to occupy the upper floor, and provide us with support. Chili is responsible for protecting the Arctic wolf, quack doctors and canned fish follow me to find this ship The main control room of the ship. After assigning the task, everyone moved quickly. There were not so many enemies on this ship. With the help of Chili, the Arctic Wolf quickly climbed to the third-floor tower and erected a set of black armored monsters. With the gun in his hand, he constantly scanned the deck and the surrounding waters through the scope, ready to report possible abnormal conditions to his teammates at any time, while Chili was guarding the tower and guarding the surroundings. Under the control tower, Stinky Tofu quickly crossed the deck with Yaotou and the quack doctor. They came to the hatch on the flank. The hatch, after giving thumbs up to the teammates on both sides, he switched the pistol, pulled the hatch open for a while, and then slammed it in with a shock.

With the explosion of the shock bomb, the other side of the door immediately heard 0 shouts one after another, stinky tofu rushed in first, and he kicked the black armored monster guarding the door to the ground, and at the same time the pistol continued to fire. , leaving bullet holes in the helmet like a fly's head. There were bursts of noises behind him, and the stinky tofu turned his head abruptly, only to see that another monster in black armor had regained its sight, and just as it was about to raise the gun in its hand, the quack doctor suddenly came in, and she pulled out the back of her waist. The huge bone-cutting knife hanging on it cut off the right arm of the black-armored monster with the gun. The monster lost his arm and immediately put down the gun and covered the broken arm and wailed, and the quack doctor kicked its foot over. The ground, the bone-chopping knife in his hand was raised above his head, and then he slashed towards the black armored monster on the ground with one slash, - time, blood splattered in all directions, and then turned into sparks, leaving stars on the quack doctor's gas mask and body Little scorch marks. There was finally no sound from this ship. He casually hung the bone cutter back on his waist, the quack doctor turned his head and looked at the stinky tofu in a cold voice: This time, it should be completely cleaned up. Dao: Don't let your guard down, there may be enemies here. After saying that, Stinky Tofu turned around and walked towards the depths of the corridor, the quack doctor and canned fish closely followed behind. In the dark and narrow corridor, except for the footsteps of everyone and the faint sound of dripping water, There was no other sound, Stinky Tofu moved cautiously, and after a while, they reached the control room. They quickly got into the control room, and at the same time alerted the surroundings. After confirming that there were no enemies in the control room, Stinky Tofu waved his hand, and Yu Yaotou immediately followed. When I came in, the quack doctor followed behind Stinky Tofu, and Yaotou Yu was guarding the control room door 0. When he came to the console, Stinky Tofu was immediately operated. After a while, the small warship stopped. So we're done? asked the canned fish who was guarding the door when the sound of the engine died down.

Then I'll go look for the ammunition depot. Yaotouyu patted his backpack full of C4 explosives, then shrugged: Although I'm not very good at fighting, I'm still very good at art. Wait a minute T.. Stinky Tofu stopped Yaotouyu who was about to leave, he raised his hand and pressed the communicator beside his ear and said, 'Arctic Wolf, how are you over there?

- The sound of the urn in the arctic wolf urn came from the communicator, and he whispered: I can't see any enemies or other ships from me.

That's good, you and Chili continue to be vigilant and ready to report the situation at any time. Stinky Tofu instructed in a deep voice, then he hung up the communication and raised his head to Yu Yao's head - Take action, don't fall behind and left the control room, Stinky tofu took the quack doctor and canned fish to look for the ammunition depot. Because the ship was not large and could not accommodate many enemies, after solving a large number of enemies, the quack doctor and canned fish inevitably relaxed a little bit, and after passing through the rogue After reaching the stairwell, the quack doctor walking behind suddenly said, I think Chili is right.

Stinky Tofu didn't answer. He held his gun and focused his attention on the road ahead. Seeing that Stinky Tofu didn't speak, the quack doctor said to himself: 'We have been observing that mercenary for almost half a year. I also have a clear understanding of combat capabilities. You and I both understand that relying on this ship alone is not enough for them in the office. So what? Under the dim light , Stinky tofu stopped, turned his face sideways, and asked the quack doctor in a deep voice. No? The quack doctor shook his head and said, I heard that before that woman from King Ada joined the government of country A, the people above once had a relationship with the government. I have dealt with King Ada, and they all said that the woman is very smart, so I can't figure out why she would send a group of garbage to deal with that family.. After speaking, the quack doctor shook his head and said: If the rumor is true, that woman is really there. Japan has suffered such a big loss, she will definitely not send only such a few wastes.

After listening to the quack doctor's words, Stinky Tofu was silent. In fact, he also had similar doubts. It was just in his opinion, but thinking so much didn't make any sense to him, or to people like them. After a while, he said solemnly: It doesn't matter, we just need to sink the ship quickly, the rest has nothing to do with us. After that, the stinky tofu went straight down the stairs.

You see, what you say means nothing.. Yaotouyu who was walking behind leaned forward and whispered to the quack doctor: 'Our captain is a machine without emotion. He only knows how to complete the task.. The quack doctor didn't speak, just stared at him The back of stinky tofu, a few seconds later

, she shook her head helplessly, then followed. With the sound of the enemy hitting the metal stairs with the soles of their shoes, the three of them reached the lower floor together. The lights here were dim and the corridor was more cramped. After passing through the passages mixed with various pipes, Stinky Tofu found the ammunition depot. Pushing the door in, he quickly stopped. After confirming that no one was there, Stinky Tofu greeted his teammates. In this small ammunition depot, all kinds of weapons and i. Small container. Yaotouyu even saw Yiquan's old cannonballs and boxes of R placed in the corner.

Fortunately they didn't take this out. Yaotouyu said with lingering fears: Otherwise this would be another story. Go to load 4. Stinky tofu said to the canned fish: The detonation countdown is set for ten minutes, This is enough for us to retreat very far. Okay, you are the boss, you have the final say. Shrugging helplessly, the canned fish said helplessly, and fixed a C4 on the container.

Seeing a pile of documents on the ground, he picked it up and glanced at it. Try model..beauty? What the hell? Forget it, I'll quickly put the artwork on it, so I don't have to dream of a long night, this ghost place looks gloomy

Throwing the document on the ground casually, Canned Fish shrugged and muttered to himself.

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