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On the tower, the Arctic Wolf silently watched the deck and the nearby waters, not daring to loosen it for a moment, and after a while, a soft touch suddenly came from behind him. Don't rain, Sister Chili. The Arctic Wolf whispered. Oh, you bastard. Pressing on the back of the Arctic wolf, his hands groped down a little dishonestly, and he whispered, There are no enemies on this ship, if there were, they would have fired a long time ago. Don't knock off Chili's mischievous hand, the Arctic Wolf said softly. It's mission time. Sister Chili, you too, look at me well.

I'm so annoying! Look at it! Show that kind of virtue! You definitely don't like me! You like that quack doctor, right? Leaving the body of the Arctic wolf, she turned around and looked at the empty deck under the tower, gritted her teeth hard, with an inexplicable irritability on her face. She turned her back and glanced at Chili, who had lost his temper with her back to her. , The Arctic Wolf sighed indistinctly, and whispered: Sister Chili, don't be angry, after all, this mission is very important to us, we were all kicked out by various branches, but I Not reconciled, I want to prove myself. And I don't think Sister Chili doesn't want to be kicked out again, right? Chili with his back to the Arctic Wolf was motionless, still sulking. After hesitating for a moment, the Arctic Wolf murmured in a low voice: Sister Chili... If this mission is completed well, I will wear it once I return to Loples. The one you bought... Hearing the Arctic Wolf Chili turned her head abruptly, she stared at the Arctic Wolf with wide eyes and said, Are you serious? The Arctic Wolf didn't answer, just nodded. Didn't lie to me? No regrets? Chili continued to ask. No regrets. ” The Arctic Wolf whispered in a low voice like a mosquito. After getting the answer from the Arctic Wolf, Chili felt refreshed, the mania on her face was swept away, she stood up, hummed a little song and held the gun , with the spirit of +2 points, leaning against the railing of the tower, staring at the empty deck. After comforting La Quan, the Arctic Wolf heaved a sigh of relief, and just as he was about to continue his vigilance, suddenly, There was a strange roaring sound from under him. The sound was extremely depressing, as if something in hell was climbing up. The arctic wolf couldn't tell the gender from the sound, and he couldn't even tell whether it was in Still crying, the sound came from the cabin below, and then slowly spread across the sea level, calling out to the arctic wolf. My God, what the hell was that just now? The startled Chili frowned and said, her body unconsciously leaned towards the Arctic Wolf. The Arctic Wolf just wanted to answer and didn't know, when the voice of stinky tofu came from the communicator, only to hear him use his A hoarse voice shouted in the communicator:

Unexpected situation! Arctic Wolf, you and Chili pepper immediately returned to the yacht, ready to cover our evacuation! Listening to the bursts of gunshots and roars from Zuo in the cabin below, Arctic Wolf nodded without hesitation and said, Understood. , I will go back with Chili! After hanging up the communication, the Arctic Wolf quickly stood up, then turned his head to Chili and said: 'You hear me? Let's go back to the yacht first!

In the narrow hallway, Yaotouyu and quack doctors are running wildly. What the hell is this?! Yaotouyu, who ran at the front, said with a bitter face: This thing is also worthy of calling Beauty beast? How twisted is the aesthetic of the guy who named it?!

Just now, he was carefully arranging his art in the ammunition depot when he suddenly heard a faint sound coming from the container of the ammunition depot. Out of curiosity, he first whispered the situation to his teammates in the ammunition depot. Then, ignoring Smelly Arot's obstruction, he tiptoed on the container and listened carefully to the sounds coming from inside. In the next second, the damned monster slammed into the locked door of the container and rushed out. Then they became what they are now. Ignoring the swearing Yaotou Yu. The quack doctor frowned, she looked back and saw that the stinky tofu had always maintained a speed one by one, closely following the two, and occasionally moved towards the chasing. Something in the back opened fire. Being run by that disgusting thing, is it difficult for him to not panic at all? At this moment, the quack doctor realized that most of the tasks with them are escorting the target, and occasionally help the laboratory to test the BOW battle data the ordinary

The security staff is different, this guy is a real battle-hardened man who has cheated death, and a real monster. On the other side, the stinky tofu was still on fire. Seeing that the monster was about to catch up, he gritted his teeth and shouted, Shock bomb! At the same time, he pulled the last lesson shock bomb from his waist, looking at all Without looking, they threw it back. With the explosions and scattered white lights, everyone only felt that their ears were buzzing and they could vaguely hear the painful whimper of the monster behind them. When they saw the front, they led to the deck. Staircase, the stinky tofu that ran at the end shouted: ''Go up! Quick! Canned fish and quack doctor rushed up without hesitation, then went straight into the cramped dark corridor, ran to the side door leading to the deck, and the other- - Side, after stinky tofu climbed the stairs, he immediately turned around, pulled a grenade from his waist and threw it down, then lay on the ground, and the next second, the grenade exploded with fire and smoke. Loud. Stinky tofu stood up and saw that the monster chasing behind was blasted to the ground, it roared and struggled fiercely, and the voice was like a woman's cry, and it opened towards the head of the sacred object. Two shots, the monster that was hit screamed again and again, and the stinky tofu threw the empty ammunition, and skillfully changed bullets. Seeing that the monster was about to turn over, he immediately turned around and flew towards the side door. He ran over. Hearing the strange screams coming from behind and the sound of the metal wall being hit and rubbed, the speed of the stinky tofu was getting faster and faster, and finally,

He slammed open the door of the deck, and in an instant, the cool sea breeze hit his face again. Having no time to take care of the monsters chasing behind him, the stinky tofu hurriedly ran to the hooks attached to the ship. Seeing the canned fish and the quack doctor beside the hooks, he couldn't help saying, Why don't you guys go down?! I don't think this is very authentic.. the canned fish whispered, while the quack doctor tilted his head and said: I'm a medic, where do you want me to go? Watching the Yaotou fish and the quack doctor move towards the monster behind him. The gun was fired, and Stinky Tofu was suddenly a little desperate. These guys, are they pigs?! Staring at the firepower, the monsters that rushed out of the cabin were rampaging on the deck, and they were about to catch up. Only a gunshot was heard, a large-caliber The bullet shot directly through the monster's head, and it fell to the ground screaming, rolling continuously, blood splashing along the wound. On the other side, on the boat, looking through the scope, struggling on the ground The monster, the Arctic Wolf whispered in surprise, What the hell is that.

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