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Arctic Wolf has been working in Black Umbrella for almost a year, but this is the first time he has seen such a monster. It was a milky white monster. It turned upside down like a female monster in a Japanese horror movie. Its limbs were supported on the ground like spiders with anti-joint joints. After being hit in the head by an arctic wolf, its head looked like a flower. Usually cracked, blood spilled from the inside, and between the blood, you can vaguely see

The pustules and lumps on his body swayed wildly. What surprised the Arctic wolf most was that the monster was unexpectedly flexible. Just now, the Arctic wolf clearly saw that the monster had already boarded the boat on the side. If it wasn't for the stinky tofu shot by himself, he would probably have been thrown directly to the ground. It's really nauseating. Standing beside the Arctic Wolf, Chili aimed the gun at the monster, and fired without hesitation, the bullet-fired but the monster didn't care, after a moment of struggle , its cracked head quickly closed, and then stood up again, crawling like a spider to the stinky tofu and others who were preparing to evacuate. The Arctic Wolf aimed at the fast-crawling monster, and then pulled the trigger instantly. With the roaring gunshot, a large-caliber bullet pierced the monster's forearm with fire and shot through the monster's forearm. The monster lost it instantly. After regaining his balance, he slammed his head into the cabin not far from the stinky tofu.

When he boarded the deck of the speedboat, he let go of his hand directly and fell on the deck, and then a tactical roll took off the force on his body, and at the same time he stood up, facing the two people on the ship.

He beckoned: Come down! You go down first. The quack doctor - while firing at the struggling monster - said to Yaotouyu. After a moment of hesitation, Yaotouyu nodded and then turned over. Just as he grabbed the rope and was about to slide down, the monster suddenly let out a sharp roar, the sound as if it could pierce a person's brain. The Arctic Wolf, Lamin and Stinky Tofu on the speedboat immediately covered their ears, and The quack doctor and Yaotouyu, who were closest to the monster on the boat, collapsed to the ground, and then,

From the lumps and pustules on the monster's body, a large piece of light-colored smoke suddenly appeared intermittently. Even though the sea breeze quickly blew the smoke away, a small piece of smoke still shrouded the ship. Oops! Stinky Tofu's nervous voice came from behind the gas mask. He stared at the other side of the hook lock. After a while, Zeng figure broke through the fog, and saw the canned fish holding the hook lock. She slid down directly, and then fell on the deck, followed by the quack doctor, she slipped off the rope in embarrassment, and then hit the canned fish that had not had time to get up. Fuck, the already weak canned fish was hit directly in the waist. After scolding in a low voice, he completely gave up getting up and just lay on the ground like a dead dog. On the other side, stinky tofu and chili immediately rushed up, only to hear stinky tofu shouting Quickly untie the zipline! At the same time, he quickly squatted down and tore the knotted zipline on the deck, while the other side was also torn. Chili on the zipline said impatiently and loudly: I see, I know! The two of them were pulling the knotted zipline when they heard a distorted roar from the ship. Then, the disgusting monster came from It looked out from the blue smoke that was about to dissipate, and saw a very thick-looking bone cutter inlaid on its head, while the other half of its head was tearing like a flower, and its scarlet tongue came out of its head. With a roar, it kept shaking, its front limbs grabbed the railing of the ship, and its hind legs were vigorous, as if trying to jump onto the yacht. Heck, with that guy's exaggerated mobility, it probably really Jump up! The female horse. Stinky tofu stared at the monster, seeing that the rope under his hand was about to be untied, but the monster would jump over immediately, it was too late! Damn it, even if it was a second longer. In the red gas mask In the reflection of the lens, the monster kicked its legs violently, and it was about to jump up, but at this moment, accompanied by a roaring gunshot, the monster had made it impossible to tell whether it was on the front chest or the back of the body. A blood flower exploded, and the monster that had already jumped fell directly on the deck of the ship under the impact of the bullet. It struggled to stand up, but in the next second, another large-caliber bullet crashed into its body. Come on! I'm running out of bullets in my magazine! On the side, he pulled the bolt of the TAC-50, pulled out the bullet casing, and put the gun on the deck of the speedboat, Beilang shouted. After a moment of stunned, Stinky Tofu and Chili quickly untied all the ropes on the deck of the speedboat, You stop it! I'll start the boat! The quack doctor and the canned fish who got up held their guns and helped the Arctic wolf and the pepper to stop the monster. Under the fire of everyone, the monster covered in blood was frantically going back and forth on the deck of the ship.

The moment the bag was aimed at the speedboat, the arctic wolf pulled the trigger again and shot it directly from the outer wall of the ship. With the roar of the engine underfoot, the speedboat finally moved, and the stinky tofu was spinning. The steering wheel made the speedboat get farther and farther away from the warship. After a few seconds, Kuaijin finally reached a safe position. The monster saw the speedboat go further and further away. It frantically thumped the deck of the warship, venting its dissatisfaction. squirting

Immediately afterwards, with a loud noise, the C4 explosive left in the ammunition depot finally detonated. With a series of explosions, the figure of the monster was quickly engulfed by light, and a huge mushroom cloud emerged from the ship. It rose up, illuminating the dark night instantly.

Under the light of the fire, everyone stood on the deck and watched the ship slowly sink.

People in black combat uniforms returned to the cabin of the speedboat one after another. Now, they just want to rest for a while. But the buttocks just sat down, the cockpit

The sound of stinky tofu came from inside.

Why didn't you just go back to the speedboat? A hoarse and deep voice came from behind the gas mask of stinky tofu, and he said angrily: Imitation

After a moment of silence, Yaotouyu said solemnly: That thing is running too fast, I think you have run out of shock ammunition again, if you fail to get on the deck, at least the quack doctor and I will have time to go back and save you..

Hearing the words of the canned fish, Stinky Tofu was silent, and after a while, he said solemnly: This is a war, survival is your responsibility, it's enough for you to take care of yourself.

I'm afraid this won't work. Fluttering his golden curly hair, the quack doctor smiled and said: Our bar can't be without the boss. Ah, Feng, really, why are you talking about this when everyone comes out?! Patting the empty seat on the side, Chili raised his eyebrows and said, I am more concerned about our Is the mission over? Yes, it is over. Stinky Tofu said solemnly. Then can we take a breath? Chili asked. Stinky Tofu did not answer.

Irritably, he tore off the gas mask on his face, revealing his beautiful face, Chili played with his short red hair, stretched his legs, took a deep breath of the air in the cabin, and then said, Really, I'm dying _. On the other hand, seeing Chili showing his face, everyone also took off their gas masks. The Arctic Wolf is a beautiful young man with black bangs, fair complexion, and looks a little weak, while the quack doctor is a rather cold-looking boy. The beautiful blond royal sister, as for the canned fish, he is just a dead fish-eyed uncle with disheveled hair and a stubble face. Boss, ask the headquarters, can we go back to Loples directly? - Pulling the arctic wolf who was hiding in the corner into his arms, Chili tilted his head and said loudly to the cockpit: I don't want to go back to the branch anyway, those guys from the security department are all yin and yang, make me think to tear them apart

Who are these people? Sighing helplessly, Stinky Tofu leaned on the seat, pressed the communicator beside his ear, and connected to the branch. .. .DLC Squad End

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