What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Extra.4.5-2. Feast of the macho (2)

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After the meal, Li Yexing took the girls to walk on the street. After the riots in Changye City ended, Li Yexing finally had time to take a closer look at the cherry blossom trees on the street, and the kind that Li Yexing imagined. The large green leaves are mixed with a few different flowers. The cherry blossoms on the cherry trees on the roadside in Changye City are surprisingly lush. From a distance, they look like a large group of soft pink marshmallows. Under the soft pink, Ti Lili Si walked in front of Li Yexing, she took some weird steps. 7. Her arms and legs stretched straight, and she moved forward like a robot. - -As she moved forward, she sang a Japanese song with a strange tune. She sang it at first. It's just Japanese that doesn't sound very standard. After singing, the lyrics become completely inexplicable pronunciation. Forbearance, a chuckle came from my ear.

Li Yexing turned his head and saw Hitomi Kanjima, who was following behind him, smiling. The white fingers sticking out from the sleeves of the beige sweater lightly covered his mouth. The sharp eyes of the past were now curved like a crescent moon. Aware that Li Yexing was looking at her, Hitomi Kanjima immediately stopped her laughter, she pretended to cough lightly, then straightened her body and looked ahead, her eyes were sharp like a sword, the co-pilot seemed to be holding a wooden knife, It's like the eldest sister who wants to go to the boys' school next door to find fault. It's just that her slightly red cheeks instantly ruined this feeling completely, making it impossible to tell whether this eldest sister went to the boys' school to find fault or to find fault.

Sighing lightly, Li Yexing said to Hitomi Kanjima: I don't know if it's my illusion, were you a little too cautious when you were with me?

Rita, who was ready at any time, immediately smiled and translated Li Yexing's words to Hitomi Kanjima, only to see Hitomi Kanjima slightly-frozen, then opened her mouth and tried her best to spit out the Japanese words that Li Yexing couldn't understand. After Hitomi Kanjima finally finished speaking, Rita frowned slightly and said, Miss Kanjima seems to be saying...she is her husband's warrior. Samurai. Li Yexing whispered, Looking at Hitomi Kanjima wearing a wide beige sweater, fat jeans, and high-top sneakers on her feet, she thought that this image had something to do with martial arts. However, speaking of which, should I help Hitomi Kanjima get a knife? After all, if nothing else happens, this kid will go back to Loples with him after the vacation is over. Useless handicrafts, it is better to help her get a real Japanese martial arts sword while you are in Japan. After all, it is not an option to draw the sword from the chest when you fight. I got it, where can I buy this stuff?

Li Yexing thought for a while, then turned to Rita and said, Ask Kanjima Hitomi, where can I buy a Japanese sword. As soon as I heard about buying a sword, Kanan, who had just been wandering in the sky, suddenly turned around, and she approached Li Yexing. The side whispered: BOSS. Do you want to buy a knife? Well. Li Yexing nodded.

That's right... Kanan smiled and put his arms around Li Yexing's shoulders and said: 'My dogleg knife was thrown in Africa, and the few I used it later didn't go well, so I want a new knife! Got e.. Li Yexing raised his brows and said, The Japanese sword you used? I might as well find a camera for you!

On the other side, Rita smiled and repeated Li Yexing's question to Hitomi Kanjima, who immediately turned her head to look at Li Yexing, her eyes full of doubts. It's nothing to be surprised about.. Li Yexing said solemnly, With your current physical condition, you probably won't be able to stay in Japan. If you don't care, we will take you back to Loples. , I have to find a good knife for you. Rita stood at the side translating Li Yexing's words synchronously, Hitomi Kanjima shook her head violently after hearing this, she opened her mouth and stammered in the fragmented Japanese, Rita on the side translated from: Miss Kanjima said that the knife is too expensive, there is no need to buy it.

It doesn't matter, you won't buy it if you don't buy it, I'll buy it. Li Yexing shook his head and said: 'Let's lead the way, girl. In the end, Kanjima Hitomi still didn't beat Li Yexing, Rita stopped two taxis, and everyone - in front - behind - got into the car, doing Under the guidance of Shimanai, the taxi finally stopped at the entrance of an alley near Richeng District. After paying for the taxi and getting out of the car, Hitomi Kanjima stood at the entrance of the alley, pointed to the alley, and did not speak. In the direction Kanjima Hitomi pointed, Li Yexing led the crowd in, and before he went too deep, he saw an inconspicuous shop open in the alley, with a sign like a

It seems that the people in the store wrote it themselves. Although the words are powerful, they are a bit rough. Li Yexing looked at Kanjima Hitomi, who nodded, indicating that Li Yexing was here. Gently pushing open the glass door, Li Yexing led the girls into the store. Although the store looked very simple from the outside, the interior of the store was well-decorated. On the wooden counter and the shelves on the wall superior. There were a pair of Japanese martial arts knives, the styles of those knives were different, Li Yexing gently picked up one, and slowly pulled out a section, only to see that the exposed section was very sharp, which vaguely reflected his own. Shadow. Put the knife back into the scabbard and put it back in place. Li Yexing shook his head in disappointment. These knives seemed to be all toys. On the other hand, Kanan lost interest after taking a quick look. , she frowned and whispered: It's really not as good as the cameraman... Maybe don't be alarmed by their voices, there was a sudden noise behind the counter, and then, an old man in a black vest sat behind the counter.

It was a very thin old man, not tall, with tattoos all over his body. He rubbed his eyes, turned his head to look at Li Yexing, and then his squinted eyes suddenly widened, and he noticed that the old man was observing him. Li Ye Xing immediately turned his head and looked at the old man. It's a monster! Tililith said with expressionless surprise. On the other side, after a moment of staring at each other, the old man stood up and walked out from behind the counter hunched over.

Come, staring at Li Yexing, then said something.

He was asking if Mr. bought a knife. Lita translated in a low voice. Li Yexing just wanted to tell him that he was just here to see, when Kanjima Hitomi, who was hiding behind Li Yexing, suddenly appeared, and she moved towards the old man. He walked over and opened his mouth, but for a long time, on the other side, the old man clearly recognized Hitomi Kanjima,

What Hitomi Kanjima said seemed to be comforting Hitomi Kanjima, but after a few seconds, he immediately noticed Hitomi Kanjima's abnormality, and Jing cast doubtful eyes on Li Youxing again. Quite bad. Seeing that the old man seemed to have misunderstood Li Yexing, Rita immediately walked up to chat with the old man, while Hitomi Qiandao kept nodding aside. Apologizing to Li Yexing, there was also a smile on his face. I wonder if it was Li Yexing's fault that the old man looked at him a little differently. It's like an old man looking at his son-in-law..

On the other side, the old man was still smiling and saying something to Rita, so Rita turned her head and said to Li Yexing: 'This is Mr. Gancheng, the owner of this shop, and Mr. Gancheng said that the ones placed outside are made of To deceive those guests who don't understand knives, he said that Mr. is worthy of a real good knife. On the other hand, the little old man patiently waited for Rita to finish her words, and when Li Yexing focused his eyes on him again , he turned around, opened the curtain behind Hengtai, and then turned to look at Li Yexing with a bit of show and pride in his eyes.

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