What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

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Looking at the smug face of the little old man, Li Yexing ignited a little bit of anticipation. Seemingly familiar with this place, Hitomi Kanjima followed the little old man and got behind the curtain. Li Yexing led the girls closely behind and waited to pass through. Looking at the room behind the curtain, Li Yexing was slightly taken aback. , and then whispered: I'll go. At this moment, what caught Li Yexing's eyes was a small-looking room, a dim red light flashed in the room, and under the dim red light Yes, there are ghost masks and statues of gods and Buddhas on the wall, shrouded in red light, as if bathed in blood, quietly looking at the people who broke into the room, for the small room behind the curtain Adding a touch of weirdness. Between the gods, Buddhas and evil spirits, knives were randomly hung on the wall. He gently took off one of them, and then slowly pulled it out. The moment he drew the knife, there seemed to be a sound in the scabbard. Then, the blade with cold air revealed the tip of the iceberg. Seeing Li Yexing's surprised expression, the little old man said something in Japanese with pride, while Rita whispered to translate Zeng: 'Mr. Gancheng said, the name of this knife is 'Luoyuwan', which is Mr. Gancheng's pride. do. Carefully, he slowly retracted the blade into the scabbard, and then slowly put it back to where it was originally, Li Yexing murmured softly, I didn't expect this.

In fact, Li Yexing has never been very cold about Japanese martial arts swords. In his opinion, as long as it can chop people to death, there is no difference between kitchen knives and martial arts swords. , Li Yexing's thoughts changed. This knife is so TMoD handsome..

Like a child who discovered a toy, Li Yexing couldn't wait to play with every knife in the house, while Hitomi Kanjima next to her was different. She observed it very carefully, every time she took out a knife, She would look at it carefully for a long time, and at the end, she put the knife back with some hope. Are these knives not good? Looking at the hesitant Kanjima Hitomi, Li Yexing asked in surprise: I feel this room None of the knives in this book can be bought with money casually.

Rita translated Li Yexing's words to Hitomi Kanjima, so Hitomi Kanjima immediately shook her head. She opened her mouth and tried to say something, but she could only spit out broken Japanese words. Embarrassed, the little old man standing by the side smiled and shook his head at Li Yexing, and then said - Datong Japanese, Rita bowed slightly. Different knives, only when the soul of the knife is in harmony with the human soul can the knife exert its due power. He whispered softly: I just use my dog-leg knife the best, it's difficult.

It's not that my soul and the soul of the dog-leg knife were sympathetic to each other. Kanjima Hitomi was still frowning and choosing a suitable knife. Li Yexing, who had nothing to do, turned around, and suddenly noticed that it was placed in the room. The inner knife.

Unlike other knives, which are placed horizontally on the wall, the knife is fixed to the wall vertically with iron chains. There is a very long opening on the side of the scabbard. It has been spread from the middle of the scabbard to the handguard of the knife, and the iron chain tied to the scabbard is along the scabbard - straight up and winding, until the handle, but , these are not the most attractive to Li Yexing. What really attracted Li Yexing's attention to the knife was the size of the knife. It was so big that it was almost one person tall. If it weren't for the opening on the side of the scabbard, Li Yexing couldn't imagine it. Exactly what kind of wingspan can pull this knife out. Seeing that Li Yexing noticed the biggest knife, the little old man smiled and said something to Li Yexing with a hint of helplessness on his face, Rita on the side immediately translated to Li Ye: Mr. The name is 'The Sky Crazy Bone'. It is a big sword that he created a long time ago with the goal of surpassing the limits of warriors. He wanted to give this sword the ability to cut everything and kill-cut, but after it was created, it was completely useless. People can use .. .. Kanan on the side waved his hand and raised his eyebrows: 0 scare people to death.. Unlike Kanan's disdain, Li Yexing looked at the big sword in front of him with some fascination, Then he turned his head to the little old man and said, Can I try it? Although I don't understand what Li Yexing is saying, the little old man still understands his request through Li Yexing's eager eyes. With a smile on his face, the little old man nodded. Now, speaking in Japanese, Rita, who is next to him, translated: Mr. Kancheng said, if it is a ghost like Mr. who crawled out of the mountain of corpses and blood, he might be able to take this knife.

With the permission of the master, Li Yexing immediately stepped forward, untied the chain and took the knife off the wall. The moment the chain was untied, Li Yexing's brows burst.

Because he was accustomed to the weight of the previous knives, Li Yexing subconsciously thought that the knife would not weigh much. As a result, when the knife fell into Li Yexing's hands, Li Yexing almost let it go. Holding the handle of the knife, slowly exerting force, and under the dim red light, he slowly pulled out the blade of this Falling Sky Crazy Bone, Li Yexing thought to himself, no wonder no one uses R, this knife is too heavy, It is not for human use. He thinks that his strength is already great, but he is still not sure that he can wield this big sword freely, let alone fight with it. Under the disappointed eyes of the little old man, Li Yexing put the Shoutian Crazy Bone back into the scabbard, and then shook his head gently, just as he was about to put the knife back on the wall, only slender Bai Nen's hand held the hilt of Shoutian Crazy Bone.

Seeing that the little old man did not stop him, Li Yexing handed the big sword in his hand with the mentality of giving it a try.

Hitomi Kanjima, Hitomi Kanjima took the Falling Sky Crazy Bone, she closed her eyes, felt the weight of the knife, then held the handle of the knife with her right hand and lightly pressed the scabbard with her left hand, Li Yexing subconsciously ducked back hide. Exhaling a smoky breath, Hitomi Kanjima's eyes suddenly opened, and after a second, accompanied by a burst of red light, Hitomi Kanjima instantly pulled out the big sword in his hand, the sword

It sounded in the air, like the cheers of the evil ghosts who had been sealed for dry years and finally reappeared in the world. The iron chain on the handle of the knife made a ringing sound, echoing the dim red light on the knife pattern, and it exploded instantly. Ling Lie's killing intent. Li Yexing smiled, he turned his head, and just wanted to ask the little old man how to sell this knife, but found that the little old man looked at Gan Island Hitomi with extremely complicated eyes, and there was absolutely nothing in his eyes when he found the owner. The joy, on the contrary, revealed a faint worry. After a long while, the little old man sighed and whispered something in Japanese.

Mr. Gancheng said, Miss Qiandao. After all, she has taken this step.-- Rita, who was next to him, moved to Li Yexing's side and translated in a low voice. Xiang asked him, how to sell knives? Not understanding what the little old man said, Li Yexing whispered to Rita, so Rita turned around and said something to the little old man, and then the little old man was full of face Wu Zong waved his hand and talked to Rita a few times in Japanese. Rita's face immediately showed a hint of surprise. Mr. Ganyu said that this 'Bone of the Sky' was given to Miss Ganjima Rita told Li Yexing. Leaving the dark room, the little old man put the 'Crazy Bone' on the counter, carefully wrapped it in black cloth, and then handed it to Hitomi Kanjima, who immediately took the 'Hot Sky' Crazy bone', looking like he couldn't put it down, he packed the knife, the little old man turned his head again, and told Rita a few words, Rita nodded solemnly

When everyone was about to leave, the little old man suddenly stopped Kanan. In Kanan's puzzled eyes, the little old man returned to the dark room. After a few seconds, he walked out with a ball of things wrapped in black cloth and handed it to the room. After reading Kanan, he smiled and said in broken English: Your soul. Kanan untied the black cloth, and what appeared in front of Kanan was a brand-new Kalmay saber, with the hilt of the saber wrapped around the hilt. On the red cloth covered with strange inscriptions and the cold light of a rich man on the blade, Kanan raised his head and looked at the smug face of the little old man, his eyes gradually became horrified.

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