What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Extra.4.5-5. The Festival of Men (5)

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In the small hotel room, Li Yexing was lying on the tatami, looking at the small chandelier on the ceiling, and looking at Rita's black silk legs, his face full of unrequited love. On the other side, Rita held the cotton wool in her hand and gently wiped the wound on Li Yexing's face. Seeing that Li Yexing was not in a good mood, she smiled politely and embarrassedly, and said, Sir, if it hurts, If you want to, just say it. Don't worry, it's only this level, how could that guy feel pain? Before Li Yexing could speak, Kanan, who was sitting beside him, smiled with a guilty conscience: I think back then, we both fell off the cliff and we were still alive and kicking in the end? How dare you say that?! Li Yexing felt annoyed when he heard Kanan's words, he struggled to stand up, Pointing to the scratches on his face, he said, Who do you think I became like this because of me? Am I? With uncertainty on his face, Kananxian asked in a low voice with a smile.

It's not because of you, can it be because of me? Li Yexing couldn't help but shouted loudly, and then, Rita's hand lightly placed on his forehead, pressing it lightly, then pressed Li Yexing's head back On her black silk leg. Sir, don't move around. Let's wait for Rita to deal with the wound. - Rita next to her smiled softly. Feeling the burning sensation on his face, Li Yexing finally didn't say anything, just sighed. Just now, when shopping in the city center, Kanan, who was overjoyed, directly picked up his princess and made a 100-meter sprint. As a result, in order to avoid the pedestrians emerging from the shops on the street, Kanan subconsciously Letting go, Li Yexing took off directly, the kind with his face on the ground, quietly enjoying Rita's meticulous care, Li Yexing moved his eyes, Tililith was playing games on his stomach, and Qiandao Hitomi sat on his knees In the corner of the room, he was holding the Bone in the Sky wrapped in rags, and his eyes were closed, causing Li Yexing to have a feeling of she will pull out the knife in the next second.

a feeling of. In the end, Li Yexing focused his attention on the originator of all this, Kanan Mafar, and saw Kanan looking up. But her eyes didn't focus on it at all. After a long while, she looked at Li Yexing in a ghostly manner. After realizing that Li Yexing was also looking at her, she immediately turned her eyes away and whispered in her mouth: This new white ladies handbag from LV this March..

Li Yexing focused his attention on the small chandelier on the ceiling again, and he sighed softly. After a long while, Rita took back the cotton wool and smiled softly: It's done, sir, would you like to lie down for a while? No. Li Yexing said softly, and he patted Tillyris on the shoulder, motioning for Tillyly. Si left, and then turned over and buried the uninjured half of his face between Rita's two black silk thighs, rubbed it hard, and took a big mouth. He sat up, stretched out his hand and grabbed the shirt that he had casually thrown on the tatami, took out the cigarette case in his pocket, then stood up, opened the wooden door of the room, put on his shoes and left. In the smoking area, Li Yexing poured out the lighter in the cigarette case and took out a cigarette to hold it in his mouth. Just as he was about to light it, he saw that the door of the room was suddenly pushed open. Then, Kanan also left the room. She looked straight at the smoking area, and then beckoned to Li Yexing. She was holding her shoe F in one hand and two cans of beer in the other. , until she had shoes on both feet before she ran over quickly

Seeing her coming, Li Yexing put down the lighter that had been in front of the cigarette. Kanan smiled when he saw it. He walked forward three steps and two cans of beer. On the windowsill, Kanan put his arms around Li Yexing's shoulders, and at the same time put one hand into Li Yexing's pocket, took out a cigarette case, took a cigarette and put it in his mouth, then asked with a smile, I'm angry. No, it's not enough... Li Yexing whispered and lit the lighter in his hand at the same time. The two of them were familiar with each other, cigarettes in their mouths, and approached the flames. The fog was mixed with the smoke from the smelly hole of Kanan. After a while, Kanan turned his head, raised his eyebrows and asked Li Yexing, You're not angry? .. Li Yexing only felt that he was being amused a little bit, he lightly knocked Kanan's head with his hand holding the cigarette, and said in a small voice: You can't tell whether you are angry or not, you are the first day. Know me? Oh. Just don't get angry. Kanan nodded, picked up a can of beer, pulled the tab, looked at Li Yexing and said, - get up? Li Yexing smiled and took the Picking up another can of beer, after opening it, he and Kanan touched a glass, and then rubbed their necks together. After putting down the can in his hand, he burped at the same time. They laughed. To be honest, I'm a little afraid of your life... After a while, Kanan threw the cigarette butt into the dried can, and then turned to Li Yexing with a tangled expression on his face.

He whispered: You know, I've never been quite like the kind of girl a man would like, but before he finished speaking, Li Yexing suddenly stretched out his hand and - - wrapped it around Kanan's waist. In a soft exclamation, he directly printed his lips. After subconsciously resisting, Kanan gently closed his eyes, stretched out his arms and wrapped his arms around Li Yexing's waist, and the two hugged in front of the window for a moment. Afterwards, his lips parted. Looking at Kanan with reddish color in his arms and water vapor in his eyes, Li Yexing smiled and said, This is not quite like a girl. Fuck you, Kanan said softly, and then suddenly After chatting, this time the chat was a bit intense, and the two didn't separate until they were out of breath. Licking the saliva on his lips, Li Yexing asked with a smile, How do you feel?

Don't mention it, the smell of cigarettes... Kanan whispered: like an ashtray. You're not the same... Li Yexing pretended to be dissatisfied. Maintaining the hugging posture, Kanan leaned his head against Li Yexing's chest, rubbed against his collarbone, occasionally took a light bite, and then licked the place where he had bitten with his tongue, Li Yexing said. Holding Kanan, he didn't say anything, just silently enjoying this moment of tranquility. After a long time, Kanan reluctantly said: By the way, what do you think of the eldest lady of the Gandao family? I don't know.. Li Yexing whispered: Her physical condition is still not as good as yours, I don't know if she will keep it. As this state stabilizes, further mutations will occur. Anyway, the fact that she will go back with us should not change. I didn't ask that. Kanan rubbed against Li Yexing's collarbone and whispered: 'When are you going to have sex with her? What image am I in your eyes? Can't you? Li Youxing said in a low voice, frowning slightly. Aren't you? Kanan raised his head, looked at Li Yexing and said, It won't matter until now, you can still say that you want to consider the eldest miss. Of course I have to consider Tililith, but she doesn't seem to care at all. Li Yexing frowned slightly, brushed his fingers over Kanan's sturdy waist and whispered: Also, this matter is the most important thing. Do you have to look at Gan Island? That's the end.. Kanan's face showed a strange smile: You may not have noticed, the eldest lady of the Gan Island family looks at you very simply.

Recalling what the girl said to him in the Gandao family compound, Li Yexing sighed helplessly, and said softly: Of course I know about this kind of thing..

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