What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Extra.4.5-7. Feast of the macho (seven)

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Finally, Kanjima Shinjiro's funeral ended peacefully. It was not until the evening that the crowd gradually dispersed, and only Qiandao Hitomi was left in the dojo. She stood quietly in the middle of the dojo, looking at the portrait of her father,

It was very difficult, but she still insisted on stumbling through the whole sentence, and after that, she bowed deeply to the portrait. After leaving the dojo, the surviving members of the Kanjima group who had been waiting outside the dojo for a long time immediately surrounded them. They were talking to Hitomi Kanjima, whether it was comfort or encouragement.

They patiently waited for Kanjima Hitomi to explain the affairs here. After everything was arranged, Kanjima Hitomi took small steps towards Li Yexing and the girl who had been waiting at the gate of the compound for a long time. They came over.

Seeing the shouts of the members of the Gandao group coming from behind, Li Yexing turned around, only to see that they greeted him loudly. They said please sir--you must be kind to Miss Kanjima..- Rita chuckled lightly.

On the driver's seat of the car sat a member of the Gandao team. Seeing that Li Yexing and others were in the yard, he immediately opened the car window and extended his hand to say hello. When everyone got into the car, the car started. The driver of the van was a young man who looked very silent.

Is the miscellaneous things in Japan this time finally over? Back in the hotel room, Li Yexing lay on the tatami and sighed softly, feeling a sense of relief.

Now, as usual, Tililith directly put her heart on Li Yexing's belly, with her legs crossed, she took out Li Yexing's game console and started playing. As for Kanan, she just stayed at the hotel as usual. From the big bag in the room, I took out a can of beer. Looking at the posture, it seemed that I wanted to light a cigarette, but when I found that Li Yexing didn't have any clue.

It was neat and tidy, and after finishing everything, Rita knelt down beside Li Yexing, lifted Li Yexing's head gently, and put it on her big chair wrapped in black silk.

Li Yexing's cheeks, fingers slowly hooked over Li Yexing's lips, Li Yexing raised his head subconsciously, and then saw that Rita was looking down at Zi 2. His face was full of determination

Smelling the rose-like fragrance of Rita's body, Li Yexing suddenly felt very calm in his heart, and after a long time, he slowly closed his eyes with some confusion in his consciousness.

After an unknown time, Rita's soft call came from her ear: Sir, wake up, sir? Then a soft touch pressed lightly on her lips. Consciousness gradually returned to his body, Li Yexing opened his eyes in a daze, and the eyes of Rita, who was full of concern, and Tililith, who had no expression on his face, were introduced. Seeing that Li Yexing woke up, Tilly Qiansi's eyes lit up and said: Sure enough, you can wake up only after talking, Yexing is a sleeping beauty. Sitting up, rubbing his drowsy head, Li Yexing whispered, How long have I slept? Soon, sir, only less than two hours. Rita replied with a smile. Sorry, Rita, I fell asleep. Looking at Rita sitting on his knees, Li Yexing felt distressed for no reason. He sat on the ground and said to Rita.

Sir forgot, unless it's necessary, there is no extra feeling on Rita's body, let alone a sour corridor. Rita chuckled lightly, but her legs pressed against Li without hesitation. With Yexing's neck covered, Li Yexing looked at Rita with a hint of surprise on his face, but Rita said lightly, But, I

Li Youxing smiled, and then gently stroked Rita's two snow-white legs wrapped in black suspenders and stockings with both hands. Rita suddenly let out a squeak and panting. She turned her head quickly, only to see Li Youxing. Ta stretched out a pure white hand and gently covered her blushing face, her gray eyes filled with mist, seeing Li Yexing looking at Zi 2. She breathed lightly and said, Please. Please continue. Mr. Oh Li Yexing nodded subconsciously, and then pressed Rita's legs a little stiffly. Rita's soft breathing continued to flow into his brain along his ears, accompanied by Li Yexing's massage, her breathing Gradually it became hurried, and after a while, Rita's legs on Li Yexing's body suddenly trembled, and then, Rita plunged directly into Li Yexing's arms, she leaned against Li Yexing's arms and breathed lightly. He breathed out the hot breath on Li Yexing's chest. At this time, no matter how stupid Li Yexing was, he understood what had just happened, see - Tililith next to him and Gan Island sleeping in the corner of the room were all looking at him. face gang

Li Yexing, who was leaning against Li Yexing's arms, did not speak, but just stretched out her hand and pointed behind her. Li Yexing looked in the direction Lita was pointing, and saw Kanan leaning all over. As if she was still drooling. After a while, Rita's breathing finally calmed down, but she did not leave Li Yexing's embrace. She used to be a perfect and mature maid, leaning close to her like a girl in her arms. In the arms of a lover, unwilling to leave. Gently touching Rita's forehead, Li Yexing said softly, You've worked so hard recently..

Not understanding the meaning of Rita's words, Li Yexing and Rita warmed up for a while, and then asked, Speaking of which, it seems that tomorrow will be the long-leaf cherry blossom festival, Rita, do you have any plans? I heard Li Yexing's first words. Yes, sir, I have already booked a room at a hot spring hotel near the venue of the Long Leaf Cherry Blossom Festival. Wait a moment, we will let the boss and mother-in-law help us deliver part of Miss Kanjima's luggage and the long knife to Kanjima. On the other side of the group, let them help us send to Loples, and we go directly to the hot spring hotel for dinner, dinner

Speaking of this, a trace of anticipation appeared on Rita's face, and she whispered, I wonder if there is a legendary mixed bath for men and women? I really want to have a taste with Mr.

Since that's the case, let's set off... Li Yexing whispered, seeing Li Yexing stand up,

Hitomi also stood up immediately, carrying a knife and luggage, looking like a ronin warrior.

Passing Rita, Li Yexing lowered his head, looked at Kanan lying on the ground with saliva, and kicked lightly, Hanan's expression immediately became irritable,

Hey! Li Youxing was amused by Kanan's reaction, so he squatted down and inserted two fingers into Kanan's nostrils. After a while, Kanan suddenly opened his eyes and sat up together in an instant. , She had saliva dripping from the corner of her mouth, and her face looked confused. She patted Kanan's dazed head lightly, and Li Yexing said with a smile: 'Get up, silly roe deer, let's go to dinner.

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