What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Extra.4.5-8. The Festival of Men (8)

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After packing up the things to take away, Li Yexing and the girls handed Hitomi Kanjima's sword and some of the luggage to the proprietress of the small hotel, and then everyone left the small hotel. They stopped two people on the street. A taxi, Rita told the driver the destination and the driver drove everyone to the destination. After passing through the city center, the taxi gradually entered the suburbs. It didn't take long for the taxi to stop. Hitomi Kanjima, who was sitting in the co-pilot, silently paid for the taxi, and then got out of the car with Li Yexing and Tililith. , After getting off the bus, Li Yexing saw at a glance Rita and Kanan who were sitting in the car in front, who had already got off the bus and waited. Taking Tililith and Hitomi Kanjima to Rita and Kanan's side, Rita smiled and said to Li Yexing, The next way, the taxi can't get up, so we have to go by ourselves. Saying, Lita turned sideways slightly to make way for a road. Li Yexing looked up and saw a rather wide stone road beside the road. The road was waiting to be illuminated, winding through the trees all the way to the hillside. above. Let's go. Looking at the stone road in front of him, Li Yexing said softly. Next, everyone stepped onto the stone road leading to the hillside. There were many pedestrians on the road. Most of them were carrying things in their hands. In a hurry, after walking for about ten minutes, the eyes finally suddenly opened up. What appeared in front of Li Yexing and the girls was a long street shrouded in bright lights. 1- A large site, it is very wide, the ground is almost completely paved with slate like the previous road, it is full of cherry trees on both sides, the cherry blossoms on the tree are in full bloom, soft The pink color breaks the softness of the past under the lights of the night, rendering a touch of amazing beauty, and under the cherry blossom trees full of cherry blossoms, the local people with long leaves are busy supporting one by one. A small stall selling something, they were running back and forth, busy, preparing for the long-leaf cherry blossom festival tomorrow night, and at the end of the street, a stage-like thing was being built. The girl in the white witch costume was talking to the adults next to her, and it seemed that the atmosphere was not bad. When he got here, Li Yexing didn't know the way, so Rita and Kanjima Hitomi walked in front, strolling on the slate-paved street, Li Yexing looked at the busy people on the left and right of the street, and there was a bit of anxiety in his heart. It was a wonderful feeling. Until this time, Li Yexing really felt the exotic atmosphere from Japan. When he passed the stage that had not yet been built, Hitomi Kanjima suddenly leaned towards Li Yexing, and at the same time stretched out his hand and pulled down in front of him. The hood seemed to be worried about who would find out. Just when Li Yexing was quite puzzled, a girl in a witch costume suddenly noticed Hitomi Kanjima. She greeted him loudly in Japanese, attracting other young people around her The shrine maiden and the adults were surprised for a while, and then, she stepped on the clogs and ran towards Hitomi Kanjima, - grabbing Hitomi Kanjima's hand, and saying something with a concerned face, Hitomi Kanjima opened her mouth gently. She opened her mouth but didn't say anything, so she subconsciously avoided the little witch's eyes and cast a look of help at Li Yexing. Seeing Kanjima Hitomi looking at Li Yexing, the girl immediately raised her head to Li Yexing with a scrutiny in her eyes, and Li Yexing was also looking at this little girl carefully, after all, it was the first time she saw someone alive Miko, Li Yexing is somewhat curious. Well, it looks pretty cute, it's the two little radishes\\legs, it's a pity. On the other side, unaware of the little regret in Li Yexing's eyes, the girl bowed to Li Yexing, and opened her mouth to see a lot of Japanese that Li Yexing could not understand at all. This lady said that she is a friend of Miss Qiandao, and she wants to know who you are? Why are you with Miss Gandao? How is the Gandao family now? I'll go, this girl belongs to one hundred thousand why? Li Yexing raised his eyebrows, he looked up at the adults and little witches behind him, and then looked at the aggressive looking little radish leg in front of him, thinking that this girl might be the same as Hitomi Kanjima, She is also the eldest lady of some family. Seemingly aware of the slight discomfort between Li Yexing's brows, Gan Island Hitomi grabbed Li Yexing's arm and shook his head at Li Yexing, with a begging between his brows. Tell her, I'm Kanjima Shinjiro's cousin. The Kanjima family is gone, and Hitomi Kanjima will be with me in the future. After a while, Li Yexing looked at the little witch in front of him and whispered to Rita. Okay, first.... Rita smiled slightly, then turned her head and told the girl in Japanese that Li Yexing was a relative of Hitomi Kanjima, and there was a major change in Kanshima's family, so Hitomi Kanjima was temporarily going to be with Hitomi Kanjima. Li night lived for a while. The girl looked at Rita, then turned her head to look at Li Yexing again, and finally turned her gaze back to Hitomi Kanjima, her eyes revealing an inquiry. Hitomi Kanjima nodded solemnly. The girl thought for a while, and suddenly came mysteriously to Gan Island Hitomi's ear and whispered something. Li Yexing couldn't hear it very clearly, but Rita suddenly laughed. She came over and whispered to Li Yexing. Said: 'The girl told Miss Kanjima to blink if she was kidnapped or something else happened. Looking at the little girl in the witch costume with a serious face in front of her, Hitomi Kanjima suddenly smiled. The girl shook her head, and then took small steps to Li Yexing's side. In the surprised eyes of Li Yexing and the little girl, she wrapped her arms around Li Yexing's arms. The girl was slightly stunned at first. .

Then she suddenly became stunned and put on an expression like I understand. She looked around at the girls around Li Yexing, and then hugged Hitomi Kanjima. He clenched his fists tightly, and said something in Japanese to Hitomi Kanjima full of fighting spirit. Li Yexing could understand this sentence, as if saying, Come on. After all this was done, the girl said something to Hitomi Kanjima, and then she said something. Xiao ran and returned to the crowd just now. After watching the girl in the witch costume return to the crowd with gentle eyes, Hitomi Kanjima turned her head, opened her mouth with difficulty, and said in awkward English: My best friend.

After this episode was over, Li Yexing and the girls bypassed the stage that had not yet been built, came to the uninhabited path behind them, walked up the quiet path, and soon came to a fork in the road. On the right is - a tall red wooden door frame with some odds and ends hanging on it. Li Yexing still has a little impression of this thing. If I remember correctly, it seems to be called torii or something... Hitomi Kanjima stepped forward, gently pulled Rita, and then pointed to the fork on the left, so everyone followed Hitomi Kanjima and walked in. It didn't take long for everyone to arrive at the destination of the trip. A sizeable hot spring hotel.

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