What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Extra.4.5-9. Festival of macho men (9)

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I have to say that when I first saw this hot spring hotel, Li Yexing felt quite astonished. The whole hotel looked like a large wooden house, surrounded by cherry trees with large cherry blossoms in full bloom. Li Yexing took the girls and followed Rita through the elegant small yard, entered the hotel, and saw a woman in a colorful kimono standing behind the counter. Even though Li Yexing had seen countless women, he still couldn't see it at a glance. The real age of the proprietress, she has black hair in a braid, and her skin is smooth and moist like a girl, but she has the unique charm of a mature woman. The fly in the ointment is that this woman is full of dust, and it always gives people the feeling that she will attack male customers who come alone at night. If it is a violent mercenary, it may be very good. But the working war Tu Li Yexing is a bit unacceptable. Although there is no virgin complex, but this kind of thing, there must be a

The high heels stepped on the wooden floor, and Rita walked forward with a smile and chatted with the woman. It didn't take long for the woman to hand over a key with a wooden nameplate to Rita. The woman chatted for a while, then turned around and smiled at Li Yexing: Come on, sir, let's have dinner first.

Because Li Yexing and Kanan fell asleep. So everyone's Wanban was delayed. At this time, Li Yexing also felt a little hungry, so he nodded and followed Rita with the girls and waited to pass the counter. The proprietress behind the counter looked at Li Yexing with a hint of admiration in her eyes, but Li Yexing decisively ignored her. Si looked deeply at the proprietress. Follow Rita through the corridor to the restaurant of this hot spring hotel. This restaurant is semi-open-air. The restaurant is separated from the yard with flowers, plants and cherry trees outside by a fence, and the tables in the restaurant are between the tables. It is far apart, separated by a wooden screen in the middle, and there are flower baskets hanging from the ceiling of the restaurant, with plants that cannot be named. At this time, it may be because it is past dinner time. There was no one in the room, and it seemed extraordinarily quiet. After everyone was seated, a girl wearing a kimono and holding a menu came up. She bowed slightly to everyone, said something softly, and then put the menu on the table. What do you want to eat, sir? Taking the menu, Rita asked Li Yexing with a smile. Let's make it simple. Li Yexing thought for a while and said, I can eat a lot. Really? Rita understands... Rita chuckled, and then - asked everyone at the table what they wanted to eat , Every time she ordered one, she whispered something to the girl standing at the table. After a while, after ordering, the girl left the menu on the table and left with a small notebook. Taking this opportunity , Li Yexing whispered to Rita: This hotel doesn't seem to be cheap. Yes, as an ordinary tourist hotel, the consumption standard is indeed higher. Rita chuckled: But I Thinking that just this level of expenses, the wealth of our firm is completely sufficient. After that, Rita suddenly became a little worried: Do you think my choice is too extravagant? I just think that if it is Mr., of course you deserve the best... It doesn't matter.. Li Yexing waved his hand and said, In my opinion, you both deserve the best. Hey... Kanan, who was sitting opposite, whispered: You and the maid Shi are really dead in the meat room.. Meat Gallery? Tililith, who was sitting beside Li Yexing, thought for a while, and then suddenly hugged her. Li Yexing's arm rubbed against Li Yexing's shoulder lightly, and then said in a low voice: Tiililith also wants meat... Laughing and touching Tililith's little head, then suddenly Feeling that something was wrong, Li Yexing turned his head and saw Kanjima Hitomi, who should be facing the yard, sitting on the side, staring straight ahead, making people feel weird. Thinking about it, it's right, originally the language function has Obstacles, now that there are people at the table, it is estimated that she can't understand a single sentence. It's not surprising to have such a reaction. Although Hitomi Kanjima has not been tied to her office, Li Yehang doesn't really want her to react. A feeling of being excluded. As Li Yexing closed, the atmosphere at the table gradually quieted down. Fortunately, it didn't take long for the girl in kimono who helped to order the meal to break the silence. the tray, carefully placed the dishes on the tray beautifully on the dining table one by one, then bowed slightly, and said in Japanese: Please use.

In front of Li Yexing was a luxurious looking seafood cover. Rita chose a dessert that looked like she couldn't get enough of it. Kanan and Li Yexing had similar painting styles, so she ordered one. Steak rice, and Hitomi Qiandao ordered a piece of sushi that looked quite delicate. As for the rest of the mess, it was all Tililith's. Because everyone was a little hungry, F did not say anything during the meal. After the meal was over, Rita went to pay the money, and everyone could finally go back to their small room. Small, use the key given by the proprietress to unlock the door of the corresponding room, open the wooden door, and see a very spacious room. This room is nearly three times larger than the previous small hotel room. The floor of the room is bunk. There are spotless tatami mats, neat bedding next to it, a separate wardrobe in the wooden door on the wall, and unnamed flowers growing on the windowsill of the room. When you open the curtains, you can see the pleasant Japanese-style courtyard outside the window. Li Yexing and the girls settled their luggage in the room, and then it was the highlight of the night. Mixed bathing for men and women! Of course.. How could there be such a thing? There is no doubt that everyone with a change of clothes was stopped by the fork in the road between Men's Soup and Women's Soup. Li Yexing was fine, he did I'm looking forward to the legendary mixed bath, but I won't be disappointed if I don't, but Rita is looking forward to it.

It's not good to go to the whole person. She stared at the middle of Men's Soup and Women's Soup, as if a mixed bath would appear if she stared at it. After a long while, Rita sighed softly, hiding the unwillingness in her eyes, Rita said to Li Yexing with a reluctant smile: Then.

Oh, it doesn't matter.. Li Yexing nodded and said: ' 'If I'm done soaking first, I'll wait for you outside, and if you're done soaking, go back to my room and wait for me. After the girls entered the girls' soup next to them, Li Yexing stretched and said to himself: 'Hot spring. I'm really looking forward to it. I took off my clothes in the dressing room and wrapped a white towel around my lower body. , Li Yexing opened the door, and what caught his eye was a very large hot spring pool surrounded by large smooth stones, with bursts of steam on the water. Well, I have an internal taste. Li Yexing whispered, and then slowly stepped into the misty hot spring pool. The moment his entire body was soaked in the hot spring, Li Yexing only felt that the pores all over his body opened instantly. Comfortably, I couldn't help but sighed softly. Speaking of which, when was the last time I took a hot shower? The irritable mercenaries always take cold showers. This habit is exactly the same as that of the working soldiers. , the firm specially installed a water heater for Tililith, but Li Yexing himself never used it. Now it seems that I, who play in cold water every day, seems to have missed something very subtle. The hot spring next door hears the cheerful slapstick of the girls from home from time to time, and I am also wrapped in a warmth, Li Yexing slowly He closed his eyes, and his thoughts drifted away with the mist. I don't know how long it took, there was no sound from the pool next door, and after a while, the sound of the door being pulled open came from behind, listening to the light footsteps behind him, Li Yexing smiled slightly, guessing which girl it was Unwilling to be lonely, she sneaked over without authorization. It should be Rita, right? She seems to have been wanting to soak in the hot spring with her for the first time, but as a matriarch who came from a noble family, Rita may not be able to show her face. , so it is very likely to be the cheeky Kanan or the clingy Tililith. Just when Li Yexing was smiling and guessing who it was, there was a sound of water entering Li Yexing's side. Then, a man with a magnetic voice said in standard American English, Oh my God, it's so comfortable. Li Yexing's eyes widened instantly. No, no, it's not surprising that it's not my own girl. After all, this is Men's Soup, but why does this damn voice sound so familiar? Turning his neck stiffly, Li Yexing looked at the man sitting beside him. , and the man also looked at Li Yexing subconsciously, and at the moment when the two met eyes, the two were stunned at the same time. After a while, the two big men exclaimed at the same time: Li Jing?!

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