What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Extra.4.5-10. The Feast of Men (10)

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Across the light mist, two big men with solid muscles and only a white towel around their lower bodies stared at each other in a daze, their eyes unspeakably weird. After a while, just when Leon began to wonder if Li Yexing would suddenly come over to kiss him, Li Yexing suddenly broke the weird atmosphere, and he said to Leon embarrassedly and politely: Oh, what a coincidence, you are here too. Pao: Yeah, that's a coincidence.. Li Jing nodded subconsciously, and then suddenly felt that something was wrong. What Li Yexing said just now sounded inexplicable.

On the other side, ignoring Leon's bewildered expression, Li Yexing asked, Why are you here? Vacation. Leon's expression was a little embarrassed, he looked at Li Yexing and said: ' What about you? What are you doing here? I'm on vacation too. Li Yexing was a bit stubborn. After a long while, the two of them suddenly laughed at the same time. Leon shook his head and said, This conversation, and 0 Since the first time the two of us met,

It seems like this is the case... Li Yexing recalled the scene when the two met for the first time in South Africa, and then smiled and said to Leon: What happened recently?

To be honest, it's not good, it's full of troubles. Leon's face turned sad, he said helplessly: 'I just finished dealing with a biochemical crisis that happened in Mexico, there is a local) The staff went mad and bought a large number of BOWs to destroy the local drug lords. When we arrived, the situation had already become a mess.. Then what? Leon's words aroused the curiosity of Li Yexing, he subconsciously He leaned over and said, How did the IA deal with it? Help the local poisonous fruit to do that anti-drug fighter? No matter what purpose you can use BOW, we do this to maintain local stability.. Leon frowned and said, So, is the local area stable after the incident? Li Yexing asked with his head tilted. Of course not. Leon replied helplessly: That's why I said it was all trouble. After that, he waved his hand helplessly, his face full of disgust at these bullshit things.

Why don't you quit your job and hang out with me? Li Yexing said to Leon: The salary is only higher than yours, and the most important thing is to be at ease. I'm tied up in a zombie club. Leon shook his head helplessly, and then said to Li Yexing: Speaking of which, this is my first day in Japan. I heard that something happened here before I came. ? Li Yexing raised his eyebrows and asked. Yes, that's it. Leon nodded and said, I have to say, thanks to the BSAA's quick handling, otherwise I would probably be caught from the body fake again. Going to work. Well, Leon looked at Li Yexing and said, Do you have any clues about this matter? Li Youxing narrowed his eyes and looked at Leon. After a while, he asked, You are really here on vacation. Damn, of course I'm here on vacation! Leon said. I'm just curious about this. Well, it's not really worth talking about. Li Yexing shrugged: - a local gang The person who said it suddenly went crazy. He occupied a commercial building, took a lot of hostages, and used BOW to the police who surrounded him. Finally, BSAA arrived, eliminated BOW, and rescued people. 5. The incident was resolved perfectly, and everyone was happy. Perfect Resolved? Leon was slightly stunned, then frowned and said, What about the local gang? He was killed by the BSAA? Who knows.' Li Yexing shrugged and said, Maybe he was killed at a certain point where no one was there. In the alley you pass by, of course, you may also escape

I'm a little curious, what role did you play in this incident? Leon asked Li Yexing. What role can I play? Li Yexing smiled and shook his head: 'I'm just here on vacation , If you are really interested in the things here, I suggest you call and ask Chris. He will handle the things here later. In other words, you really participated in this incident, right? Leon frowned and asked, At least you should know a lot of insider information. I was indeed there when the outbreak occurred, but I came in as a foreign aid expert hired by the BSAA headquarters. I have an official status, and my task was to help the BSAA gang to evacuate the hostages. It was as simple as that. Looking at Li Yexing's smiling face, there was a deep distrust in Leon's eyes, but he understood that Li Yexing had already said this, which meant that no matter how much he knew, he didn't plan to say more. .

In the end, Leon just sighed. His expression looked rather long.

'Really, I don't remember you being a workaholic.' Li Youxing asked curiously: 'What is the reason for you to be so concerned about the Changye Shangyuan incident?

I just heard some bad rumors... Leon tapped lightly on the stones by the pool with his fingers, and he whispered: But it's not a big problem, it should be that our intelligence is wrong. It's fine. After turning over the page of the Changye Commercial Building Incident, Li Yexing suddenly asked curiously, You came alone this vacation? Leon was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, If If I am alone, how can I book such an expensive store? No matter how high the salary is, I can't stand it.

So how expensive is this store? But compared to this, at this moment, a bad premonition is rapidly rising in Li Yexing's heart.

In order to confirm whether the hunch was successful, Li Yexing asked Leon in a deep voice: I...you shouldn't have come with that woman Aida Wang? Of course it was her. Leon took it for granted. He nodded and said, Except for her

There doesn't seem to be any other woman beside me. Where is she now? Li Yexing asked eagerly after hearing Leon's answer. It's soaking in the women's pool. Leon replied casually: Why are you looking for her?

The big thing is bad! Ada is going to be bad! Before there was time to complain about Leon's outrageous remarks like I have no predestined relationship with women, Li Yexing suddenly stood up from the pool, splashed Leon's face with water, and Leon wiped it. Turning his face, he saw Li Yexing hurried out of the pool, his expression as if the sky was about to collapse. What's the matter? In such a hurry? Leon asked in confusion.

Standing in front of the opened wooden door, Li Yexing with an extremely ugly face turned his head to Leon and said, The girls in my family are all soaking in the 'girl soup'.

The girls in your family? Leon was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to have suddenly remembered something. At this moment, his eyes widened, and he only felt the scalp hair salon.

Damn it! My God! The next second, Leon followed Li Yexing to stand up without hesitation, and the two naked muscular men with white towels around their lower bodies rushed to the other side nervously.

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