What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Extra.4.5-11. Feast of the macho (11)

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Looking at the hot spring in front of her, feeling the steaming heat, an Asian beauty with short black hair wrapped in a white bath towel stood by the hot spring pool. Although the corners of her mouth were curved, there was a little bit of entanglement and fear hidden in her eyes. . Ada Wang knows these girls in the pool. Well, at least three of them. The first is Tililith, a new-style tyrant BOW developed by a big secret organization. A delicate girl with the same appearance as a human being, at this time, she is lying on the stone beside the pool like a salted fish , the two red eyes stared straight at Ada, those eyes seemed to be examining something. As for the girl sitting next to Tililith, Ada is a little more familiar. Her name is 4 Rita Griffith, who used to be the head maid of the Griffith family. In a mission a few years ago, she directly After swallowing Ada's mission target, Ada almost failed the mission. At this moment, the former noblewoman was looking at Ada with a smile, and that fox-like smile made Ada inexplicably uncomfortable. The third is the former terrorist, the leader of the extremist organization Black Mamba - Kanan Mafar, because Ada has been secretly paying attention to Li Yexing's affairs, so she knew it almost immediately Li Yexing has a new thug who can highly match Las PI ags parasite. This is the first time she has met with Kanan. I saw that Kanan looked at her with extremely strange eyes, and his expression was like It's like hell. As for the last one. That is a girl with long black hair and delicate and beautiful features like heavenly creations. She has a classical oriental beauty on her body, but it is different from the celestial dynasty. This kind of extreme gentleness The restrained temperament reminds Ada of the legendary Yamato Nadeshiko, and on her pale snow-white skin, there are twists and turns clinging to the blood-red lines as thin as hair, giving this gentle and reserved The girl has added - silky flirtatious beauty. At this moment, Ada put all her attention on this girl she didn't know, because the moment she met Ada's eyes, the gentleness and restraint on the girl disappeared instantly, she raised her head suddenly, sharply The eyes that seemed to be able to shoot sword light stared at Ada, and the surging killing intent passed through the mist of the wanderers in the hot spring pool like a sword, pointing directly at King Ada, like that, it was as if he saw his own murdered father. the same as the enemy. Ada was a little puzzled, why is this girl so angry with her? I don't even know her! Even so, Ada took a step back subconsciously. She could probably guess that the girl in front of her was probably soaking in the pool. The other three are not human either, but I don't know if she came out of the research institute or is wild? What kind of abilities does she possess... Just when the girl's killing intent reached its peak, she was about to jump out of the pool and rush up. At that time, Rita, who was sitting next to him, suddenly stretched out her hand and lightly pressed the black-haired girl's shoulder, then leaned over and whispered something. After a while, the girl's killing intent faded, and the level of killing intent went from I can't wait to kill Ada right away gradually reduced to I have to find a chance to kill Ada, which is really gratifying. On the other side, Rita turned her head with a smile, looked at King Ada standing by the pool, smiled and said, What a coincidence, Miss Wang. Covering his mouth, he said with a chuckle: ''I didn't expect to meet everyone in the office here, Miss Griffith, how have you been all these years?

Thanks to you, my life with Mr. is very happy, every day is like a newlywed couple. Rita chuckled, and then as if suddenly remembered something, she waved at Ada enthusiastically and smiled Said: Miss Wang, don't stand on the top and chat, come down quickly, the long leaves at the end of March are still quite cold, Miss Wang is careful to catch a cold. Go down? Miss Griffith, are you serious? Look at the steaming hot air. Among the four monster girls, Ada said in her heart that this is still a hot spring? How do you look at it?

What's the matter? Seeing that Ada didn't go into the water, Rita smiled and said: Is Miss Wang shy? It's a little bit with the scalp of some hair salon, Ada smiled and said: Miss Griffith, no To tell you the truth, I'm not used to bathing in the same pool with a lot of people first, it feels a bit strange, P.. Ada was about to say so I won't accompany you, when she looked up and saw Rita squinting His eyes slowly widened, revealing bloodshot eyeballs, and the corners of his mouth gradually cracked, revealing the teeth like steel nails on the gums. So I'm going to try this new experience. Ada smiled at Rita. Is that so? That's great! The face returned to normal, and Rita squinted and clapped her hands happily. Said: Come, Miss Wang, come to my side, Rita has a lot to talk about with Miss Wang... Ada hesitated for a moment, and finally she seemed to accept her fate - she went into the water, she knew very well that although The situation was a bit high-level, but she couldn't escape at all. The moment she turned around, Tililith, who was lying on the edge of the pool, grabbed her ankle faster than her, and then pulled her directly. Drag it into the hot spring pool. Thinking about it carefully, the water in this pool should not be so dangerous. If you wash it, you will be infected. Then the mercenary in Loples should have died. And think about it carefully, if this everyone The children are soaking here, does that mean that Li Yexing is soaking in the male pool on the other side? It is estimated that this will be chatting with Leon. Ada wiped the cold sweat on her forehead, it’s okay, don’t panic at all! Wear The hot spring water walked towards Rita, who was sitting opposite, only to see Rita smiling and moving her buttocks, leaving a place for her, which was right between Rita and the little black-haired girl. Under Tower's smiling gaze, Ada sat down slowly against the murderous aura from the black-haired girl beside her. The moment her body was immersed in the hot spring, Ada was stunned for a moment, which seemed unexpectedly comfortable. ..On the other side, Rita took Ada's arm very naturally, she moved to Ada's side,

He smiled and said, That's right, that's how good sisters should be.

Good sisters? I remember we only met once? Of course, such words cannot be said. Ada smiled and stretched out her hand, gently holding Rita's wet strands of hair in front of Rita's forehead. Tucked behind the ear. Come on, Miss Kanan, Miss Kanjima, please allow me to introduce a T.. I didn't care about Ada's little actions, Rita smiled and said to the girls in the pool: This is the good friend of Miss and me. Sister, Mr.'s best friend, Mr. Kennedy's beloved wife - Ida Wang, Miss Wang! What happened to the head maid of the Griffith family? Confused about the situation and his head, with a shattered smile, Ada helplessly waved at Kanan who raised her eyebrows and the black-haired girl full of murderous intent: Guian, Guys, I'm King Ada

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