What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Extra.4.5-12. Feast of the macho (12)

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Immediately after the self-introduction was completed, Ada began to analyze the situation at the scene. At present, she was surrounded by four Bow girls who might kill her at any time in a pool, and for some unknown reason, this The attitude of the four girls towards themselves is a little subtle, especially the black-haired girl sitting on her right. Ada can faintly hear her grinding teeth! I heard that just a few days ago, the Japanese long-term An extremely vicious biochemical terrorism attack happened in Ye City. Could this incident have anything to do with the weird attitude of the BOW girls towards her? Damn it. Too little information!

Just when Ada was still struggling, Rita lightly wrapped her white arm around her back, wrapped it around her waist, and leaned forward gently. Rita smiled and said softly to Ada. Said: 'Miss Wang, let's talk about it. Okay. Ada smiled and nodded, she could feel Rita's hand reaching into her bath towel, delicate fingers on her smooth belly Drawing a circle, Ada understands that if there is something wrong with her performance, the head maid will immediately put her hand into her body and pull out all her parts.

Miss Wang, do you remember the first time we met? Rita smiled and said: 'That was really a pleasant experience. Is it? Maybe for Miss Griffith, carrying a machine gun and chasing It's really nice for me to run around, but it's a bit bad for me. Ada instantly understood Rita's intention, she let go of her dangling heart, and said to Rita with a smile: And strictly speaking, it was the first time Miss Griffith saw me, not the first time I saw Miss Griffith. When I first saw Miss Griffith, Miss Griffith was The second branch guarding the banquet hall, and I hid in the corner of the hall.

It seemed that she remembered the past episode that Pipalka controlled, Rita flashed a trace of disgust, and then returned to normal, she smiled and said: 'Miss Wang's memory is really good. My memory is very good.. Ada smiled and said: What else does Miss Griffith remember? Maybe I remember it all. Then I will trouble Miss Wang. Now. Rita smiled and nodded and said, For me, the Orianna incident is indeed a long time ago. How can I say it? As if after a lifetime, Rita asked Ada a lot about the Orianna. Regarding the details of the incident, Ada responded fluently throughout the whole process, and promptly corrected the small mistakes in Rita's words. After going back and forth, Rita finally withdrew her fingers on Ada's abdomen, and she moved towards King Ada obscurely. Kanjima Hitomi shook his head, then smiled and said to Ada: As expected of Miss Wang, you have a good memory, not a little girl like me... Miss Griffith is joking... Feeling the murderous aura around her gradually fade away, Ada put away the smile on her face, she frowned slightly and asked: But I'm a little curious, Miss Griffith, I don't understand what your test is about. Meaning? It doesn't make any sense, Miss Wang... Rita chuckled and said, Instead of caring about such boring things, why not enjoy a good vacation?

Looking at Rita's fox-like smile, Ada realized that the head maid would not tell her anything, so she quickly analyzed the antecedents and causes of this series of experiences. First of all, a major premise, there has just been a serious biochemical terrorist attack in Nagba City, and then, a new monster girl appeared beside the mercenary, and the appearance features should be Japanese, so it is very likely that she is a survivor of this terrorist attack, and immediately after, this girl is full of killing intent towards herself so she must think she has done something to her, but this is not possible, because until this morning, Ada was just in Dafan After getting off the plane and thinking about Griffith's interrogation method similar to proving Is Ada is Ada, King Ada quickly sketched a general model of the whole incident in his mind.

- A person who looks exactly like himself planned the Changye Commercial Building incident, and was seen by Li Yexing's harem group including the victim girl

But in this way, the question arises, if the culprit really looks exactly like him, why didn't these little girls directly identify that the culprit as King Ada? The individual Dawang exists on the basis of fakes, but the problem is, even Ada herself doesn't know that she has a fake, how do they know? Unless the fake shouts at them I'm not Adawang. In that case, What's the point of her makeup as me? Speaking of which, it seemed a little weird when Leon picked up the plane in Osaka this morning. At that time, he was very relaxed after seeing Leon, so he didn't pay much attention to it, but I wanted to come, when Leon saw When he came out of the airport with his bag, he looked relieved and heaved a sigh of relief. More and more mysteries were bothering Ada, and in the end, she didn't believe that she had a fake enough to make it look real. Just when Ada wanted to try to see if she could get some information out of Rita's mouth, there was a sudden burst of hurried footsteps outside the door. The footsteps didn't sound like a woman in ancient times. Then, the hot spring pool The wooden i outside was suddenly pulled away, only to see Li Yexing and Leon rushing in with the white towel directly, and the two of them saw Ada soaked in the middle of Kanjima Hitomi and Rita at a glance, without waiting for Li Yexing to speak. , Leon rushed to the edge of the pool with a single stride. He stretched out his hand towards Ada and said anxiously, Ada! Come on up! You can't soak in it! Ada didn't care about Leon's words at all, she stared straight at him. Leon's abs, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, It's not bad. For some reason, when I saw this man rushing in with a silly face, Ada suddenly felt that all the unease in her heart disappeared. On the other side, Li Yexing was a little pity, and the terrifying scene of Ada turning into Ada sauce in his imagination did not appear, Ada is good

She seemed to be chatting with Rita about something, and the atmosphere seemed to be quite harmonious, and Hitomi Kanjima didn't cut off Ada's head with a single jump. She just sat beside Ada so honestly, but her face didn't look very good. it is good. Fortunately, I told them about Kara in advance, otherwise, I would have to collect Ada's body today. Sitting in the pool, Rita turned her head with a smile, directly ignoring Leon, and said to Li Yexing with a smile: Mr. are here, just come down and join everyone.

Let's go together, forget it, me. Li Yexing just wanted to go back, when Tililith suddenly said with a blank expression: Together! Then she jumped out of the water and grabbed Li Yexing's ankle. , Li Yexing only felt that his center of gravity was unstable, and fell to the ground on the spot. He narrowly protected his head at the moment before he fell, and then he was dragged into the hot spring pool by Tililith. Li Yexing choked on water. He came out of the water bar, he coughed violently, and then suddenly stretched out his hands to fuck Tililith's head hard, - rubbing it - and said: Scare me to death! I will kill me as soon as I get close to you, you are Broadsword mine? Ada thought about it, stood up and smiled at Li Yexing, then took Leon's hand and followed Leon away. In Shunjian, there was only Li Yexing and his harem group left in the hot spring pool.

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