What Do I Do When All My Girls are Biomonsters?

Extra.4.5-13. Feast of the macho (13)

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In the end, Leon took Ada to the Men's Soup on the other side, leaving Li Yexing and his harem group on the Women's Soup side. Li Yexing and his girls spent almost half an hour in the hot spring pool in a charming atmosphere before going ashore. Sir, do you like it? Back in the locker room, Rita put on a bathrobe for Li Yexing with a smile, and asked Li Yexing in a low voice. I like it Recalling the taste just now, Li Yexing nodded honestly. That's good, in fact, Rita likes it very much. It tastes sweet. After putting on the bathrobe for Li Yexing, Rita lay directly on Li Yexing's back, and Bai Nen's hand brushed Li Yexing's belt. With square-scarred chest muscles, Zhu's lips came close to Li Yexing's ear and whispered, Rita still wants to eat. Oh my God, maid, are you really fake? Hearing Lita's words, Kanan, who was dressed in a yukata in a random manner. Covering his forehead, he said, Is there a problem with the sense of taste? Where is the food? It's super disgusting, isn't it? Rita just smiled back at Kanan's words, but Tililith, who was sitting next to him, whispered: It's obvious that she ate that too... well, the expressionless Tililith licked the corner of her mouth with a lingering expression.

I was deceived by the intoxicated expression of this astringent maid! Hearing Tililith's words, Kanan-bian grabbed his hair with his irritable hands and said, Anyway, I will never do this again. I'll be a pig if I do this again! Tililith thought about it with her clever little head, and felt that Kanan was already a pig, so she ignored Kanan, and straightened out at Li Yexing with a blank face: Dress me up at night. Okay, I'll give it to you.. Li Youxing smiled and nodded. He sent Rita to put on the bathrobe, then took out a clean white towel and put it on Tililith's head, and said while fucking. Come, dry your hair first.

Wiping Ti Lilith's hair, Li Yexing shifted his gaze to Hitomi Kanjima next to him. Hitomi Kanjima had already put on a yukata, and his slender and tall figure looked particularly attractive under the wrap of the yukata. When she came over, she immediately blushed and turned her head away. Having said that, when the girls were doing things together in the hot spring just now, Hitomi Kanjima kept shrinking in the corner, her face was flushed, her hands covered her eyes, but occasionally she couldn't help but look curiously down the slits of her fingers. Send it over in between, and then quickly cover it up, it's really unexpectedly innocent. After putting on the yukata, Li Yexing took the girls out of the locker room, and when he went out, he ran into Leon and Ada who had also just changed into the yukata. Seeing the two of them standing side by side in bathrobes, Li Yexing suddenly felt a little excited. No way. It's time for a husband. Sensing Li Yexing's strange gaze, Leon subconsciously stepped forward. He protected Ada behind him, and when he saw the group of girls in bathrobes behind Li Yexing, he showed a smile that only men could understand. How do you feel? Leon asked Li Yexing. It's cool. Li Yexing nodded, and then asked back: What about you? Leon nodded and said with a smile, Fortunately, it's over, you can see from his stupid look, I just estimated that there was nothing in the hot spring. Shit, the two of them either didn't speak, or they just chatted. After chatting, the content of the conversation was one of ten \\nine or the Changye Commercial Building incident a few days ago. It's really hopeless... Shaking his head in disappointment, Li Yexing took the girls to sit on the bench in the lounge. On the other side, Leon's face froze instantly after hearing Li Yexing's words. He turned his head and looked at Ada beside him, and found that Ada was also Looking at him, there was a bit of playfulness in his eyes. In the end, Leon sat helplessly opposite Li Yexing, while Ada sat down next to Leon naturally. Li Yexing just sat down not long ago, - Li Yexing next to him Ta then brought back a few cans of unnamed drinks. She first distributed a can to each girl, and finally came to Li Yexing's side, took out a can from the remaining drinks and handed it to Li Yexing, At the same time, he bowed slightly, smiled at Li Yexing and said, This is Mr.'s drink, Mr. has worked hard today. It's not hard. Li Yexing said softly with a smile, while taking the drink from Rita.

Looking at Li Yexing and the girls around him, Ada turned her head and gently touched Leon with her elbow. Leon turned to look at Ada with a question in his eyes, while Da winked at Leon. Leon understood in an instant, he sighed, stood up and walked towards the vending machine in the breathing room. After a while, he took back a large pile of canned drinks and sat back next to Ada, keeping a small distance. , Leon asked with a helpless smile: Miss? Which flavor do you want? He moved his butt without a trace and put it on Leon's body again. Ada leaned in front of Leon and picked Leon's arms with a smile. After a while, she chose a red package, opened the tab, and took a sip from her red lips, then turned her head and said to Leon: 'It's delicious, do you want to try it? Leon After thinking about it, he took the drink from Ada's hand, took a sip, then nodded to Ada and said, Delicious. Ada smiled and took back her drink from Leon's hand and took another sip. On the other hand, Leon took out a can of the same drink as Ada's hand from his arms. Just as he was about to pull it away, Ada reached out to stop it. took him. Gently shaking the can in his hand, Ada smiled and said to Leon: We both have a drink and drink a few more. Leon didn't even think about it, and ordered the husband decisively, so Zhang Da put the can in his hand. Yao promised Li 2 again, then leaned on the back of the chair behind him, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, looking like he was in a good mood.

Li Yexing, who was sitting opposite Lyon, was going to look stupid. He was thinking about why the dog and man were not married when a can was suddenly placed in his mouth. Li Yexing turned his head and saw Tililith's face. Looking at him expressionlessly, he said, Yixing, drink it instead. Okay, change it. Li Yexing smiled, he and Tililith exchanged drinks, and just finished drinking a -0. - Striped The tattooed wheat-colored arm suddenly wears

The drink was in front of him, Li Yexing turned his head and saw Kanan leaning on his chin looking at him. Seeing Li Yexing looking over, Kanan said impatiently, BOSS, I want to drink yours.

You are a child with 0 holes.. Under the surprised eyes of Hitomi Kanjima, Li Yexing and Kanan also exchanged drinks. After Li Yexing finished drinking, he looked at Rita vigilantly and said, No. Would you also like to change? Can you? Sir? Rita immediately asked with a smile when she heard Li Yexing's words. Li Yexing thought for a while, and Rita also exchanged drinks. After drinking -0, he Silently looked at Hitomi Kanjima. Seeing Li Yexing looking over, Hitomi Kanjima immediately blushed and shook his head. Looking at Li Yexing and his girls, Ada suddenly turned her head and asked Leon, Being so- -A large group of beautiful girls surrounds the center, are you envious? °I have no luck. Leon shook his head with a smile, he looked at Ada and said: I can get out of the zombie club and have a peaceful life with the woman I love. After a lifetime, I was satisfied. Ada looked into Leon's eyes, felt the emotion in those eyes, and after a while, a charming smile appeared on her face. I wish you an early dream come true. Ada whispered to Leon.

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